


Scientific Method

The scientific method is the basis of scientific investigation. A scientist will pose a question and formulate a hypothesis as a potential explanation or answer to the question. The hypothesis will be tested through a series of experiments. The results of the experiments will either prove or disprove the hypothesis. This category should contain questions and answers regarding the scientific method.

500 Questions

How did Henri Dutrochet discovered osmosis?

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Asked by Lucijasestak3

Henri Dutrochet did not discover osmosis. The term "osmosis" was coined by a different scientist named Abbe Nollet in 1748. Dutrochet, a French physiologist, did conduct research on plant physiology and cell membranes in the early 19th century, contributing to our understanding of osmosis.

What are the example of decantation?

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Asked by Wiki User

sand and water

What is the state of matter that has particles that slide by one another?

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Asked by Wiki User

The state of matter that has particles that slide by one another is called a liquid. In liquids, the particles are close together but can still move past each other, giving liquids their ability to flow and take the shape of their container.

Why does dust comes out from a carpet when beaten with a stick?

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Asked by Wiki User

When you beat a carpet with a stick, the impact dislodges dirt, dust, and debris trapped in the fibers. The force causes these particles to become airborne and visible. Regularly beating a carpet helps remove accumulated dirt and maintain its cleanliness.

What are the 4 steps in order for the water displacement method?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Fill a container with water.
  2. Submerge the object in the water, making sure it is fully immersed.
  3. Collect the water that is displaced by the object in a separate container.
  4. Measure the volume of this displaced water, which is equal to the volume of the object.

What effect does adding sugar to dish washing liquid have on the bubbles?

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Asked by Wiki User

Adding sugar to dishwashing liquid can increase the viscosity of the solution, making the bubbles thicker and more stable. This can help the bubbles last longer and be more effective in cleaning dishes.

What are the advantages of using creaming method?

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Asked by Wiki User

The creaming method helps incorporate air into the batter, resulting in a lighter texture for baked goods. It also creates a smooth and uniform mixture, leading to even distribution of ingredients and better rise during baking. Additionally, it can help create a tender crumb in cakes and cookies.

What variables do you need to control in your experiment if i wanted to find the effect of light on tamatoes?

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Asked by Wiki User

To find the effect of light on tomatoes, you would need to control variables such as the type and intensity of light, the duration of light exposure, the temperature of the environment, the type of soil and nutrients used, and the watering schedule. By controlling these variables, you can ensure that any changes observed in the tomatoes can be attributed to the presence or absence of light.

What step of the scientific method immediately follows the state problem?

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Asked by Wiki User

The following step would be to collect data and make observations, so that a hypothesis can be formed.

What methods do scientists use to find physical changes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Scientists use a variety of methods, such as microscopy, spectroscopy, chromatography, and mass spectrometry, to identify physical changes in materials. These techniques help scientists observe changes in the size, shape, structure, composition, or properties of a substance, allowing them to understand how physical changes occur at a molecular level.

What you add to an experiment to make a change?

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Asked by Wiki User

You add an independent variable to an experiment to make a change. This variable is manipulated by the researcher to see if it has an effect on the outcome of the experiment.

What is an isochore map?

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Asked by Wiki User

An isochore map is a visualization tool that displays areas with similar thicknesses of sediment or rock layers in a specific region. These maps are commonly used in geology and petroleum exploration to identify areas with potential for oil and gas reservoirs based on the variations in rock thickness.

How does water molecules move through the water cycle?

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Asked by Wiki User

Water molecules move through the water cycle by evaporating from bodies of water into the atmosphere, condensing into clouds, falling back to Earth as precipitation, and then either infiltrating into the ground to become groundwater or running off into bodies of water such as rivers and oceans. This continuous process of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation is what drives the water cycle.

Will the temperature of a beaker of water increase or decrease when it is mixed with sodium chloride?

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Asked by Wiki User

The temperature of the water will decrease when mixed with sodium chloride because it is an endothermic process. Sodium chloride dissolves in water, breaking bonds and absorbing energy from the surroundings, leading to a decrease in temperature.

What method of training can sprinters use?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sprinters can use various training methods such as interval training, plyometrics, weight training, and hill sprints to improve speed and power. They can also focus on technique drills and sprint-specific workouts to enhance their sprinting abilities. It's important for sprinters to have a well-rounded training program that includes both speed and strength components.

What is collected in a beaker below a filter funnel after filtering?

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Asked by Wiki User

The liquid, called the filtrate, passes through the filter funnel and is collected in the beaker below. The solid particles that are left behind on the filter paper make up the residue.

What is the scientific formula of air?

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Asked by Wiki User

Air is a mixture of gases, primarily nitrogen (N2) at 78% and oxygen (O2) at 21%. It also contains small amounts of other gases like carbon dioxide (CO2), argon (Ar), and trace amounts of water vapor. The precise composition of air can vary depending on location and altitude.

What are the different substances and mixtures in scientific method?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the scientific method, substances refer to pure, homogeneous materials like elements or compounds, while mixtures are combinations of different substances that can be separated by physical means. Substances are typically used in experiments to observe their properties and behavior, while mixtures may be investigated to understand their composition and interactions. Both substances and mixtures play key roles in scientific research and experimentation.

How do you make a conclusion about the reaction between hydrochloric acid and magnesium?

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Asked by Wiki User

To make a conclusion about the reaction between hydrochloric acid and magnesium, you can observe the bubbling or fizzing that occurs as hydrogen gas is produced. You can also collect the gas in a test tube and test it with a lit match to confirm that it is hydrogen gas. Additionally, you can measure the temperature change of the reaction as an indication of energy being released.

Can powdered juice be separated by filtration?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. can powdered juice separated by filtration

What is the structure of a controlled experiment?

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Asked by Wiki User

A controlled experiment involves manipulating one variable (independent variable) while keeping all other variables constant, to observe the effect on another variable (dependent variable). This is typically done by having an experimental group that receives the treatment and a control group that does not, allowing for comparison between the two groups. Random assignment and replication are key components to ensure the validity and reliability of the results.

What are the limitation of using false position method?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some limitations of the false position method include its slow convergence rate when the bracket interval is wide, the method may fail if the function is not well-behaved (e.g., has sharp turns, multiple roots), and it may require a large number of iterations to reach the desired accuracy in some cases.

Who made indium?

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Asked by Wiki User

Indium was discovered by German chemists Ferdinand Reich and Hieronymous Theodor Richter in 1863. They identified it through spectroscopic analysis of a zinc ore sample.

How does the temperature of a substance change as it gains or loses heat?

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Asked by Wiki User

When a substance gains heat, its temperature increases as the heat energy is added to the internal energy of the particles, causing them to move faster. When a substance loses heat, its temperature decreases as the heat energy is released from the internal energy of the particles, causing them to slow down.

The scientific approach to the social world?

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Asked by Wiki User

The scientific approach to the social world involves using systematic and empirical methods to study human behavior and social phenomena. This approach emphasizes objectivity, hypothesis testing, data collection, and analysis to generate knowledge about social processes and interactions. It aims to understand, explain, and predict human behavior within societal contexts.