


A pug is a small breed of dog with a snub nose, short smooth hair, wrinkled face, and curled tail. It has a fine, silky coat that comes in different colors, along with a small square well-toned body.

500 Questions

How long can pugs be outside?

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Yes they can live outside. But should have a dog house. They should be in a fenced in yard or have a long chain for them to be attached to the dog house to the dog house .They should come inside during harsh weather conditions . Like a flood,t-storm, lightning , tornado , hurricane, and heavy rain.

What are the types of pugs?

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Well I'm guessing by type you mean colors, so the only real pug colors accepted by the akc is fawn, which is a tan color with a black mask and black ears, there is also a black pug. As far as others there are brindle and white, which are not accepted by the AKC and no responsible breeder would purposely breed these colors. They maybe cute and they may even be called "rare" they are not really true to the breed, and would never be allowed in dogs shows.

What is a pugs size?

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Puggles generally grow to be 15-25 lbs. and approximately 13-15 inches at the shoulder. Puggles can, of course be upward of 30 lbs, or as small as 12 lbs. This depends on many factors such as the size of the parents, as well as the size of the litter.

Why are some pugs heads quite small?

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because they are a toy breed their joints won't allow them to grow anymore just like dwarf/midget they just can't grow anymore their joints wont allow them to.

What percent of pugs are overweight?

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About 50% of pugs are overweight.

How long does a Chinese pug live?

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they live up to 15 years.i have one and i love him.his name is buster.make sure if you get one dont feed them flours and they over heat easy so have fun!!!

Can a pug stay at home when im at school?

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no most pugs have severe separation anxiety when the people they have attached leave them. They will worry themselves sick...litterally. So if you are going on vacation make sure to either find a close friend to send them to so they won't be alone alot or find a pet friendly hotel. also if you travel alot on the job maybe you need a different breed

Do pugs like water?

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NO, well some pugs might....but im not sure.......i know my pug HATES it!

What is a female pug called?

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A puppy or Puglet

How big are pugs normal weight?

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Normal weight for a pug would be from 14 - 18 pounds.

What kind of dog doesn't grow?

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A shih tzu or a corgi, corgis grow half and they turn out to look like mini German shepherds. A shih tzu is a small little dog and only grows about a German shepherd size. The next 1 is a chihuaua, its very small and grows like a German puppy also.

What is wrong with a pug with a straight tail?

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Nothing, as long as your dog is a pet it really makes no difference, a show dog should have a curly tail but it is only for looks. Your dogs tail could have been dislocated when it was a puppy or just been born that way but I am sure he/she is lovely straight tail and all and will lead a full and happy life.

Signs that pug is going blind?

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Signs that your pug may be going blind are crashing into walls, or sometimes just bumping into things. A good way to test this is to move something that has been in the same spot for a long time such as a chair or set a box in the middle of the floor and see what happens. Also a cloudiness in the eyes can indicate an infection in a young dog, or cataracts in an older dog. But not to fret, blind dogs can still have quality of life and live and long and happy one.

The care and training of a pug?

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Well, pugs are hard dogs to train, and practice and time will be needed, as well as treats, pugs learn well with food! But do not expect for them to do amazing things, they can just perfrom sit, lye down come and other easy commands, but if you want you could teach them harder things.

Do pug dogs malt?

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yes like any other dog . but as they have short fur they don't moult allot but the fur does tend to stick to your clothing and furniture

Why do pugs stink?

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They don't. If your pug has an unusual odor, it needs to be seen at the vet. There may be a skin infection of some type of dental disease present. Please vet your pug at least yearly and as needed for any concerns.

What was the Pug first bred for?

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pugs were bred by the Chinese to catch escaped prisoners. They are small, but are extremly strong for their size. their jaws lock so that you would have to pry it apart with a stick to release whatever was in there
Pugs are in the toy group meaning that they aren't meant for anything except that they are lap dogs and because their so cute!

Are pugs ugly?

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It's only a matter of opinion; there is no right or wrong. Some people absolutely adore them and think they are the bes dog breed ever(like me) but some people think they are horrible, ugly creatures(usually elderly people)

Hope it helped :D

Where can you find a pug dog?

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I would recommend you purchase a poodle from a reputable breeder. The kennel club associated will be able to put you in touch of reputable breeders. Always view both parents before purchase and obtain proof that both parents are hip and eye tested.

Your locak newspaper may also list people who are selling poodles. Also obtain the pedigree certificate of the poodle and insure it is healthy.

to find a poodle you can look first at a pet shop.if you don't think that is the right place look for a breeder .sometimes you can find them in Dog Fancy maginzine.if you get a one of those there are ads in the back for all kinds of dogs (poodles too!) ****Additional answer:

How many people in the world like pugs?

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Pugs are an extremely popular dog, known for being loving and playful. Plenty of people own pugs! A great way to socialize with your pug is to look into where a Pug Meet-Up event may be happening in your area. Check out this website:

Why does a pug have a wrinkles?

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They have rolls/wrinkles on their face because back when bulldogs used to bait bulls the wrinkles kept the blood (from the bull's nose) from running into their eyes, nose, and mouth. It also is because they do not have a snout, although some still have wrinkles when they have a small snout.

What is the average healthy weight for a female pug?

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A standard poodle should way anywhere from forty to sixty pounds to be considered healthy. A miniature poodle will weigh adequately less at 18-20 pounds

Do you like pugs?

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they're not cute they are adorable. they are great for kids and do not grow up to be big. you are so right!

There sooooo cute.

i have one myself i could die with out hem!! so cute

Why are pug's tails curled?

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Yes, a pugs tail always curls, if breed to do so. Some people find the spine curveatrue unnceccsiary and outbreed out of there pugs. You can always tell if it will curl if the parents tail is curled than your pugs will most likely curl. Although, it can break its tail and then, it will never curl again. Yes, a pugs tail always curls, if breed to do so. Some people find the spine curveatrue unnceccsiary and outbreed out of there pugs. You can always tell if it will curl if the parents tail is curled than your pugs will most likely curl. Although, it can break its tail and then, it will never curl again.

How can you tell if a pug is overheating?

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Your puggle would probably be bleeding the private area of her body. Only females go through heat.