


Stomach and Abdominal Pain

Stomach pain or abdominal pain can be a symptom of a serious disease or transient disorder. Most probably, everyone has experienced a stomach pain, but severe pain should not be ignored as it may indicate a serious problem.

500 Questions

Does your stomach hurt before you get your first period?

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The pain is called cramps, as the muscles contract to get the period blood and tisues out of your body. This can happen a few days before your period. For some girls, cramping enver occurs at all. Others have cramps only when they actually get their period, too.

Why does your stomach hurt in the morning from drinking?

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Asked by Wiki User

I dont know your going to have to ask somebody else..... Maybe it hurts because u drank too much??

Why do you have stomach pains on your bottom right side of your stomach?

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you might have appendicitis if it hurts really bad espicially when you walk its probably appendicitis you have to go to the hospital i had appendicitis and i knew because it hurt really bad and i couldn't stand straight you must go to the hospital and get a catscan you don't want your appendix to rupture

What can cause pain in the left lower abdominal region?

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I have intermittent pain in the lower abdomen which radiates down my lower left thigh.. The pain also moves to my lower left back. I just woke up to pain at 2 am . I am mildly constipated and I experience bad smell when I go to toilet. I am also bloated. There is unusual amount of gas in my stomach. What could be the cause of my symptoms?

What causes loss in appetite stomach pain and nausua?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sorry, but the answer to your question covers about 300 pages of medical text, and could be anything from pregnancy to a gunshot wound! Talk to a doctor, especially if you have these symptoms. The above poster is correct in saying that it could be a myriad of problems with your stomach. Stress is a high factor is stomach disorders; Ph level problem, many digestive disorders (can be corrected by diet and perhaps medication) ulcers; Enzyme problems; hormones, etc. We are not doctors on so it would be best that you speak to your doctor about this.

Is your heart above or below your stomach?

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Asked by Wiki User

Your kidneys are inferior to your stomach. Scientists don't use the terms above or below to describe the relative position of organs in humans. They use the terms superior and inferior. Superior refers to a structure closer to the head. Inferior refers to a structure closer to your feet.

What substance lowers the pH level in the stomach?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you mean what kind of food lowers the pH of your stomach, acidic foods do.

Here are some different types of acidic food that lower the pH in your stomach:

* Fresh Corn

* Honey

* Pork Chops

* Whole Wheat Bread

* Eggs

* Bacon

* Lamb Chops

* English Walnuts

* Wheat Bran

* White Bread

* Veal

* Barley

* Turkey

* Steak

* Salmon

* Brown Rice

* Wheat Germ

* Peanuts

* Chicken

* Peanut Butter

* Pasta

* Codfish

* Soda Crackers

* Haddock

* Shrimp

* Lobster

* Corned Beef

* Oatmeal

* Sardines

* Sausage

* Dried Lentils

* Oysters

* Scallops

I hope that helps!

What are stomach lesions?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stomach lesions are also known as gastric ulcers. It is a sore in the lining of the stomach. There is sometimes hydrochloric acid and pepsin present in the lesion. This can cause severe pain along with other symptoms. There is a great article about the causes and treatments at the related link below.

What is the side effects of stomach removal?

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You should expect some bruising and swelling after most cosmetic surgery procedures. This can take some weeks to settle completely. Also expect some discomfort to the operated area, ths should be alleviated with pain killing medication prescribed by your Plastic Surgeon.

As with all surgical procedures there are risks associated with any kind of surgery which you should be aware of before going ahead.

What causes stomach pain after you eat?

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When we eat, our stomach becomes sensitive. So if you move too much after eating (especially eating a lot), you will feel stomach pain. But it's not true that we can get appendicitis when we move too much after eating.

(Hope you like my answer) =)

Why am i having stomach pain and no appetite and green vomit?

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you might have eaten to much. there is to much acid in your stomach wich makes your stomach hurt and you puke out the acid.

p.s. I'm not sure if puking out the acid is true but the thing about stomach acid is.

Do your stomach hurt days after your cherry is popped?

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No it doesnt jus bleed a little considering I just woke up with alot of blood in my underwear and I am still bleeding and have really bad abdominal pains, it feels like you just started your period the day after you pop it😂 and I wish it would stop🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ But question can you get pregnant even if you popped your cherry but like can a spirm cell make it or like? Cause we did it raw... and yk😂 he didnt like go inside me but like I’m just curious asf

What are the first aid of stomach ulcer?

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Asked by Wiki User

If it's a bleeding ulcer, put the patient on IV Ringer's and transport ASAP. Patient is NPO for this. In the field far from help, IV RInger's is good if you can. You can also make a decision about administering antacids PO in order to reduce further damage to the ulcer. Additionally, if you expect to not complete a rescue sooner, you can commence a course of acid secretion inhibitors (proton pump inhibitors, etc.) in order to increase pH in the stomach. As the vomiting or diarrhea that accompany peptic ulcers can dehydrate your patient, hydration is always a consideration. This can be offset by the IV Ringer's but may also require IV or SQ of normal saline. Again -- this isn't a good idea if you're going to reach the hospital in minutes. While recent treatment of peptic ulcers has included a cocktail of antibiotics that attack a species of the genus Helicobacter, this treatment is outside the realm of first aid. Note that in the field, primary diagnostic indices for peptic ulcer are history and the patient's experience, vomiting or excreting blood. Blood loss or hypovolemia is the most dangerous of the symptoms.

How do you know if you have the symptom of stomach bleeding?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to, bloody, black or tarry stool or bloody vomit. Stool may look like coffee grounds. Also, fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, paleness. For more information, visit:

What is this weird sensation inside the right side of my stomach?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dear Reader; There are so many possibilities that I could miss it altogether or say something that would cause you undo concern. This is a matter that you may take up with your health care provider. Your concern could be answered in a phone conversation if it lies within a small group of possibilities. Dwight

Why does strawberry make my stomach stop hurting?

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Asked by Wiki User

probably something that has to do with the vitiams and meniarls in it

Can holding poop cause stomach pains?

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Asked by Wiki User

first, you eat and your digestive fluids turn what you ate in to waste (after it has taken all the nutrition out) and it is transfered to you kidney with in a matter of hours or minutes you will have to poop or pee (same thing with a liquid)

Why do you get a side ache when you run?

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Pain in the side while running or jogging is called a 'stitch'. It can happen even to the most seasoned of joggers every once in a while. It means the oblique muscle on your ribcage is not getting enough oxygen and is producing lactic acid, a waste product of glucose and glycogen that is produced in the muscles during intense or strenuous exercise. It can be painful- but that's about all it will do. Some find breathing deep (belly breathing) helps to abate the pain. Always remember to warm up properly before jogging and to keep good posture while running- shoulders back, stomach in and chin parallel to the ground. No hunching or leaning forward! Don't forget a proper cool down with stretches- and always drink plenty of water.

What does it mean if you sleep on your stomach?

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It can cause backaches, breathing problems, digestive system issues, hemorrhoids, low blood pressure and decrease in circulation to your heart and your baby. This is a result of your abdomen resting on your intestines and major blood vessels.

How does nortiptyline help with pain?

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Nortriptyline belongs to a class of medications called tricyclic antidepressants. It is not entirely clear how the medication works. However, it does affect several chemicals in the brain, including serotonin and norepinephrine. The medication may allow these chemicals to stay in the brain longer, which can help with symptoms of depression.

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What is plural form of stomach?

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Asked by Wiki User

The plural of stomach is stomachs.