

Romanticism (Romantic Era)

Romanticism was an intellectual movement of the late 18th to mid-19th centuries that influenced many works of literature, art, and music. It placed great emphasis on the individual, the transcendental, and emotions. A deep reverence for the beauty of nature and for the exotic was also important to the movement.

500 Questions

What is realism in a story?

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Realism in a story is when the events, characters, and setting closely mirror real life, emphasizing everyday experiences and ordinary people. It aims to provide a truthful portrayal of the world without fantastical elements or exaggeration, often focusing on themes like social issues, relationships, and personal struggles.

What was the impact of romanticism?

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Romanticism influenced various forms of art and literature by emphasizing emotions, nature, and individualism. It encouraged creativity and freedom of expression, leading to a broader range of artistic styles and themes. Additionally, it challenged the established conventions and norms of society, sparking new ideas and movements in the intellectual and cultural spheres.

American novel-writing turned from romanticism and transcendentalism to rugged realism as a result of the?

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industrialization and urbanization that reshaped American society in the late 19th century. Writers began to focus on depicting the harsh realities of everyday life, social issues, and the struggles of common people, moving away from the idealized and romanticized narratives of previous literary movements. This shift also coincided with a growing emphasis on objective observation and detailed representation of the human experience in literature.

What is commercial realism?

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Commercial realism refers to a business strategy that focuses on practicality and feasibility when making decisions. It involves a pragmatic approach that prioritizes achieving tangible results and profitability rather than theoretical or idealistic considerations. Commercial realism is often applied in industries where the emphasis is on generating revenue and maximizing shareholders' value.

Dose realism and romanticism have the same deffinetion?

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No, realism and romanticism are two distinct artistic movements with different characteristics. Realism focuses on depicting the everyday life and experiences of ordinary people with accuracy and detail, while romanticism emphasizes emotions, imagination, and idealized nature.

What war caused the shift from Romanticism to Realism among American writers?

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The American Civil War (1861-1865) was a major factor that led to the shift from Romanticism to Realism among American writers. The war exposed the harsh realities of human conflict and devastation, prompting writers to depict life more realistically and emphasizing the gritty truth rather than idealized romantic notions.

What event in American history caused the shift from Romanticism to Realism among American writers?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Civil War (1861-1865) was a key event in American history that caused the shift from Romanticism to Realism among American writers. The brutality and tragedy of the war led writers to abandon the idealized portrayals of the world often found in Romantic literature, and instead focus on more realistic, gritty depictions of society and human experiences. This shift reflected a desire to capture the complexities and challenges of the world as it truly was.

How does the opening of Thanatopsis reflect the ideas of romanticism?

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The opening of Thanatopsis reflects the ideas of romanticism through its celebration of nature as a source of solace and wisdom. The poem emphasizes the interconnectedness between humanity and the natural world, suggesting a sense of unity and harmony that is characteristic of romantic literature. It also explores themes of mortality and the transcendent power of nature, highlighting the romantic belief in the spiritual significance of the natural world.

What literary movement is characterized by its rejection of Romantic ideals and its focus on everyday life including social problems?

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Realism is the literary movement characterized by its rejection of Romantic ideals and its focus on everyday life, including social problems. Realist writers sought to depict the world as it really was, without romanticizing or idealizing it. They often emphasized the struggles of ordinary people and addressed social issues such as poverty, inequality, and industrialization.

Hallmarks of literary Romanticism did not include?

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Some hallmarks of literary Romanticism did not include a focus on scientific rationalism, a celebration of industrialization and technological progress, and a strict adherence to classical forms and structures.

Why does left realism require an accurate to victionology?

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Left realism focuses on understanding the root causes of crime and advocating for practical solutions to address them. A strong foundation in victimology helps left realists contextualize crime within the experiences of victims, leading to more effective crime prevention strategies and social policies. By accurately assessing the impact of crime on victims, left realists can work towards a more just and equitable society.

What does urban realism mean?

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Urban realism is a literary movement that focuses on portraying city life in a realistic and unromanticized way, often highlighting the struggles and challenges faced by urban residents. This genre emerged in the late 19th century as a response to the industrialization and urbanization of society. Urban realist writers sought to depict the social issues and complexities of city living with a sharp eye for detail and a gritty, unsentimental style.

What are the strengths of neo-realism?

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Neo-realism emphasizes the importance of the international system and the distribution of power among states in shaping their behavior. It provides a clear and systematic framework for analyzing state interactions and predicting outcomes in international relations. Additionally, neo-realism highlights the significance of security concerns and the competitive nature of the international system.

What are some elements of dark romanticism used in the pit and the pendulum?

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Some elements of dark romanticism in "The Pit and the Pendulum" include the focus on intense emotions like fear and terror, the use of Gothic imagery such as dungeons and torture devices, and a reflection on the darker aspects of human nature and existence. The story also explores themes of isolation, madness, and the unknown.

What four aspects of romanticism did Hawthorne use in his work?

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Hawthorne incorporated aspects of nature, individualism, emotional expression, and a focus on the past in his work, in line with the principles of Romanticism. These elements helped to create a sense of mystery, exploration of inner emotions, and a deep connection to the human experience in his writing.

How does Les Miserables conform to the definition of Romanticism?

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"Les Miserables" conforms to the definition of Romanticism through its emphasis on emotion, individualism, and the portrayal of social injustices. The novel explores themes of love, passion, and idealistic aspirations, all central aspects of Romantic literature. Additionally, Victor Hugo's evocative descriptions and focus on the struggles of the common people reflect the Romantic emphasis on the power of nature and the importance of human experience.

What did Romanticism celebrate?

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Asked by Scastro

Romanticism celebrated individualism, emotion, nature, and the supernatural. It rejected the constraints of rationalism and emphasized creativity, imagination, and the power of art to evoke deep emotions. Romantics sought to capture the essence of human experience and explore the mysteries of the natural world.

What characterizes the romanticism in turners works?

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J.M.W. Turner's works are characterized by their dramatic use of light and color, as well as their emphasis on powerful emotional response and atmospheric effects in nature. His Romanticism is evident in his portrayal of landscapes and seascapes that often emphasize the sublime and the transformative power of nature. Turner's emphasis on emotion, imagination, and intuition over rationality also reflects the Romantic ideals of the time.

What was an extreme form of realism sometimes called slice of life?

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Naturalism is an extreme form of realism that is sometimes called slice of life. It focuses on the bleak and harsh aspects of life, often portraying characters as victims of social forces beyond their control. This literary movement was popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

What are key points in realism?

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Neutralism or naturalism is most closely related to realism.

In what way was realism a reaction to romaticism?

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Realism was a reaction to Romanticism by focusing on depicting everyday life and ordinary people, rather than the idealized and fantastical themes of Romanticism. Realist artists sought to present a more objective and truthful representation of society by portraying things as they were, rather than through a lens of emotion and imagination.

In the book frankenstein what elements of romanticism are evident in the portrayal of the family?

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Asked by X115gamerguy

In Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein," elements of romanticism are evident in the portrayal of the family through themes of nature, emotion, and individualism. The De Lacey family's closeness to the natural world, their emotional bond with one another, and their unique perspectives as outcasts reflect romantic ideals of beauty in nature, intense emotion, and the importance of individual experience.

What caused romanticism?

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Romanticism emerged as a reaction against the rationalism of the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution. It emphasized emotion, nature, and individualism, seeking to evoke powerful feelings and transcend everyday reality through art and literature. Romanticism also critiqued the societal changes brought by industrialization and longed for a return to a more idealized past.

What emerged as reaction to romanticism of Hugo?

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Asked by Shekharsarkar

Realism emerged as a reaction to the romanticism of Victor Hugo. Realism focused on portraying everyday life and ordinary people in a realistic and objective manner, in contrast to the emotional and idealized themes of romanticism. The realist movement sought to depict the harsh realities of society and human nature.

How is The Devil and Tom Walker a good example of American romanticism?

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"The Devil and Tom Walker" exhibits characteristics of American romanticism through its focus on supernatural elements, moral ambiguity, and exploration of the dark side of human nature. The story reflects themes of individualism, the struggle between good and evil, and the idea of nature as a powerful force. It also emphasizes the importance of intuition and emotion over reason and logic.