


Rain and Flooding

Rain is a type of precipitation which is readily absorbed by the ground. However, flooding might occur if there is a downpour or heavy rain. Flooding can result in damage to property, illness and even death.

500 Questions

Have not thy cloak to make when it begins to rain?

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Asked by Bepleased

This is an ancient quote that appears to be 'unattributed' to an author. The quote in essence means to "Be Prepared". That is, when it starts to rain do not have to stop and make a cloak at that time...have it ready and waiting.

What are the benefits of rainwater harvesting?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rainwater harvesting helps reduce the demand on potable water sources, lowers utility bills, and can be used for irrigation, flushing toilets, and other non-potable purposes. It also reduces stormwater runoff, helping to prevent erosion and pollution of water bodies.

Which of the statements about monsoons are correct?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Monsoons are seasonal wind patterns that bring heavy rainfall to certain regions.
  2. Monsoons can cause both flooding and drought conditions depending on the timing and intensity of the rains.
  3. Monsoons are influenced by temperature differences between land and ocean, leading to a reversal in wind direction.
  4. Monsoons primarily affect regions in South and Southeast Asia, but can also impact parts of Africa and the Americas.

When is it going to stop raining in Scotland?

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Asked by Wiki User

The weather in Scotland can be unpredictable, but you can check the local weather forecast for updates on when the rain is expected to stop in a specific area.

Why does murree have rainfall in winter?

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Asked by Wiki User

Murree experiences rainfall in winter due to its high elevation and proximity to moisture-laden winds from the Mediterranean Sea. As these winds rise and cool over the mountains, they condense to form clouds and precipitation. This results in winter rainfall in Murree.

Does oil hold heat longer than water?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, oil holds heat longer than water due to its higher specific heat capacity. This means that it takes more energy to change the temperature of oil compared to water, resulting in oil retaining heat for a longer period of time.

What is the difference between flood plain and water table?

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Asked by Wiki User

A flood plain is a flat area of land next to a river that is prone to flooding when the river overflows its banks. The water table is the level beneath the Earth's surface where the ground is saturated with water, representing the boundary between groundwater in the soil and the zone of aeration above it.

How does acid rain effect the Geo sphere?

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Asked by Wiki User

Acid rain can significantly impact the geosphere by increasing the weathering of rocks and minerals, which can lead to soil erosion and degradation. It can also contribute to the leaching of nutrients like calcium and magnesium from the soil, affecting plant growth and overall ecosystem health. Additionally, acid rain can alter the pH of bodies of water, leading to changes in aquatic ecosystems and affecting the geochemical composition of the environment.

Why does rain leave yellow residue?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rain can leave a yellow residue due to pollutants in the atmosphere, such as dust, pollen, or pollution particles. These substances can mix with rainwater, creating a yellowish tint. Additionally, the presence of certain minerals or dissolved organic matter in the water can also contribute to the yellow residue.

Where does it not often rain?

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Asked by Wiki User

Deserts such as the Sahara in Africa or the Atacama in South America are known for their low rainfall levels. Additionally, places like Antarctica and certain regions in Australia also receive very little precipitation.

Can a damselfly nymph move through water with less resistance?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, damselfly nymphs have adapted to move through water with less resistance by having a streamlined body shape and using abdominal movements to propel themselves forward. They are also equipped with gills to extract oxygen from water efficiently, allowing them to move and hunt effectively in aquatic environments.

What happens to rainfall when the ground is saturated?

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Asked by Wiki User

When the ground is saturated, rainfall is unable to infiltrate into the soil and instead runs off the surface, increasing the risk of flooding and erosion. This can lead to surface water accumulation and potential waterlogging of the area.

What causes rain clouds storms and snow?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rain clouds are formed when warm air rises and cools, causing water vapor to condense into droplets. Storms occur when warm, moist air interacts with cooler air, leading to the rapid upward movement of air and the formation of thunderstorms. Snow forms when the temperature is cold enough for water vapor to freeze directly into ice crystals in the clouds.

Can you get alkali rain?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, alkali rain is not a natural phenomenon. Rainwater can be slightly acidic due to the presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but it does not contain alkalis like sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide.

Can a tornado happen without rain?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, tornadoes can occur without accompanying rain. These are called "dry tornadoes" and can form in arid regions where there is little moisture in the air. Dry tornadoes can be especially dangerous as they may be harder to spot without the visual cue of rain.

What does it mean when it rains and the sun is out?

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Asked by Wiki User

When it rains and the sun is out, it usually means that a rain shower is passing through while the sun is still shining. This phenomena is called a sunshower and occurs when the sun is strong enough to penetrate the rain clouds. It is often considered a sign of good luck or a positive omen in some cultures.

What type of weathering is most common where the average yearly rainfall temperature is 5 and the average yearly precipitation is 45 cm?

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Asked by Wiki User

In areas with an average yearly temperature of 5°C and average yearly precipitation of 45 cm, physical weathering processes such as freeze-thaw weathering are more common. The repeated freezing and thawing of water in cracks and crevices can break down rocks into smaller pieces due to the expansion and contraction of water as it freezes and thaws, eventually leading to rock breakdown.

What does pale moon rains red moon blows white moon neither rains nor blows mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

This phrase refers to different types of moons symbolizing different weather conditions. "Pale moon rains" suggests light rain, "red moon blows" indicates windy conditions, and "white moon neither rains nor blows" implies calm and clear weather with neither rain nor wind.

What are some bad things floods can cause?

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Asked by Wiki User

Floods can cause damage to infrastructure, homes, and agriculture, leading to financial losses and disruption of daily life. They can also result in loss of life and injury, as well as the spread of waterborne diseases due to contaminated water. Additionally, floods can contribute to environmental degradation by washing away topsoil and polluting water sources.

Did harry flood byrd sr have any sister or brothers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Harry Flood Byrd Sr. had one brother, Ernest H. Byrd.

Is flood plain the same as flood control?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, a floodplain is the low-lying area along a river or stream that is prone to flooding. Flood control refers to measures taken to prevent or reduce the impact of flooding, such as building levees or dams or implementing land use regulations in flood-prone areas.

How precipitation intensity affect surface runoff?

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Asked by Wiki User

Higher precipitation intensity can increase surface runoff by causing water to run off the ground more quickly, leading to a higher volume of water flowing over the surface. This can lead to more erosion, flooding, and transport of contaminants into water bodies. Additionally, high-intensity precipitation events can exceed the infiltration capacity of the soil, resulting in more water running off instead of being absorbed.

What state of matter are raindrops in?

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Asked by Wiki User

Raindrops are in the liquid state of matter. When water vapor in the atmosphere cools and condenses, it forms small droplets that eventually combine to form raindrops.

Can men wear rain bonnets?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, men can wear rain bonnets if they find them comfortable and practical for protecting their hair from getting wet in the rain. There are no strict gender rules when it comes to rain attire. It's all about personal preference and practicality.