


Workplace Health and Safety

Workplace health and safety programs aim to provide employees with a safe working environment. Employers implement several safety programs, hazard identifications, inspections, and safety tracking to ensure the well-being of the workers.

500 Questions

Is there an expiry date for Material Safety Data Sheet?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, there is no expiry date for Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). However, it is important to ensure that the information on the MSDS is accurate and up-to-date. It is recommended to review and update the MSDS whenever there are changes in the product composition or when new hazard information becomes available.

What hazard class is uranium hexafluoride?

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Asked by Wiki User

Uranium hexafluoride is classified as a radioactive material and falls into Class 7 (Radioactive) hazard class. It is considered a hazardous material due to its radioactivity and potential health risks.

What are the safety precautions of compounds?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some safety precautions for handling compounds include wearing appropriate personal protective equipment such as gloves and safety goggles, working in a well-ventilated area to minimize exposure to fumes, and following proper storage and handling procedures outlined in safety data sheets. It is also important to be aware of the hazards associated with the specific compound being used and to have access to emergency response procedures in case of accidents.

Helluland was probably located on what is called?

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Asked by Wiki User

Helluland was likely located on the east coast of Baffin Island in present-day Canada. It was part of the Vinland sagas and was described as a land with flat stones (likely referring to the rocky terrain).

Why are there more safety precautions with R410A then R22?

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Asked by Wiki User

R410A has a higher operating pressure and is a flammable gas, so additional safety precautions are necessary to prevent accidents or leaks that could lead to combustion. R22, on the other hand, is not flammable and operates at lower pressures, so it generally requires fewer safety measures.

What are the main sources of exposure leading to asbestos poisoning?

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Asked by Wiki User

Asbestos exposure typically occurs through inhalation of asbestos fibers present in the air from sources such as workplace environments with asbestos-containing materials, living in older buildings with deteriorating asbestos insulation, or from natural deposits of asbestos in the environment. Additionally, exposure may also occur through contact with asbestos-containing products or materials during activities like construction, renovation, or repair work.

How do you use lab safety rules?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lab safety rules are used to ensure the safety of individuals working in a laboratory environment. They should be followed at all times to prevent accidents and injuries. This includes properly handling chemicals, wearing appropriate personal protective equipment, and being aware of emergency procedures.

Why do labs have safety rules?

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Asked by Wiki User

to keep from getting heart in the lab

What is the conductivity of asbestos?

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Asked by Wiki User

Asbestos is a very good insulator for both electrical and thermal uses. It resists corrosive materials, insects, mold, vermin, etc. Unfortunately, inhaling it causes cancer.

For Thermal conductivity: Loosely packed Asbestos at -45 C 0.149 W/m C 0 C 0.154 W/m C 100 C 0.161 W/m C

Asbestos cement boards 20 C 0.74 W/m C

Taken from Process Heat Transfer: Principle and Applications by R. W. Serth

The importance of personal behaviour in maintaining the health and safety of you and others?

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Asked by Telbut132

As Dr. Avisha Mathur, my approach to maintaining health and safety through personal behavior deeply intertwines with the practice of Energy Healing. I believe that each individual has a significant role in not only ensuring their own well-being but also in contributing to the collective health and safety of our communities.

Incorporating techniques like Access Consciousness, Reiki Healing, and the Light Key Wellness System into your daily life can profoundly influence your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. These practices empower you to clear negative energies, enhance your awareness of your surroundings, and make decisions that promote safety and well-being.

For instance, Access Consciousness can help you become more present and aware of the choices you make, impacting not only your health but also how you interact with others. This increased awareness is crucial in situations where personal behavior can directly affect the safety of others.

What safety precautions are needed when handling uranium-234?

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Asked by Wiki User

When handling uranium-234, it is important to use protective equipment such as gloves, lab coats, and safety goggles to prevent skin contact and inhalation of radioactive particles. Work in a well-ventilated area to minimize exposure to radioactive dust. Proper training and handling procedures should be followed to ensure safe practices are in place.

What are some of the kinds of information you might find on an MSDS?

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Asked by Wiki User

An MSDS typically includes information about the chemical's physical and chemical properties, health hazards, precautions for safe handling and use, emergency procedures, and regulatory information. It may also provide information on safe disposal, storage, and transportation requirements for the chemical.

What safety precautions should you take when using oxidizers?

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Asked by Wiki User

When using oxidizers, it is important to wear appropriate personal protective equipment such as gloves, goggles, and a lab coat. Ensure good ventilation in the area where oxidizers are being used to prevent exposure to fumes. Store oxidizers away from flammable materials and follow strict handling and storage guidelines to prevent accidental reactions or spills that could lead to a fire or explosion.

Why are there two different sets of safety symbols for labeling chemicals?

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Asked by Wiki User

Different countries and regions have their own regulations and standards for labeling chemicals, hence the existence of different sets of safety symbols. This can lead to confusion when products are sold globally. Harmonization efforts, such as the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), aim to standardize these symbols across borders.

What is the Permissible Exposure Limit for hydrochloric acid?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) for hydrochloric acid is set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) at 5 parts per million (ppm) as an 8-hour time-weighted average. This limit is based on protecting workers from potential health effects associated with exposure to hydrochloric acid in the workplace.

Oxygen deficiency in a confined space can be caused by?

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Asked by Q1w2e3r

bacterial action, as from decomposition of sewage, chemical action, such as from rust, displacement by inert gases (e.g., nitrogen), and consumption, as from breathing or combustion from fuel-powered engines.

What is the precautions in oxidase test?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some precautions to take when performing an oxidase test include:

  1. Using aseptic techniques to avoid contamination of the test.
  2. Keeping the test reagents away from light exposure to prevent oxidation.
  3. Performing the test in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling fumes from the reagents.
  4. Following proper disposal procedures for any waste generated during the test.

What are the dangers of using a soldering iron?

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Asked by Wiki User

The main dangers of using a soldering iron include the risk of burns from direct contact with the hot tip, potential electrical hazards if not used correctly, inhalation of toxic fumes from the melted solder, and the risk of starting a fire if the soldering iron is not handled properly or left unattended. It's important to wear appropriate safety gear, work in a well-ventilated area, and follow proper usage guidelines to minimize these risks.

Which potential hazard is associated with pockets of flammable gas within a confined space?

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Asked by Wiki User

The potential hazard associated with pockets of flammable gas within a confined space is the risk of explosion or fire. Flammable gases can ignite when exposed to an ignition source, leading to a dangerous situation due to the confined nature of the space which can intensify the impact of an explosion or fire. Adequate ventilation and monitoring are crucial to mitigate this risk.

What is the best description of performing Step 5 Verify in the Lockout tagout procedure?

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Asked by Wakin3722

Step 5 Verify in the Lockout tagout procedure involves checking that all energy sources are isolated and the equipment is safely de-energized before maintenance work begins. This step ensures that the lockout/tagout devices are properly applied and that it is safe to work on the equipment. Verification is crucial to prevent unexpected energization and protect workers from hazardous energy.

What are safety precautions when using radiation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some safety precautions when using radiation include wearing proper protective gear such as lead aprons and gloves, minimizing exposure time, maintaining a safe distance from radiation sources, and following proper protocols for handling and disposing of radioactive materials. Regular monitoring of radiation levels and receiving extensive training in radiation safety are also essential precautions.

What safety precautions do you take when during an experiment that involves an open flame?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • Wear heat-resistant gloves and a lab coat to protect against burns.
  • Use a fume hood to ensure proper ventilation and prevent exposure to harmful fumes.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher nearby and know how to use it in case of emergencies.
  • Never leave the open flame unattended and always have a plan for safely extinguishing it.

Is asbestos a bacteria?

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Asked by Wiki User

Asbestos is not bacteria. It is a fibrous mineral that has been used for ages in everything from construction to clothing. It was once considered a great building material because of its heat resistant properties among other things.

Asbestos affects the human body when the fibers are inhaled, generally causing cancer.

To locate potential hazards in the ongoing driving scene is?

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Asked by Wiki User

To locate potential hazards in the ongoing driving scene, it is important to constantly scan the area ahead, check mirrors regularly, and anticipate the actions of other drivers or road users. Look out for factors such as changing road conditions, pedestrians, cyclists, animals, and erratic driving behavior from other vehicles. Staying focused and attentive can help you identify and react to hazards effectively while driving.

Is asbestos flammable?

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Asked by Wiki User

Asbestos itself is not flammable, but asbestos-containing materials can become flammable if they are not properly maintained or if they are exposed to high temperatures or flames. When asbestos-containing materials burn, they can release toxic fumes and particles into the air.