



One of the major food staples of the world, rice is grown in most warm climates. This utilitarian grain is used as a starch staple, brewing of beer and other beverages, as well as combined with other ingredients to make well-known regional specialties.

500 Questions

What is the lignin content of rice husk?

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The lignin content in rice husk can vary depending on the variety of rice and growing conditions, but it typically ranges from 18% to 24% on a dry weight basis.

How much energy you one grain of rice?

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One grain of rice contains about 4 calories of energy.

What gas is emitted out from paddy fields?

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Methane is the main gas emitted from paddy fields. It is produced during the decomposition of organic matter in the oxygen-deprived conditions of flooded rice paddies. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.

What is difference between paddy and rice?

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Paddy refers to unhusked rice plants in the field, while rice is the edible grain that comes from the paddy after processing. Once paddy is harvested and processed, it becomes what we commonly refer to as rice, which can be further processed into different types such as brown or white rice.

How rice is formed?

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Rice is formed when seeds from the rice plant are sown and grown in flooded fields. The plant grows and produces grains of rice within about 3-6 months, which are then harvested, processed, and prepared for consumption.

Does rice have carbon in it?

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Yes, rice contains carbon as it is an organic compound. Carbon is a key element in all living organisms, including plants like rice.

What disolves rice?

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Rice is soluble in water, which means it dissolves when cooked in boiling water. However, rice does not fully dissolve like salt or sugar. It absorbs water and swells during cooking, resulting in a softer texture without actually dissolving.

Does rice contain glucose?

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Rice mainly consists of starch, which is a complex carbohydrate made up of chains of glucose molecules. When rice is digested in the body, these starches are broken down into glucose, which provides energy. So, rice indirectly contains glucose in the form of starch.

How much does 20g of rice weigh?

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20g of rice weighs 20 grams.

Angle of repose of rice grain?

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The angle of repose of rice grains typically ranges from 30 to 40 degrees. This angle represents the maximum angle at which a pile of rice grains can remain stable without sliding. The angle of repose can vary depending on factors such as grain size, shape, and moisture content.

Minerals in unpolished rice?

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Unpolished rice, also known as brown rice, contains minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and selenium. These minerals play important roles in cell function, bone health, and antioxidant activity in the body. Eating unpolished rice can help ensure that you receive a good intake of these essential minerals.

Is rice an element?

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No, rice is not an element. Elements are substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means, while rice is a complex carbohydrate made up of various molecules such as starch, protein, and fiber.

How do you remove excess salt from cooked rice?

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To remove excess salt from cooked rice, you can add a peeled raw potato to the rice and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes. The potato will absorb some of the salt. Alternatively, you can also try diluting the salty rice by adding unsalted cooked rice to it.

Why do they bleached white rice?

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White rice is bleached to remove the outer husk, bran, and germ layers, giving it a whiter appearance and extending its shelf life. However, this bleaching process also strips away some of the nutrients present in the rice, which is why many people opt for whole grain or unbleached rice for a higher nutritional value.

How many grams of sugar in a grain of white rice?

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White rice contains about 0.1 grams of sugar per grain.

Who discovered rice?

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Rice is believed to have been cultivated first in China around 10,000 years ago. It was later introduced to other parts of Asia and eventually the rest of the world. The specific person who discovered rice is unknown due to its ancient origins.

How much does beans and rice cost in Kenya?

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On average, a plate of beans and rice in Kenya costs around 100-200 Kenyan Shillings, which is approximately 1-2 US dollars. Prices may vary depending on the location and the type of restaurant or vendor you visit.

How do you ferment rice?

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To ferment rice, first cook the rice and cool it down to room temperature. Mix the cooked rice with a fermentation starter such as koji rice or yeast, and store it in a warm, dark place for a few days to allow the fermentation process to occur. Make sure to stir the rice mixture once a day to promote even fermentation.

Is rice a lipid?

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No, rice is not a lipid. Lipids are a group of molecules that include fats, oils, and waxes, while rice is a carbohydrate-rich cereal grain. Lipids are hydrophobic, whereas rice is mainly composed of starch and water.

How much starch does 150 grams of rice contain?

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Approximately 150 grams of rice contains around 30-40 grams of starch. Starch content can vary slightly depending on the type of rice.

How big is one grain?

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The size of a grain can vary depending on the type, but generally, a grain is around 1-3 millimeters in size. Grain size can also be influenced by factors such as processing and variety.

What is the density of rice husk ash?

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The density of rice husk ash typically ranges from 1.8 to 2.2 grams per cubic centimeter.

Why is a rice growing field called a paddy field?

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The term "paddy" comes from the Malay word "padi," which refers to rice plants or rice paddies. So, a rice growing field is called a paddy field because it specifically refers to the flooded field in which rice is cultivated. The term is commonly used in Asian countries where rice is a staple food.

You are having 31kg of rice You are provided with a 1kg stone for weighing In how many weights the 31kg of rice can be weighed?

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The 31kg of rice can be weighed using the 1kg stone a maximum of 31 times. This is because each time the 1kg stone is used, it subtracts 1kg from the total weight until the desired weight is reached.

How much does 2000 grains of rice weigh?

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On average, a single grain of rice weighs about 0.02 grams. Therefore, 2000 grains of rice would weigh around 40 grams.