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Q: Once the issue of representation in congress was settled.what did the delegates have to discuss next?
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Three weeks after American revolution began 1775 delegates from all colonies except Georgia met to discuss possible courses of action?

Second Continental Congress

What was the meeting of the delegates from the colonies to discusss the stamp act called?

The meeting of delegates from the colonies to discuss the Stamp Act was called The Stamp Act Congress. It took place in New York City between October 7 and 25, 1765 .

What significant action did delegates against the British?

Delegate members from each state attended the continental congress to discuss British authority in the America colonies. Delegates from nine colonies met in 1765, and collectively declined taxation by the British Parliament on the colonies.

What significant actions did the delegates take against the british?

Delegate members from each state attended the continental congress to discuss British authority in the America colonies. Delegates from nine colonies met in 1765, and collectively declined taxation by the British Parliament on the colonies.

What delegates from every colony attended the continental congress in september 1774?

Delegates from all thirteen colonies attended the First Continental Congress in September 1774. Some notable figures included John Adams and Samuel Adams from Massachusetts, George Washington and Patrick Henry from Virginia, John Jay from New York, and John Dickinson from Pennsylvania. The purpose of the Congress was to address concerns and grievances against British rule and discuss potential actions to take.

The second continental congress met in philidalphia in order to?

On May 10, 1775, soon after the American Revolutionary war began, the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia The delegates of the 13 colonies met to discuss their next steps towards Independence On this same day the Americans captured the Fort Ticonderoga. The United States Declaration of Independence was adopted on July4, 1776.

In which year did the second continental congress begin to discuss independence?

The Second Continental Congress began to discuss independence in 1776.

What was the original purpose of the meeting of delegates in Annapolis Maryland IN?

To discuss revising the Articles of Confederation

Delegates from 12 of the 13 states met in Philadelphia to discuss a new system of government in 1787 but who led this convention of delegates?

George Washington of Virginia.

What was the original purpose of the meetings of delegates in Annapolis Maryland in 1786?

to discuss commerce in the colonies...

What was the original purpose of the meeting of delegates in in the Annapolis Maryland in 1786?

To discuss revising the Articles of Confederation

Why did Alexander Hamilton propose a meeting of the delegates?

To discuss trade issues and to consider changing the Articles of Confederation.