

Sinus Infections

A sinus infection or sinusitis is the swelling of the sinuses and nasal canals. The infection may be acute (persists for not more than four weeks), chronic (8 weeks or more) or subacute (going on for four to eight weeks).

500 Questions

What should you take to clear your clogged ears from sinus infection?

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Sinus infections can make a person miserable and often do not respond well to antibiotics. Try a simple sinus infection home remedy to ease the discomfort and encourage healing. Make a tea from dried eucalyptus leaves, dried herbal peppermint, dried chamomile, and honey to taste. Drink the tea as hot as is comfortable for you, inhaling the vapors between sips. Too much eucalyptus can cause intestinal upset, so limit this remedy to a maximum of 3-4 cups per day.

What do different antibiotics look like?

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it looks like a bunch of bacteria. It looks really cool if your into science.

Does sinus infection make you tired?

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Tonsils will not, in and of themselves, make you tired. After all, tonsils are a source of useful immunologic tissue. However, tonsillitis will usually occur in association with bacterial infection (e.g. strep) and the process of the body needing to combat the infection produces fatigue.

What is the difference between a cold and a sinus infection?

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A cold is a mild viral infection involving the nose and respiratory passages (but not the lungs) and sinus infection or sinusitus is Inflammation of one of the paranasal sinuses.

Can you exercise with an ear infection?

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Yes it's ok just make sure you dont let anyone else use it after u for a while

Can you take Levaquin for sinus infection?

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Yes, you can take Levaquin for strep. It is not the antibiotic of choice for strep throat. Penicillin or Macrolides are first and second choice, respectively. Levaquin is a strong antibiotic and is a bit much for treating something like strep.

Can azithromycin cure a sinus infection?

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Most sinus infections are viral, and most sinus infections to not respond to antibiotics. Contact your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

A sinus rhythm originates in the?

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Sinus nodes (sa nodes)

Do nose rings cause sinus infections?

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Any type of nose ring can cause an infection if not sterilized correctly before inserting it into the hole. Infections can also occur when the piercing is not kept clean or a regular schedule.

How do you cure sinus infection when you have them all the time?

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Because you are very stuiped and don't have a doctor

Does Tamiflu treat a sinus infection?

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Yes it can. It is my understanding that Tamiflu is available only with a prescription (in the US). That means that in order to be taking it, you must have seen a medical doctor. It could be that you have an influenza infection that has also infected the sinus cavities. Your doctor is a much better source for health care information than strangers on the internet.

Can you get rid of a headache by getting a brain freeze?

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Yes. Sometimes I wake up with a headache behind or above my eyes. I take a little trip to my neighborhood 7-11 and grab a small slushy and pound it. After a devastating brain freeze, my headache is all but gone. like magic.

Does azithromycin work for sinus infections?

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A cold, the typical cause of increased nasal mucus, is viral and will not be altered by taking azithromycin.

How can you prevent your teeth from rotting?

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few ways

1 - Freeze food, this slows reactions taking place, it will not completely stop the decaying process, also know as freezer burn.

2 - Heat food - this causes enzymes to become denatured and stop them decaying food

3 - vacuum pack - this deprives decomposers of oxygen so that they cant live

4 - tinning food - keeps food dry, heated and airtight so no oxgen

How do you make a 9 percent saline solution?

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To make a 9 percent saline solution, start by preparing a 100 percent salt solution. With a bottle of 100 percent salt water, take 9 percent and dilute with distilled water to make a 9 percent saline solution.

If you have a sinus infection what can you do?

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Go in the shower and breath in some steem!

Is sore throat a symton of sinus infection?

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A sore throat may be a sympton of a sinus infection if there is a lot of post nasal drip.

What are painful bumps on back of tongue making it hard to swallow?

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Some bumps may be harmless pimple like structures that only cause discomfort. Others, especially those with a changing size or shape, may be a sign of another malady. No matter the placement, check with a doctor to ensure the bump is not dangerous.

Should you let a sinus infection run it?

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After a week, you should go to a doctor if it is not clearing up. The longer you wait, the harder it is to treat.

Can you get a flu shot if have sinus infection?

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Yes, it is very much possible. Influenza is usually accompanied by an infection in the sinus also, for many people who already have sinusitis and for those who does not have also.

Does augmentin treat sinus infection?

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Yes Augmentin 500 mg as well as the 875 Mgs does treat sinus infections.. I have been prescribed it several times for my sinus infections and then i had to start getting the 875Mg because the 500Mg we not getting the job done anymore after using the 500Mg through out the years.. YES AUGMENTIN CAN BE USED TO TREAT SINUS INFECTIONS

What does an upper respiratory infection affect?

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Transmission is via respiratory droplets or by virus-contaminated hands. Upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, sinuses) mucosa inflammation causes increased secretions, rhinorrhea and results in sneezing, and coughing facilitating the spread. In United States URIs are the most common infectious illness in the general population. URIs are the leading reasons for people missing work and school. URI is the leading diagnosis in the office setting.

What is the incubation period for a sinus infection?

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Sinus infection and common cold, although considered as similar conditions. The incubation period of common cold is 2-3 days.