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Common Sense, published in 1776, was written by Thomas Paine. It convinced many Americans that America should separate from Britain and become independent and republican.

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Q: Paines common sense convinced many Americans that what they should fight for was?
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Thomas Paine's common sense convinced colonist to do what?

Thomas Paine wrote in Common Sense that Americans should separate from Great Britain.

What did Thomas Paines common sense mean?

I think Paine was trying to tell us that we should know that England was treating us unfairly. Everything in the pamphlet was a reminder of what should have been "Common Sense".

What convinced many people in the colonies that it was time to declare independence from Britain?

Paine's writings, published in simple language, persuaded many Americans that they were a new people who should have their own nation based on liberty and rights.- Common Sense by Thomas Paine

What did Thomas Paine's 'Common Sense' convince colonists to do?

Thomas Paine wrote in Common Sense that Americans should separate from Great Britain.

Which British policy convinced many Americans colonist that they should form their own country?

Great Britain did not allow the colonists to participate in government.

How did the colonist react to thomas paines common sense?

Thomas Paine based his reasoning on the idea that all men were independent and should have a voice in their country. Many colonists didn't know how to react to his pamphlet because of how he openly bashed the British monarchy; however, it helped lead the colonists into the American Resolution and gave them hope for a better future.

Paine's common sense was crucial in convincing many Americans that what they should fight for was?

an independent and republican America separate from Britian.

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Did Thomas Paine make common sense?

Thomas Paine's Common Sense criticized monarchies and convinced many American colonists of the need to break away from Britain.

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