


World War 1

A global conflict also known as the War to End All Wars, World War I took place from 1914 to 1918 and resulted in 15 million deaths.

500 Questions

In world war 1 why did they use Chlorine gases?

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Chlorine gas was used during World War I as a chemical weapon due to its ability to cause severe respiratory distress and damage to the lungs. It was employed to break enemy lines, create chaos, and demoralize soldiers on the battlefield. The use of chemical weapons like chlorine gas violated the Hague Convention of 1899, which banned the use of asphyxiating or deleterious gases in warfare.

The power required to exert 1 N force over a distance of 1 m in 1 second is?

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The power required to exert a force of 1 N over a distance of 1 m in 1 second is 1 watt. This is because power is defined as the rate at which work is done, and in this case, the work done is 1 joule in 1 second.

What is the history of chemical and nuclear warfare?

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Chemical warfare dates back to ancient times with the use of poisonous gases and substances in battles. Modern chemical warfare saw extensive use during World War I. Nuclear warfare began with the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Both chemical and nuclear warfare are subject to international treaties and conventions governing their use.

Does Venus have poisonous gas?

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Yes, Venus' atmosphere is composed mainly of carbon dioxide with clouds of sulfuric acid, which are toxic to humans. The extreme temperatures and pressures on Venus's surface also make it inhospitable for life as we know it.

What was the smell of chlorine gas in ww1?

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Chlorine gas in World War I was described as having a pungent, acrid smell similar to bleach or a mix of pineapple and pepper. Soldiers often likened it to the smell of pepper or burning electrical wires.

Why does smoke particles move in zig-zag?

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Smoke particles move in a zig-zag pattern due to the random and turbulent nature of air flow. As the particles are carried by air currents, they are constantly buffeted by molecules in the air, causing them to change direction frequently. This results in the erratic, zig-zag motion that is commonly observed.

Why was World War 1 called the chemists war?

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World War 1 was called the "chemist's war" because it saw the widespread use of chemical weapons like mustard gas and chlorine gas. Chemical warfare marked a new level of devastation and suffering in modern warfare, with chemists playing a significant role in developing these deadly weapons.

Was the fingerprint system introduced before WWI?

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Yes, fingerprinting as a method of identification was introduced before WWI. It was first used in criminal investigations in the late 19th century and became more widely adopted as a reliable technique for identification during the early 20th century.

How far can a ww1 pistol shoot?

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On average, a WW1 pistol's effective range is around 50-100 meters, with most engagements occurring at closer distances. However, some pistols, like the Luger P08, have been recorded hitting targets accurately at over 200 meters.

What is the poison gas in WWL?

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The poison gas used in WWI was primarily chlorine gas, followed by phosgene and mustard gas. These gases were used by both the Allies and the Central Powers, causing widespread suffering and casualties among soldiers on the battlefield.

Was Iceland neutral in World War 1?

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No, Iceland was a part of the Kingdom of Denmark during World War 1 and therefore entered the war on the side of the Allies. Iceland's position as a Danish territory meant that it was automatically involved in the conflict.

What do you mean by the Newtonian world-machine?

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The Newtonian world-machine refers to the concept of the universe functioning like a machine that operates based on predictable physical laws proposed by Sir Isaac Newton. This view sees the universe as a giant mechanical system where objects interact through forces according to Newton's laws of motion and universal gravitation.

What is chlorine gas and what was it used for in World War I?

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Chlorine gas is a poisonous gas that can cause severe respiratory issues and death when inhaled. In World War I, chlorine gas was used as a chemical weapon to inflict casualties on enemy troops by causing choking and respiratory distress.

Was there a change in technology from World War 1 to World War 2?

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Yes, there were significant technological advancements between World War 1 and World War 2. In World War 2, there was greater use of tanks, aircraft carriers, radar, and improved communication systems. Additionally, the development of more sophisticated weaponry such as the atomic bomb marked a major shift in warfare technology.

What is a poison gas that was used in World War I that is an element?

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Mustard gas, also known as sulfur mustard, was a chemical weapon used during World War I. It is a liquid at room temperature and when released as a gas, it causes severe burns and blisters on exposed skin as well as respiratory issues when inhaled.

Flags of World War I?

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Some important flags used during World War I include the Union Jack for Great Britain, the Tricolore for France, the Stars and Stripes for the United States, and the Imperial German flag for Germany.These flags symbolized the countries involved in the conflict and were often used to rally troops and boost morale.

What did TE Lawrence of Arabia do in World War 1?

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TE Lawrence of Arabia was a British archaeologist, military officer, and diplomat who played a key role in the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire during World War I. He helped coordinate Arab forces, conducted guerrilla warfare against Ottoman troops, and contributed to the Allied victory in the Middle East. Lawrence's efforts contributed to the weakening of the Ottoman Empire and the eventual establishment of Arab independence in the region.

When did the US emerge as a world power in world war 1?

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The United States emerged as a world power during World War I in 1917 when it entered the conflict on the side of the Allies. Its contributions, both economically and militarily, played a crucial role in tipping the balance in favor of the Allies and shaping the outcomes of the war.

What is the role sport played during world war 1 and 2?

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During World War I and II, sport served as a form of recreation and morale booster for soldiers during their downtime. It also played a role in boosting national pride and patriotism, with sporting events used as propaganda tools by governments to promote unity and support for the war effort. Sports also helped distract the general population from the hardships of war and provided a sense of normalcy during turbulent times.

What three main groups fought in World War 1?

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The three main groups that fought in World War 1 were the Allies, which included countries like France, Russia, and the United Kingdom, the Central Powers, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire, and the neutral countries that eventually joined the war effort, such as Italy and the United States.

What is Triple HHH's real name?

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Triple H's real name is Paul Michael Levesque Jr.

It's Hunner or Hutter,dont know.

What will happen to the world if there is no magnetic induction?

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Without magnetic induction, Earth would lose its magnetic field, leading to increased exposure to harmful solar radiation, potential damage to the atmosphere, and disruption of electronic devices that rely on magnetic fields for operation. Life on Earth would be significantly different and face new challenges without the protection provided by the magnetic field.

What is the worlds slowest plane?

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The worlds slowest plane is called the helios. it is designed by nasa, runs completely on solar power and a bike goes much faster than it. the plane is a giant wing with more than a dozen small motors and solar panels on the wing. the jet pck

What would happen if the zimmerman note wasn't intercepted?

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If the Zimmerman Note was not intercepted during World War I, the United States may not have entered the war. This could have potentially altered the outcome of the conflict as the US played a significant role in tipping the balance in favor of the Allies.

State one prudential reason and one moral reason for power sharing from the Indian Context?

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Prudential reason: Power sharing in India promotes stability and mitigates the risks associated with deep-seated diversity by ensuring that multiple groups have a stake in the decision-making process, thus reducing the likelihood of conflicts and promoting overall peace and social cohesion.

Moral reason: Power sharing in India aligns with the principles of fairness, equality, and justice by giving voice and representation to all segments of society, particularly marginalized groups such as minorities or historically disadvantaged communities. This fosters a more inclusive and participatory democracy that upholds the dignity and rights of all citizens.