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They carried all of the meat

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Q: What was the importance of animals in the Columbian Exchange?
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Importance of the Columbian Exchange?

The Columbian Exchange has been one of the most significant events in the history of world ecology, agriculture, and culture. it was a widespread exchange of plants, animals, foods, human populations (including slaves), communicable diseases, and ideas between the Eastern and Western hemispheres

What is the movement of people and animals and plants and diseases and ways of life between the Eastern and Western hemisphere?

I think it is columbian exchange

What is the movement of people animals plants diseases and ways of life between the Eastern Hemisphere and Western Hemisphere?

Columbian Exchange

Why was the exchange of plants and animals between the old and the new world called the Columbian exchange?

It was named after Christopher Columbus whose voyages marked its beginning.

Did the Columbian exchange improve life or make life worse in America?

the Columbian exchange was a dramatically widespread exchange of animals, foods, human populations including the slaves too.

What was the global transfer of food plants disease and animals?

the Columbian exchange

What mixing of plants and animals between europe and the Americans?

Columbian exchange

what was the columbian exchange?

sending animals anf plants from the old to the new

How did the Columbian Exchange hurt America?

While the Columbian Exchange brought many new animals and crops, it also brought new diseases for people as well as crops.

What role did the Columbian exchange play in the formation of an Atlantic world?

The Columbian exchange introduced disease, famine and non native species of animals to the Atlantic world. The disease caused many epidemics among the Natives and the species of new animals wreaked havoc on plants. The Columbian exchange also changed the terrain

What role did donkeys play in the Columbian Exchange?

Donkeys were brought from the Europeans to he New World during the Columbian Exchange. Donkeys were among the animals that helped with work as they were beasts of burden.

In the Columbian Exchange the Old World and the New exchanged?

The Columbian Exchange is a term given to the widespread exchange of the animals, plants, culture and human populations, communicable diseases, and ideas between the Old and New Worlds.