

The Incredible Hulk

This category is for questions about the Incredible Hulk [] comic books, created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

500 Questions

What is incredible hulk made from?

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if u mean how the guy got his hulk powers then it was because he was exposed to gamma rays and because they carry so much energy, he got powers and invincible.

Who would win in a fight frieza or Godzilla?

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It matters what form. Freiza wins in all forms except perfect. but if he starts off normal, than freiza wins hands down.

Example: 1st form daeth beam vs special beam cannon/ death ball vs kamehameha=freiza win.

2nd form: big bang crash vs his blaster thing.

3rd form: freizas ultimate speed combod with death beam and his insanely fast finger beams. vs cells brute and power of regeneration.

final form freiza vs regular perfect cell: death ball and death beams vs cells kamehameha and his giant barrier.

ful power: cell wouldd out power him and beat him in less than ten minutes

Well Trunks killed frieza just with the first form of Super Saiyon

And Teen Gohan Could only Kill Cell With Super saiyon Form 2

So Cell Would Win

Can Hulk defeat Superman?

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Asked by BritneyChester

No Hulk cannot put Superman down. Hulk may be strong and outraged but Superman is mighty and powerful. Superman has various options to destroy his enemies whereas the Hulk has to get near to kill his opponent or grab a heavy item to hit his target. If Superman decides to fight Hulk without using his superpowers, the Hulk will win after a long battle. Superman still stands first. So the final answer is Superman wins against the Hulk.

Who would win Godzilla vs hulk ironman Superman Spider-Man juggernaut and dr octopus?

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Juggernaut wins unless Thor has Odinforce.

Juggernaut cannot be defeated physically. Thor has shown the ability to temporarily weaken Juggernaut but at the cost of Mjolnir. With the Odinforce he should be capable of cutting Juggernaut's powers off completely.

In the movie hulk what is the bad guys name?

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Electro is the main antagonist. Green Goblin shows up in Act III for the final fight & Rhino makes a quick appearance at the very end of the film before the credits.

Who played the latest actor as Bruce Banner in Hulk?

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The incredible hulks star actor was Edward Norton as Bruce Banner.

What weapons does hulk have?

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Pure anger and anything he can get his hands on

What does the incredible hulk do?

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The same as green hulk but stronger plus he can withstand extremely hot temperatures. Also he can shoot fire from his mouth like a dragon.

Where does Mr Incredible live?

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The incredibles live in metrocity

Is incredible hulks dick green?

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There is no real reason for the Hulk to be green, unlike most people think gamma rays are not green they are colourless therefore there must have been something else triggered in his mutation.

There is one other explanation, when I think of mutants I generally think they are green so...

What are the hulk movies in order?

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The two made-for-tv movies from The Incredible Hulkseries from (1977-1982)

The first titled aptly, The Incredible Hulk was released in some theaters overseas in 1977 & the second also aptly titled The Return of the Incredible Hulk was also released in some theaters overseas in 1978.

When The hulk First appear in comics?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Incredible Hulk #1 appeared in 1961 or 1962. The six issues ran bi-monthly before being cancelled to make way for Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos. The incredible Hulk continued guest appearances in the Avengers, Fantastic Four, Spider-Man and elsewhere as an antagonist before starting his own series again in Tales to Astonish #60. He had guestared in the book with Giant-Man and the Wasp in the issue before, #59, but started his own 10-page continued story soap-opera from there through issue #100, when he expanded to a full 20 page story. (The SubMariner replaced Giant-Man in issue #70, and shared that "split-book" as they were called, through issue #101's double sized team up against the Hulk. Then, Namor, the Sub-mariner started his own series with issue #1...

When was the hulk first created?

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Not sure of the exact year, but I believe he was first on a cartoon in 1966.

Hulk vs captain marvel?

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Hulk would beat Captain Marvel in a fight because he defeated Beta Ray Bill, Thor, and even Sentry and all of those super heroes have greater power than Captain Marvel.

Thor vs Cap Marvel = Thor wins

Sentry vs Cap marvel = Sentry wins

I think Beta Ray Bill and Captain Marvel would be a good fight but I am pretty sure Beta Ray wins.

What makes hulk a hero?

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Asked by Wiki User

He can lift billions of tons

He can breathe in space and under water

He can go without breathing for over a year

He has a cousin called the She-Hulk (she is not savage)

He is pretty fast

He has many enemies including General Ross (Red hulk), The Leader, Abomination, Bibeast, Absorbing Man, and pretty much everyone else.

Only Elizabeth (Betty) Ross can calm him down.

hope we helped

Who would win Hulk vs rhino?

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This one could go either way. Venom is weak to both sound and heat, but symbiotes feed on heavy emotions. All venom would have to do is ditch his weaker host, attach to hulk and feed off his rage. Hulk wouldn't stand a chance unless he was able to scream his loudest before Venom could touch him.

Will there be a sequel to 2003's Hulk?

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hulk is in incredible hulk ,return of the incredible hulk, hulk,incredible hulk {2008},plus part in avengers,ultimate avengers,avengers 2,the next avenger heroes of the tomorrow, the death of the incredible hulk, the trail of the incredible hulk. not in order

Who wins between Thor and Hulk?

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-Though I am a more avid follower of Thor than Hulk and a much stronger supporter of the Thunder God, the evidence is overwhelmingly in Hulk's favor. There have been at least 10 occasions (which I can name) in which the Hulk and Thor have battled and Thor has taken significantly more damage. Though there have been many interrupted battle sequences, there is one definitive time in Hulk: Let The Battle Begin in which they finally went toe to toe and the Hulk is able to beat Thor unconscious. The Hulk is even able to score a win in The Mighty Thor comic series in issue 385. In battle Thor has always been able to stand toe to toe with Hulk however anytime he is not aided by Mjolnir he is at a distinct disadvantage and the result is ugly for Thor. That is just the Green Hulk. Red Hulk has been able to out strategize and overpower Thor. Even beating him senseless with Mjolnir and leaving him in space.

Top 10 strongest superhero?

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Well my opiion is

1) Batman - even though he doesnt have superpowers his intellect abilities makes him the best. He can take down superman with kryptonite easily and other superheros with other epuipment

2) Superman - He is the man of steel and nothing can stop him except for kryptoniote which very few people have access too

3) Hulk - after reading world war hulk, everyone knows that hulk is almost unstopable

4) Sentry - He is known as the strongest superhero in Marvel comics. But even though he is the strongest, he still lost to hulk

5) Martian Manhunter - he is pretty strong because of his shafe shifting ability and mant other powers

7) Captain Marvel - He is extremely strong , almost like superman but his poweres arent strong enough to beat the top superheros

6) Thor- He is a god, so he is unstoppable and immortal. But in combat, I think HUlk can stop hum easily.

7) Captain Marvel - He is extremely strong , almost like superman but his poweres arent strong enough to beat the top superheros

8) Wonder Woman - As the princess of Amazon, her equipment is magnificent that helps her become one of the best.

9) Black Bolt -His tiniest whisper can push you really far which makes him fantasticbly strong.

10) Dr. Stange - His magical and socerer powers are one of the best defenses against magic.

Are we talking just Marvel or Marvel and DC? Here is my list and I know everyone has their own opinions and if you read enough comics you can come up with legitimate reasons why this guy is stronger than this other guy and so on, but this is what i think.

1. Superman because he has many abilities and in superman dooms day, he came back from the death.

2. Thor, the guy is a god, nuff said.

3. Captain marvel because he is almost equal to superman.

4. Silver Surfer, he has the cosmic powers, if you don't know then you don't know.

5. Hulk, the fact that his strength increases with anger or emotional pain is the key here, to me how can you measure emotions? No matter how mad you are, something else could happen to make you even more mad, to me his strength has no boundaries, well until he has a heart attack.

6. Green lantern,with his ring, he is cool.

7. Wonder Woman, same reason as Thor I guess, she is a goddess, and again I don't know that much about DC but I know she is real strong.

8. Namor, I might take some heat for this one, but the guy is a powerhouse, I refer to the comics again to prove it, he has fought and beaten the Hulk, the entire Fantastic Four, Iron Man, and many others, he is no slouch.

9. Colossus, the much overlooked X-Men, never gets as much attention as he deserves.

10. Thing, this one really needs no explanation either, its clobberin time!

Thor is the strongest superhero of any brand Marvel or DC. As a God, he is immortal, possesses Inhuman strength and when odin dies and he receives the odinforce he is untouchable. I think only Sentry and Dr Strange come anywhere close

Where are the comic book covers on the incredible hulk video game?

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____________ #01 Face of the Monster is located at the Latverian Embassy. #02 Bruce and Goliath is located at Stark Tower. #03 The Flop-tastic Four is at the Baxter Building. #04 Sonic Assault can be found two blocks West of One World Plaza, then two blocks North of the Reuters Building, where the two intersect, on a ledge mid-building. #05 Bye Bye Bi-Beast is located at the southern tip of the island near the docks. It's in a pass thru the building. #06 Talbot the Madman is located at the Daily Bugle. #07 Just a Hop, Skip, and a Jump can be found roof of the World Financial Center. #08 Blonsky...Broken... From the Latverian Embassy head towards Central Park. At the last building, prior to entering Central Park, turn south and it is on top of tallest building, this building has a domed roof. #09 Turret Syndrome is in the Central Park subway terminal (The round one.) #10 Fired From the Sky can be found at the Nelson and Murdock, Attorneys at Law building. #11 The Lesser of Two Evils can be found on the top of a fountain close to the Flatiron Building. #12 Enclave's Ultimate Weapon is located at Belvedere Castle in Central Park. #13 The is Only a Test By starting at the North-East corner of Central Park, head North one building. From there head East one building this comic should be visible on the lower roof of that building. #14 Betty's Peril is located on the roof of the Flat Iron Building. #15 Abomination Domination can be found at the Marvel Comics Office. __________________

What are the hulk's weaknesses?

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Well if you watched the film that came out around 10 years ago i think ( not sure which one it was) the army used sleeping gas on him, which seemed to put him to sleep.

Also one time the Silver Surfer once absorbed all the gammer radiation from him which turned him back to Bruce.

Also he turn back when sensitive things happen like little girls crying because he is hurting someone or girls :)

But on the strength wise and if he has a weakness with weapons there isnt one. They only make him more angry which makes him stronger.