Not much
The German's were not treated well in the peace agreement after World War 1. The Germans were pretty much blamed for the entire World War 1, so as a result they withdrew from the League of Nations.
90 lire was one pound
There were 12 Pennies in a Shilling, and 20 Shillings in a Pound. A shilling at time of decimalisation was worth 5p
germany declared war on russia and france,great britain delcared war on germany thus europe is locked in battle
When did the Greeks control much of sourthern Europe
There was a refugee problem before the Holocaust as Jews tried to leave Germany and, from 1938 also Austria and later other countries, too. The Germans overran much of Europe very quickly in 1940 and 1941 and Jews in areas under German control were trapped and often herded into ghettos.
No, he never had complete control of the European Continent.
Germany was without a doubt winning the war in Europe during the 1940's. In a short time Germany took control of France which was considered to have a powerful army at the time. Also conquered by Germany during the 1940's were, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway, and Denmark. Most of Europe was controlled by the Axis Powers. Hope that answers your question. ---Nikolaus Howe---
By the fall of 1940 Germany controlled most of Western Europe. The countries under German rule include but are not limited to France, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
The Axis had had a huge military build-up before 1939, while the allies were unprepared for another world war. Poland lost against the Germans´ superior forces and tactics, and France fell by the summer of 1940 because the Germans were able to get around the Maginot fortifications by invading the Benelux countries. After Paris was captured, there was very little resistance left in the continental Europe against Germans. The non-aggression treaty between Germany and the USSR further stabilized the Axis dominance over Europe. In the Pacific theatre, Japan had invaded Korea, Manchuria and China. In 1939 and 1940 the Japanese had much of eastern China under control, and they had a more advanced army than the Chinese. Japan didn´t start to lose its dominance in Asia until the attack on Pearl Harbor.
At different times the Germans had 90% of the city. However, this was only in early phase of the battle. After the initial attack, it slowly declined until the Germans surrendered and retreated westwards back to Germany.
The blitzkrieg was a strategy used by the Germans in much of Europe, except the Great Britain. All major cities of Europe and the cities of Western Russia suffered from this. However, the Germans realized that blitzkrieg wouldn't work for a big country like Russia, even though it proved to be overwhelmingly successful in the occupation of the rest of Europe.
first answer: They retreated to avoid being surrounded and captured, or wiped out by Soviet forces. second improved answer: The Germans (military & civilian) feared immediate retaliation for the terrible things that Germans had done in the Soviet Union. The Germans had brutally murdered millions of civilians in Eastern Europe & Russia, and they had looted, pillaged & burned much property there.
There were no Pepsi cans in 1940
Germans were foolish enough to accept that it was necessary to grant absolute power to the Nazis to enable them to deal with a national state of emergency.
From 1933 till 1940 the Nazis tried to make life so unpleasante for the Jews in Germany that they emigrated. It was official policy.By mid 1940, however, so much of Europe was under Nazi rule that this was no longerpractical though a small number of Jews stillmanaged to reach the U.S. in 1940.