


Tuberculosis or TB (Tubercles Bacillus) is an infectious disease and is caused by several strains of mycobacteria. All questions concerning signs and symptoms, causes, transmission, risk factors, treatments and medications can be found here.

500 Questions

What are the long term effects of tuberculosis?

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There may be no symptoms of TB or the symptoms may appear several months or years after infection.

Pulmonary TB symptoms that do present will include:

  • Persistent Cough with lots of phlegm.
  • Coughing up blood
  • Fever
  • Tiredness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight Loss
  • Night Sweats
  • Chest pain when breathing in.

TB can present in different parts of the body and symptoms can include swollen glands in your neck, joint pain or a headache.

Serious damage to the human body can be caused through undiagnosed, delayed, or untreated tuberculosis. TB can affect the central nervous system, cause brain damage, circulatory system damage, skin, lymph nodes, joints, bones and intestines. TB can also cause permanent lung damage.

How does Tuberculosis cause coughing?

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the body is trying to expell the tb bacteria.

Who invented a vaccine for tb?

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The discovery was made by the French Calmette and Guerin who instituted the basis for the vaccine against tuberculosis by using a low virulence Tb bacteria vaccine. The last step needed in the therapy of tuberculosis was made in the middle of the Second World War when chemotherapy was invented.

What is the diagnosis code for TB test?

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Screening Pulmonary TB V74.1 TB Test Reaction 795.5 Exposure to TB v01.1

Why are elderly people more at risk for TB?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

The aging process itself may weaken the body's immune system, which is then less able to ward off the tubercle bacillus. Finally, bacteria that have lain dormant for some time in elderly persons may be reactivated and cause illness.

What action must be taken if one has been in contact with a tuberculosis carrier?

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what kinds of precations are necssary in tuberculosis

Who discovered the bacteria of tb?

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Dr. Robert Koch discovered the tuberculosis bacillus

Can you kiss your wife who is a abdominal TB patient?

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Yes, one can contract TB from inhaling the infected particles from someone who has TB, so therefore kissing someone with TB will definitely give you the disease.

What famous people had tuberculosis?

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People who have died from pneumonia:

Albert Schweitzer, Andrew Carnegie, Andrew W. Mellon, Aristotle Onassis, Armand Cardinal de Richelieu, Benjamin Franklin, Boris Karloff, Charlemagne, Charles H. Mayo, Conrad Hilton, "Duke" Ellington, Eli Lilly, Enrico Caruso, Eugene O'Neill, Florence Ziegfeld, Franz Liszt, Geronimo "Groucho" Marx, U.S. President Herbert Hoover, Ivan Pavlov, John Ringling, Leo Tolstoy, Louis C. Tiffany, Mario Lanza, Otto von Bismarck, Pope Pius X, Pope Pius XI, René Descartes, Robert E. Lee, Texas President Sam Houston, Simon Guggenheim, Sinclair Lewis, Sir Francis Bacon, Stonewall Jackson, Tsar Nicholas I, Victor Hugo, U.S. President William Henry Harrison, William Tecumseh Sherman, William Wordsworth

People who have died from tuberculosis:

Amadeo Modigliani, Cardinal Richelieu, Caroline Harrison, C. P. E. Bach, D. H. Lawrence, Edgar Allan Poe, Eleanor Roosevelt, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Elizabeth Monroe, Emily Bronte, Franz Kafka, Frédéric Chopin, George Orwell, Hannah Van Buren, Henry Clay, Henry David Thoreau, Jane Pierce, John Keats, Karl Marx, King Tutankhamen of Egypt, Martha Jefferson, O. Henry, Robert Louis Stevenson, Simon Bolivar, Vivian Leigh, Walt Whitman

People who have died from syphilis:

Al Capone, Erasmus, Ferdinand Magellan, Florence Nightingale, Giovanni Casanova, Gustave Flaubert, Ivan the Terrible, John Keats, King Henry VIII of England, Lord Randolph Churchill, Ludwig van Beethoven, Napoleon Bonaparte, Paul Gaugin, Vincent van Gogh

People who have died from malaria:

Alexander the Great, Martha Washington, Oliver Cromwell, Pope Innocent III, Pope Leo X

What age group is mostly affected by TB?

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Sickle cell is an inherited blood disorder. It is a illness that you are born with.

Is tuberculosis viral or bacterial?

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It is a bacterial illness, contracted by consuming food or water infected with human faeces containing the bacterium Salmonella thyphi.

Who was the first person to get tuberculosis?

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Tuberculosis is named for the bacterium that causes it, "mycobacterium tuberculosis", which was first "seen" by Robert Koch, a German physician. Tuberculosis used to be called "consumption".

How can TB be spread?

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Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by a closely related family of Mycobacterium, usually M. bovis or M. tuberculosis. TB is spread through both unpasteurized milk and through aerosolized droplets expelled from the lungs of infected individuals, human and animal. Most developed countries have a TB eradication program in place, but there are multiple wildlife reservoirs (white-tailed deer in the US, badgers in the UK) that are significantly hindering progress towards total eradication.

How disease like tuberculosis and pneumonia transmit from and infected person to an healthy person?

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For tuberculosis: it is transmitted by droplets, i.e. coughing or sneezing.

For pneumonia: viral pneumonia, again, droplets. Bacterial pneumonia, normal body bacteria from the skin and mucous membranes, travel to the lungs and cause infection in the presence of fluid in the lungs, like there would be if you were congested.

In all instances, having a suppressed immune system can increase the chances of getting the disease/illness.

Is tb genetically transmitted?

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No TB is not genetically transmitted. TB is transmitted through airborne pathogens that are breathed in to the lungs.

What are the germ's for mycobacterium tuberculosis?

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the most common strain that causes tuberculosis in humans is Mycobacterium tuberculosis. there are also other strains, but in terms of incidence, they do not cause much damage in humans. examples of this is Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium africanum. these strains are more common in animals.

When was SDS Tuberculosis Sanatorium created?

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SDS Tuberculosis Sanatorium was created in 1948.

How many people died of tuberculosis in the early 1800s?

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about 250 million people died of tuberculosis. - - - 100 million people died of TB throughout all of the 1900s, according to a reference cited in Wikipedia. But the current fatality rate is much higher, with about 2 million dying every year, worldwide, from TB.

Is primary complex considered as tuberculosis?

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Primary complex is another name for tuberculosis (TB). Drugs can treat this condition, some of those are: isoniazid (Laniazid, Nydrazid), rifampin (Rifadin, Rimactane), pyrazinamide (pms-Pyrazinamide, Tebrazid) and ethambutol (Myambutol) - taken over at least a six month period.

Why must healthcare workers be concerned about tuberculosis?

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There are multiple reasons:

-TB is highly contagious and can be spread from the patient to the healthcare worker and from the healthcare work to other patients.

-It is spread through the air as small particles.

-TB treatment MUST be completed fully. In other words, the medication used to treat TB has become less effective in treating the pathogen because patients are not taking the medication properly. This has lead to highly resistant strains of TB.

-Highly resistant strains pose a higher risk for infecting healthcare works and other patients.

*Patients should take medication the same time every day and for the full amount of time it is prescribed.

How does the tuberculosis infection invade and attack the body?

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TB is an ancient infectious disease that has been around for over 30, 000 years. It is Caused by infection from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and in most cases affects the lungs. It is found worldwide. The bacilli spores are transmitted through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes, but you have to spend quite a long time with an infected person in order to catch TB. It cannot be transmitted by objects such as bed linen or clothes, although it is possible to contract TB by drinking unpasteurised milk products from an infected cow.

Written by Anisa Zulfqar

What organs does tuberculosis damage?

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The organ that is damaged if a person has Tuberculosis (TB) is the lungs.