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After the western Roman Empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.

After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.

After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.

After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.

After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.

After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.

After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.

After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.

After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.

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13y ago

The period immediately following the fall of Rome is called the Early Middle Ages.

its actually called the Dark Ages, so your wrong.

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The period is called the Middle Ages (Dark Ages), which lasted about 800 to 1000 years until the Renaissance.

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The Early Middle Ages, or Medieval Times came after the Roman Empire. The immediate period after the fall of the Roman empire is called the Dark Ages.

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After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.

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Dark age

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Q: What historical period came after the fall of the roman empire?
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Did the greek or the roman empire came first?

The prefix 'pre' means to come before. So in order to predate some thing it must come before the other. The early Egyptian empire (the old kingdom) dates to about 2700 BCE. The Roman empire was forged around 30 BCE. However, there was a Roman republic for sometime before that. Regardless, the Egyptian Empire came into existence long before the Roman.

Why were the people of the Byzantine Empire upset when the pope crowned Charlemagne the Holy Roman Emperor?

Charlemagne was not prepared for his coronation and may not have wanted to be crowned by the Pope. If the Pope had the power to crown Charlemagne king, the Pope might also have the right to remove the crown.

What people invaded the northern parts of the roman empire and why?

When the Holy Roman empires was obliterated, it was destroyed by tribes of Slavs, Vandals, and other Gothic tribes, who made a point of coming in from a north-east or north-west direction and BYPASSING the northern areas of the Empire, since it had no great value to them aside from random plundering due to it being a branch-off and was mainly used as farming and small towns; the "meat" of the Empire lay in the East and West. As such: there was, in fact, no "northern" roman empire. The empire, when it was eventually split and destroyed due to a huge number of causes -best outlined in the book The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, written by Edward, Gibbon- was separated into the Western and Eastern halves. The Eastern half came to be known as The Byzantium Empire. The Western half became known as Mediolanum. This last attempt at a more wide-reaching "civiliaztion" ended in ~480AD. After that time, it would become informally, and then formally known as "The Dark Ages."

What four empires came to an end do to world war 1?

Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire, the Russian Empire and the German Empire.

Did the Songhai empire fall?

The Songhai (also Songhay) Empire fell in 1612. The empire was defeated by the Moroccans in 1519 and then fell into anarchy and the empire came to a sudden close in 1612.

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What king at the end of the Roman empire encouraged education in the Medieval period?

It was an emperor and he did so AFTER the end of the western part of the Roman Empire. The Medieval period came after the end of the western part of the Roman Empire. It was Charlemagne who became the emperor of the Carolingian Empire some 320 year after the fall of this part of the Roman Empire

Who was the roman empire in the medieval ages?

During the medieval period, the empire called the Roman Empire was centered in Greece and covered only the eastern Mediterranean. It is the empire that we now call the Byzantine empire, to distinguish it from the ancient Roman Empire that was centered on Rome and Italy and came to encompass the entire Mediterranean, as well as lands well beyond.

What Roman period came after the republic?

After the fall of the Roman republic came the principate, or as it is commonly called the "empire", because the leader was the "Imperator", the one who commanded.

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The Roman Empire came first.

Who came first the roman empire or the ottoman empire?

The Egyptian empire came 1,000 plus years before the Roman empire.The Egyptian empire came 1,000 plus years before the Roman empire.The Egyptian empire came 1,000 plus years before the Roman empire.The Egyptian empire came 1,000 plus years before the Roman empire.The Egyptian empire came 1,000 plus years before the Roman empire.The Egyptian empire came 1,000 plus years before the Roman empire.The Egyptian empire came 1,000 plus years before the Roman empire.The Egyptian empire came 1,000 plus years before the Roman empire.The Egyptian empire came 1,000 plus years before the Roman empire.

What age was before the middle age?

The Middle Ages came after the ancient period. They began with the fall of the Roman Empire of the West in 476 and ended with the fall of the Roman Empire of the East (Byzantine Empire) in 1453.

When did the western emperor fall from power?

The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.

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The Byzantine Empire was actually the part of the Roman Empire that Emperor Constantine still had control of - so technically it came after the Roman Empire

What was Europe like after the roman empire fell?

The Roman Empire's fall left Europe vunerable to the savage attacks of the Vikings and the tribes from the east. Christianity took over for some time, and then the Barbarian tribes from the east came into the west and moved the people further west-ward. After some time, the Vikings came down from the North and first attacked Lindisfarne and then the rest of the monastaries or what not. This era is called the Medieval Era and it goes on for hundreds of years.

What empire came before the byzantine empire?

The Eastern Roman Empire. It became the Byzantine empire after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire.

What river separated Dacia from the roman empire?

The Danube separated Dacia from the Roman empire, that is, until Trajan came along and conquered Dacia.The Danube separated Dacia from the Roman empire, that is, until Trajan came along and conquered Dacia.The Danube separated Dacia from the Roman empire, that is, until Trajan came along and conquered Dacia.The Danube separated Dacia from the Roman empire, that is, until Trajan came along and conquered Dacia.The Danube separated Dacia from the Roman empire, that is, until Trajan came along and conquered Dacia.The Danube separated Dacia from the Roman empire, that is, until Trajan came along and conquered Dacia.The Danube separated Dacia from the Roman empire, that is, until Trajan came along and conquered Dacia.The Danube separated Dacia from the Roman empire, that is, until Trajan came along and conquered Dacia.The Danube separated Dacia from the Roman empire, that is, until Trajan came along and conquered Dacia.

What great empire came out of Rome Italy?

The Roman Empire