


Signs and Omens

Man by nature is an inquisitive, gregarious, and territorial creature; wanting and needing to mark his groups and territories as much as to assign meaning and interpretation to the naturally occurring and man made things around him. From ancient symbols carved or painted in caves, through secret societies of past and present to naturally occurring phenomenon and gang tagging we will try to find meanings and interpretations for all.

500 Questions

Why do robins wild birds fly into window?

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In the spiritual world, a bird flying into a window means you have financial prosperity waiting for you, If you have blockage in your spiritual world you need those removed. If you have relationship blocks those must be resolved to remove blocks so your blessings my flow abundantly.

What does it mean if you see birds all the time?

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Birds are very common, so it is not unusual to see birds all the time. There is no reason to look for a supernatural or symbolic meaning behind natural occurrences.

What is the spiritual meaning when unexpectly seeing a robin bird?

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Asked by Wiki User

I don"t take much stock in ornithomancy . A robin or Thrush is of course, a sign of Spring. Robins are migratory birds- which might explain the term Round -Robin for an exchange circuit of stamp collectors- rotating sports assignments, etc. It is a good sign that the weather is normalizing.

What does it mean when a bird flies into your window and dies?

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Asked by Wiki User

It probably failed to see the glass.

People have assigned meanings to the most mundane things. None of which have any scientific basis.

It this case it may have to be a particular type of bird, or time of day, or who saw it, or what the weather was like etc.

In other words it depends who you ask.

When a bird flies into a window and dies, it means that transparent windows are different from anything that was encountered by birds in the course of their evolutionary history, and as a result, they are not well prepared by their instincts or biology in general, to deal with this particular hazard.
Some people see a bird flying into a closed window as an omen of death.
Not all naturally occurring phenomenon can or should be interpreted as a sign or omen.

At various times of the day, as the light outdoors reflects off of windows they take on the appearance of mirrors. A bird flying low might think it is seeing more garden or wooded area ahead, when it is in fact seeing the reflection of what is behind it.

Where I live we have at least one bird a day bump into a window. Most, but not all of them survive. For this reason we have placed decals on the window surface to try to cut down on the problem.

What does it mean to have a dragonfly follow you?

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This means that soon you will need to give more attention to the one that you truly love.The dragon fly represents a healing spirit. If you don't yield to the third sign, your relationship will be in danger. Jehoshaphat

Is elephant with trunk down bad luck?

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The trunk up is supposed to be good luck! Some believe that when the trunk is up it is good luck and when it is down its bad luck but even if the trunk goes down but tips up at the end its still bad luck

What does it mean when a bird flies at your window then flies away?

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It could mean that the bird sees its reflection in the window and thinks that it is seeing another bird, or it could mean that, at some time, someone put out bird seed onto your window sill.

What is the reason the yellow hibiscus is Hawaii's state flower?

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well i think it is, with all honesty is because the hulas use use it on their ears (along with white and red) and yellow hibiscus reminds people of the sun, witch reminds people of the beach, and sunny fun days :) also hibiscus grows well in tropical climates, like Hawaii...

What does it mean to see three black crows?

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According to some myths I've looked it possibly means that a dead, past relative is checking on you and making sure you are ok . Nothing to worry about really.

Why do doves symbolize love?

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Because doves are special and love is even more speical so that's prob y

Should elephant trunk face toward front of house?

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It is believed that images and figures of elephants should face towards the door of the room they are in to encourage good fortune. They should also have their trunks turned upward.

What does it mean when a yellow bird sits at your window and stares inside for multiple days?

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It means it is hungry. You must eat delicious-looking birdseed.

What omen does a red bird mean?

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It means you are seeing a red bird, periodically. Reality is far more wonderful than superstition, isn't it? A red bird. WOW!

What is the symbolism of the turtle?

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Turtle is considered by some Native Americans to be one of their the oldest, most sacred symbols. They believed that North America was created on the back of The Great Mother, a turtle.

In the far east, turtle was carved and worn as a talisman for power over all forms of bad magic.

Earthy, grounded, longevity, protection, shelter, steady.

The turtle's shell resembled a dome and was seen as a symbol of the dome of heaven -hence heavenly virtue

Generally turtle is seen to represent: self-containment, creative source, earthiness, being grounded, longevity, protection, shelter, and a steady approach to life.

In dreams they are interpreted as patience, wisdom, or hiding something essential.

Is there a Spiritual meaning for the quail?

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Asked by Wiki User

Here is a short list, it does not by any means include all meanings or all birds.Bird Auspices

Blackbird: A message of blessings.

Bluebird: Happiness.

Corncrake: A warning of misfortune to come.

Crane: Independence, cessation of combat .

Crow: Divine law.

Curlew: Storm Bringer.

Dove: Luck in Love. Love, Peace & Gentleness.

Duck: Good Luck. Wealth.

Eagle: Divine Spirit. To see an eagle is to have divinity touch your life.

Flamingo: Awareness.

Goose: Faithfulness, Communication, Travel

Grouse: Sacred Spiral.

Gull: Adaptability.

Hawk: Messenger. If you see a hawk, look around, there is a message for you in what is also going on around you.

Hen: Domesticity. Hens also predict the weather; if they gather on a mound and preen their feathers, rain is on the way. Also if it starts to rain watch your hens if the huddle under shelter, the rain will be of short duration, if they go out into it, the rain will last most of the day.

Heron, blue: Rhythm and balance

Hummingbird: Joy, Miricals

Kingfisher: Predicts a magical experience.

Lark: Great happiness

Loon: Solitude.

Magpie: Fortune-teller.

Nightjar: Illness.

Ostrich: Fickleness.

Owl: Wisdom.

Parrot: Mimic, Ostentatiousness

Peacock: Pride, Vanity

Pelican: Watchfulness.

Penguin: Playfulness.

Pheasant: Confidence

Raven: Magic. When you see ravens you may be about to experience a change in consciousness.

Road-runner: Cleverness.

Robin: Gypsies see robins as a bringer of good luck.

Rook: Good Luck.

Rooster: Pride. Braggart

Stork: Its German name adebar means "luck bringer", and a stock perching on your house indicates very good fortune.

Sparrow: Good luck for lovers.

Swallow: Good fortune.

Swan: Grace.

Turkey: Give away. Amerinds see turkey as a sign of generosity.

Vulture: Poverty, Serious disruption in your life.

Wagtail: Good luck.

Woodpecker: Guardian.

Wren: Bringer of good luck

Is Crows A sign of death?

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In my opinion yes. My aunt has recently died of a heart attack and for a week leading up to her death I noticed a lot of crows around. A group of about 15 when I was out walking was the most noticeable. I went to her house the day after she died and there were 3 on her roof. I made a point of looking on the roofs of all the other houses around but those 3 were the only crows around. I had never heard of this until my aunt had died and thought it was too much of a coincidence so looked it up on the internet. There are birds and crows around all the time, but there were so many crows it made me take notice. I've read a few posts on other sites which say that crows are scavengers and they may be looking for food, but my aunt lives 25 miles away and was fit and well until the day she died. I'm absolutely convinced the crows were a sign.

What is the spiritual meaning of an orange cat?

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Ancient Celtics believed the cat represented the guardian of the Otherworld. The spiritual meaning of an orange cat is no different than any other color. White or black cats are seen as good or bad luck but other colored cats are seen as symbols of wisdom, patience, and spirit of adventure.

What does the sign of the dragonfly symbolize?

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Asked by Pig224

Dragonflies represent monsoon and rain. It also represents the unexpected or uncertain changes to the weather or climate of a particular place.
A friend told me that a dragonfly represents a carefree spirit.


Actually, the dragonfly represents a winged insect.

Another Perspective

There are those who believe that Dragonfly can be interpreted as illusion, and as a metaphorical reminder of a time when magic was still something we believed in. Others see it as representative of agility, the carefree, dreams, and on occasion the flighty.

In tassology it is read as: good events at/in home, good news.

Amongst some American Indian nations, the dragonfly is a symbol of the dreamtime, (otherworldly experiences, the right brain, the feminine, the non-linear).

However, not all naturally occurring phenomenon have spiritual meaning, sometimes a dragon fly is in fact just a dragonfly.

The Evolutionary PerspectiveDragonflies represent a very ancient lineage of insects that hasn't changed much in hundreds of millions of years. Most other types of insect evolved more recently.

What does a hawk carrying a snake mean?

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All depends on your belief system. In native culture, it even varies from tribe to tribe. The safest answer...the hawk just found dinner

What does it mean when there is a dead bird in front of the door?

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There are many meanings to it, some can be diffcult to digest. 1. The bird may be old and aged, 2. Might have had some serious problem so commited suicide , in your doors, 3. Got fedup with people, who dont feed them when they are alive , but bothers when they are dead, 4. You have a cat.

What is does it mean when your being followed around by a red cardinal bird?

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Not all naturally occurring phenomenon can or should be interpreted as a sign or omen. Cardinals are a common backyard bird and have little of no fear of people. Because of their bright colour the are very noticeable. If you have a bird feeder in your backyard, or your neighbour has one, the cardinal is simply on his daily round of gathering food.

I would simply say having a cardinal visiting you daily means you are fortunate enough to have nature's creatures close by.

What does it mean if you see a red bird?

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Asked by Wiki User

Birds die, it doesn't MEAN anything. it means that outside a red bird died

Dead birds what does the superstition mean?

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A bird in the house is a sign of a death. If a robin flies into a room through a window, death will shortly follow.

What is the meaning of a red cardinal pecking at my windows?

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I don't know, but we've had a cardinal tapping at every window of our house for 4 months now. It seems to like our cat!

We also have a cat and have a male cardinal tapping at the window. At first I thought it was to do with his reflection but it pecks at all hours and all windows so something to do with our cat sounds like a good theory to me.