

US Independent Circuit Wrestling

Independent circuit wrestling, or indy circuit wrestling, is an independent promotion made in professional wrestling. In the United States, most independent promotions have low budgets and offer low salaries to wrestlers.

82 Questions

How do you make my own wrestling belt?

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Asked by Wiki User

you need a piece of tape cut it to your size using a tape measure once you've done that draw a picture on a piece of paper for the centerpiece stick that on then make the side pieces cut a rectangle shape draw a picture then try and copy it on the other side plate then wear it round your shoulder it looks cool then defend your title against you're friends

Is Bruiser Broody dead?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes, Frank Goodish was stabbed and died later from the stab wounds by another wrestler Jose Gonzales, Invader1, in Puerto Rico July of 1988, in cold blood, and Gonzales was in jail literally 1 day for the crime, the day of his arrest and then he walked after the trail

How long does a wrestling event last?

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Asked by Wiki User

it depends on the brand raw goes on for two hours ecw goes on for one hour and smack down goes on for three hours all three brands go off at ten oclock central time raw starts at eight oclock central time ecw starts at nine oclock centeral time and smackdown starts at seven oclock central time

Who did rey mysterio first fight?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rey Mysterio's first WWE fight was against el puto de Michael Jackson its weird but true

How much does the average wrestler in CZW make?

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Asked by Tacoman5000

It all depends on their fan popularity. The WWE is entirely fake wrestling, that's that, so with win/loss ratio out of the question (considering it's all scripted), popularity is the best way to determine a superstar's paycheck.

How do you make a lucha libre mask?

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Asked by Wiki User

Here's a step by step of how to make a lucha libre mask out of a T shirt: Its not my idea at all, but I'm going to try it tonight!

How many days did Ric Flair have all the title belts?

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Asked by Wiki User

As his character "Diesel" he held the WWE title for 358 days. He held it only once. Kevin Nash has had a total of 5 reigns as WCW champion and has held it for 97 days. He never held the World Heavyweight Title in the WWE.

Who was the oldest wrestler ever to compete?

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Asked by Wiki User

Im pretty sure it would have to be Ric Flair, who still wrestles wooooo!

What are the Dimensions of a high school wrestling mat?

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Asked by Wiki User

They come in all sorts of sizes, but the traditional size for a Tatami mat is 90cm by 180cm. That is just under 3 feet by 6 feet. The competition area for a judo match is an 8 to 10 meter square mat. The outer meter is red and a participant can only be there for a few seconds before the referee will move them back to the center of the mat.

Is undertaker become a Muslim?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the Undertaker is not muslim. There have been many circulating reports that he converted over to the Islamic religion, but this has not been confirmed and Undertaker (real name: Mark Calaway) has not spoken publicly about his personal beliefs. This is mainly due to the reason that Mark does not like to be seen outside of Undertaker persona often and break what is known in the wrestling business as "kayfabe."

Did Stephanie McMahon give birth to her third child yet?

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Asked by Wiki User

YES July 29,3008 Steph and Paul are proud to announce the birth of their second daughter on July 28, 2008

Is boogieman real?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. The bogeyman is a myth and legend but some people believe he is real and believing he is real makes the bogeyman a reality to your mind so you might start seeing him but nobody else will.
  2. Also it is said that if you wake up with warts on your body and you have felt your heart beating fast that means the bogeyman has paid you a visit :(
  3. I have experienced a visit from him then, this is a true very very true story for me... a few nights ago i had a dream where a man was strangling me, i couldn't do anything but when i woke up i could swear... that it actually happened... and afterwards, i became interested in the "bogeyman" and all the myths about him... turns out he is most definitely not a myth. i watched the movie the bogeyman and the dreams the main girl has are what I'm having, and i have a few warts on my foot i have no clue what from, i woke up and they were there, probably sounds unreal to you, but consider yourself lucky, until he comes for u! because when he does, u won't be able to get help... noone else will see him or know whats going on so be careful, and if your a sleepwalker... well, I'm surprised he hasn't got u yet... its said that if you are sleeping he will just frighten the f*** outta you, however if u are up and walking around... while you're asleep... be careful!

What are facts about liquids solids and gases?

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Asked by Wiki User

Five facts:

1. When liquids cool down, they become solids.

2. When gases cool down, they become liquids.

3. When solids heat up, they become liquids.

4. When liquids heat up, they become gases.

5. Some liquids will only freeze in temperatures that can never be recreated by humans.

What are some international wrestling promotions?

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Asked by Wiki User

The best are:

New Japan Pro Wrestling (Jap.)

Pro Wrestling NOAH (Jap.)

Dragon Gate (jap.)

HUSTLE (jap.)

AAA (Mex.)

CMLL (Mex.)

1PW (UK)

Sentai Girls (Jap.)

I presume you are from America but good American promotions include:

Ring of Honor

Chikara Pro

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla

Combat Zone Wrestling

These promotions were awesome but sadly now closed:

Frontier Martial Arts Wrestling (FMW) (Jap.)

GAEA Japan (Jap.)

Frontier Wrestling Alliance (UK)

Extreme Championship Wrestling (pre-WWE)

Is the Ohio Valley Wrestling Dory Funk Wild Sammoan or Shawn Michaels Pro Wrestling Training Center the best?

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Asked by Wiki User

== Honestly any of them are good, it just depends on what your goals are and where you live. At the end of the day, your skill is what's going to get you where you want to be. WWE probably watches OVW more closesly considering the number of people they've taken from that company since they moved their developmental to Florida but they also have open tryouts at two of the other companies you named. As for Shawn Michaels school. I don't hear too much about them.