

Warhammer 40000

A table top war game created by Games Workshop and Citadel Miniatures, set in the 41st millennium. It uses 25mm scale models, rules, dice and measurements, and is staged as a battle between two or more forces.

500 Questions

Are space marines better than tau?

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All races are the same only with different strengths and weaknesses.

Tau are more effective with range weaponry but have terrible close combat. But kroot units can help out

Space marines are as good at everything, but not specialized like other races are.

How many points is a space marine Tactical squad worth?

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5 Marines = 90p. Each additional (up to a maximum of ten) costs 18p.

+ weapons.

What does bs stand for in warhamer?

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Ballistic Skill (BS) is a stat that represents a character's skill at hitting your target .When using anything that basically looks like a ballistic weapon, such as lance, rapid fire and heavy weapons. The Higher the BS the better the model is at hitting you target and easier it is for you to get what you want. Here's a chart for 'To Hitting'

Shooting Phase

  • BS=1 6+
  • BS=2 5+
  • BS=3 4+
  • BS=4 3+
  • BS=5 2+
  • BS=6 1+

Anything above and 6 Hit Automatically

Explain Warhammer close combat fighting?

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You start the phase by charging.

Then you pick a combat and resolve it.

The models with the higher I strike first

Compare WS by using the chart, then attackers S to defenders T

For every wound defender gets a armor save

repeat for lower I's.

How do you work out shooting in warhammer 40k?

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For detailed information, see the Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook.

Basically, see if you can see them, roll to hit, roll to wound and they attempt to save with armor or cover. The easiest way to figure out this game is to play with someone who knows it. Most places will have a gaming community already established in town. I recommend doing some research on your area to find your game store, then pop in and ask for a demo game. Most store owners are more than glad and capable to show you the game.

After moving all models, decided the which squad will fire. To decide on a target, take range, ballistic skill (BS), the number of shots, the strength of the weapon, the armor piercing value (AP), the toughness and armor save stats of the opponent all into consideration.

The range and other stats of each weapon are found in the codex of the army you are using and commonly the reference page of the Warhammer 40,000 rule book.

Once you have the stats, find what your squad can see. This is determined nearly literally, meaning that you find what the model could see though his eyes. I stoop down to the models level and see if I can see more then about 50% of the model. It's also recommended that you use a laser pointer to determine this. Even if you can only see one model of the opponents, you can fire. If you have models that cannot see even one, they are excluded as you would expect.

Next, using a measuring tool, find the end point of your range. Commonly, it is only 24" but there are many different types so make sure you check your stats.

Now that you have the number of models that can participate and their weapons, you can find the number of shots per model. Commonly, each unit is composed of entirely same weapon so this is easy to find out. Simply find the number of shots from each gun from the stats in the book and multiply by the number in the unit. Note that most models may only shoot 1 weapon each turn.

You finally get to roll to see what happens! These may seem like big steps, but they become painless after playing a few small games. To see how many blows were landed, roll dice for each shot taken. It's good practice to roll distinguish any differences when you go to roll (that is, if you have a different gun or different ballistic skill); roll them separate or use different colored dice. You will need to know what the BS stat is for each model firing. To see if you hit, subtract your BS stat from 7. That is the lowest number you need to hit.

For instance, a Space Marine has 1 shot with his bolter. He needs to see the target and be within 24" to fire one shot. His BS stat is 4; so he will need a 3 or better (abbreviated 3+) to hit the opponent. Now, we see if you can damage them.

At this point, we have hit but we don't know if the opponent has sustained damage. To determine this, we compare the guns strength with the opponent's toughness. In the rulebook and on bookmarks that are sometimes given away by game stores, there is a table to compare strength to toughness to find out what you need to hurt them. If you're like me and want to do this quickly, an easy way to remember it is the number 4. Compare the 2 stats, if they are even, you need a 4; if the strength is higher, you will need on less for each point you are above. Note: 1's always fail. For each point the strength is below the toughness, you will need 1 higher. The only exception to this rule is being 3 points below; you will still need a 6, but you can wound the opponent.

Now, damage is possible. But in the far future, there is only armor. Your opponent chooses who is to take the wound and they find that models armor save stat. They have a chance to ignore all of the work you just put in by being equal to or high then their own armor save stat. You can get rid of this by using weapons with a low AP stat (lower is better). Being equal to or lower than their armor negates there ability to save. If they fail (or didn't get one) they will suffer a wound. For most, they are done and are removed from the board; for commanders and other leaders, they have more hits to take before they fall. Keep track of the number of wounds on those with more than one until they have wounds equal to the number on their wounds (W) stat.

though long, this is still only a brief overview of the shooting phase and the situations that could occur. Most of the game is played during the shooting phase and there is much more left to figure out. Again, I suggest that anyone with interest in the game heads to their local game shop and asks for a demo. What may read as though it is complicated, is very simple in practice.

What us the point cost of a chaos space marine predator?

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A Chaos Predator costs 70 pts without upgrades. Upgrading the autocannon to a twin-linked lascannon: 35 pts

Take side sponsons with heavy bolters (30 pts) or lascannons (60 pts).

Dozer blade: 5 pts

Extra armour: 15 pts

Daemonic possession: 20 pts

Dirge Caster: 5 pts

One of the following pintle mounted weapons:

- Twin-linked bolter: 5 pts

- Combi weapon: 10 pts

- Havoc launcher: 15 pts

What is better Space Marines or Necrons?

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Space marines first of all the eldar have big forces at low costs but there weak space marines don't come in huge squads but you can equip stuff like missile launcher heavy bolter which can demolish the foe eldar are quite expevive in money 30 for one squad eldar are good in getting around the battle field because they have huge squads of jetbikes the space marines arnt very fast but they make that up in heavy support land raiders an stuff like that because of forge world the other player may have stuff you have never seen believe me an arnt in the codex's\ if the athor player has them say no the point is space marines are better

What does Relentless mean in Warhammer 40k?

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The relentless special rule allow a unit to move, shoot and assault as if they were using assault weapons.

What does ap stand for in warhammer 40k?

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Armor Penetration, an attribute for weapons that indicate the armour save the weapon can ignore - a lower value is better. If a weapons AP is equal to or lower than the victims armour save (SV), no armour save roll can be taken to prevent wounding.

How many points do tyranid warriors cost?

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It's in your codex, it varies depending on how you field the squad as well.

How do you shoot in Warhammer?

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Step 1: The First step in playing a game of Warhammer is to Build your army. Now this does not mean you must have 100's of painted miniatures on the table top. Yes that sure does look cool and I would strong encourage you to work toward that goal but to start with anything from pennies to slips of paper will work. What you do need to start with is the Army book you wish to play with. Inside this book there is tones of story and background about each army, but the key information is the army lists. To start your Warhammer character start with a small battle. You will need two core units and a Leader. Each army has a couple choices for core units and for the army leader. Read the stories and look for what appeals to you. Will your army be two solid blocks of spears and a knight on horseback leading? Or will you have two units of knights to thunder down your enemy and a Mage as your leader throwing fire balls. Feel free to mix and match your army choices and play test a couple different times to get what you like for your own style. The point value is the most important thing. Each model has a point value. Knights are the most points at well over 20 points a model, where foot men are far less, anywhere from 2 to 8 or 10 points depending on how much upgrades you give them. A good start would be a 500 point army. Well get building and see you at step two

Step 2: Ok so step one probably took you a good half hour or so. Now its on to step two. Setting up the battle field. for a small 500 point battle a 4'by 4' table will be more then fine. as you go to larger and larger battles 4' by 8' and bigger tables could be used. Now the second part of setting up the battle field is having things on the battle field. While some battles are fought in open fields, it is rare in life to find just a perfectly level field. Rolling hills, a tree here and there, a old wall are all things that could be found on the battle field. Now if you have been to any gaming store you will have seen many of these things, but for your first battle you may not have them. So throw a old book down as a hill top. Lay a paper towel roll down on its side to be a wall. A large round candle can make a great tower. Look around the house, there are tons of things to use. A general rule, tho by no means a hard rule, is for ever 2' by 2' space on your battle field, put 1 item down. so on a 4' by 4' table you would need four items. Placement can be done in many ways. One person could place them all and the other person pick sides, or you could randomly roll the dice and lay items down.

Step 3: OK now you have a 4 by 4 table laid down with items, Its time to deploy your army. This can be done in a couple ways. Simplest is roll dice against the person your playing and the winner picks sides. Or if one person set up the whole table the other gets to pick there side. Once you have the side of the table your going to deploy on, put down your first unit. Following this your enemy (on the battle field) will deploy one unit. Keep going back and forth starting with who ever deploys first until all forces are on the field. A low cost army like the Orcs might get 3 or 4 units for 500 points, where a high cost army like High Elves might only get the 2 units and there leader. Its OK don't let this fool you. The point system balances things out. There are more Orcs but the high elves are better fighters on a one on one bases.

Step 4: With both armies deployed its time to fight. Warhammer moves in turns. To start with you must determine who gets the first turn. Roll dice and the person with the highest gets to chose if they want there army rushing forward and taking the first turn, or if they would like to let the other person go first There are countless strategies on this point. And for that mater countless strategies in how you fight your battle. Are you going to be defensive take cover behind the wall and hope you can hold up to a charge from the enemy? Or are you going to rain fire down on them while your foot troops slowly advance Let a Mage soften up the enemy? The choice is yours, you are the general

Step 5: The turn of Warhammer consists of several phases. The first is movement Unless there are special rules for your army, based on the army books, the general move here is 4inches by foot men and 8 by mounted units. A good tape measure allows this to happen. If you are going to charge with a unit you can move 2x as far as normal, but they must reach the enemy. So now go and move your army

Step 6: Magic comes next. In this phase you cast any spells from your mage and defend against enemy spells. Your army creates 2 power dice. Each mage generates there own power dice according the the rules in there book. Anywhere from 1 to 4 dice could be generated from each mage. On defense your enemy will have two dispel dice and dispell dice generated from there mages. Again this is per the rules of each individual army. The way to cast spells is to pick the spell you wish, and then role a number of dice from your power pool up to the level of your mage plus one. So if you have a level 3 mage, you can use 4 dice. if you beat the number the spell requires you cast the spell. if you role two 6's its cast extra strong and your enemy can't dispel it. Be careful if you role two 1's that's bad news and check the miscast table in the main rule book. Your enemy can dispel with any or all of there dispel dice and if they roll higher then you did, the spell don't work. A good stradagy here would be to make your enemy use up all his dispell dice before you get to the spell you really want to cast

Step 7: Missile weapons come next. Each unit as a BS skill as listed in the army book. If the unit is armed with a missile weapon, be it bow, black powder gun, cannon, rock thrower, bolt thrower, blow gun, or anything else, it gets fired now. Some weapons have special rules, (Move-or-fire weapons for example) so check the army book for special rules. Assuming all weapons can fire, start with any weapon that is a guess weapons and shoot them first. (Cannons, rock throwers you must guess how far you want them fired) Work out the rules for each weapon as per the army book. Every big weapon like cannons rock throwers have special rules. Then fire your more regular weapons. These weapons all have a range. Nominate who you shoot at and then check range. If you come up short so too did your arrows. Roll a 6 sided dice for every model that fires. to hit, you must roll the number called out in the main rule book that is required for the BS of your troop. Many modifiers can come into effect. If the enemy is behind cover, if your firing from the high ground, if they are at long range etc. if you score a hit then you need to roll to wound. Each weapon as a strength score. this goes against your enemy's toughness. If they are equal numbers then you need to role a 4 or better on the 6 sided dice. if your strength is higher, you only need a lower number, if the enemy is tougher, then you might need to roll a 6 to wound.

Step 8: So you have soften up the enemy with a magic and missile now it comes time to get dirty. Close combat. This is played much as described in the missile section. Each model has a WS and that goes against the opponents WS. If both weapon skills are equal you will need a 4 to hit. Again all sorts of modifiers can be applied based on special rules of the troops and the weapons they fight with. once you work out who gets hit role to wound. Each model has a straight number. This goes against the toughness just like the missile weapons. Again if both are equal 4's are needed to wound.

Step 9: OK you moved, fire balled and shot, then fought in battle. Now comes the hard part, its your enemies turn to shoot, fireball and fight you back. Did you move your troops to good places? are they on the high ground? are they behind cover?


In warhammer 40k can you paint your armie anyway you want?

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Most Definitely!

however, if you need guideline for schemes that work well together, check out the 40k space marine codex!

What is the fleet rule in warhammer 40k?

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This rule can be found in the Warhammer 40K rulebook, but due to copyrights we are not allowed to answer this question.

Do you have to paint all warhammer?

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You do not need to paint your Warhammer figures to play games with them, unless it is a championship or it is specified in the rules. Most matches you do not have to.

How many points is an eldar titan in warhammer?

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The Eldar Revenant titan is 800pts, the Eldar Phantom titan is 2000, and the Eldar Warlock titan is 2500pts.

What is armor save it warhammer 40000?

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Armor Saves is the point value of a unit that allows it to deflect a wound, and not die. After a unit has been wounded, it throws and armor save role, if it has an armor 3+ for example, you would need to roll a 3, 4, 5, or 6 to save it from being killed.

Is Warhammer fun?

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There are many reasons, it is a very realistic strategy game for a start. There are also many facets to te hobby, such as painting, modeling and converting which encourages a lot more ownership in the hobby.

It can however be expensive, but the hobby is very rewarding.

What is the age rating for warhammer space marine?

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No age My Friend Warhammer is sad and pointless.

Are orks better than space wolves?

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The choice is purely aesthetic. Both sides have equal mechanics, the game balances the different factions power levels.

Choose whichever faction appeals to you visually, neither side has any superior advantage over the other in terms of game play. Winning is about correct troop selection and deployment within the restrictions of your given scenario, not which faction you are using.

What is Marneus Calgar's point value?

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Calgar is worth 250p (265 with armor of Antilochus)

The honor guards are worth 35p each (you can have 3-10 in each squad)(max three squads of honor guards)

+special weapons

How many elites can you have in a warhammer 40000 army?

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3 units can be chosen from your elites....however some codex have rules that ignore or alter this rule.

How big is a space marine rhino?

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A real Dreadnought Stands probably between 15 and 20 feet tall and probably 7-10 feet wide.

What is the strength of a space marine?

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It depends what armour they have. e.g: Scouts have 4+ armour save and terminators have 2+ armour save and normal marines have 3+ armour save

hope i helped

What weapons do space marines have?

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Space Marines carry a variety of weapons based on individual chapters and what each Marine (or the squad he's apart of) is meant to do. Devastators carry heavy weapons such as las cannons and plasma cannons among others. Assault Marines are meant to get into close combat, so they carry pistols and close combat weapons like chain swords and power weapons. A standard tactical marine would carry a standard issue bolter, and they all would carry a combat knife & grenades.

How do you paint warhammer 40k figures?

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Answer The same way you would paint any other model. It is best to undercoat your model, I normally use a black spray paint instead of undercoat. I then plan what I want the model to look like colour scheme etc. And then you just paint. I find GW pints to be the best.