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Q: Which polysaccharide is an important component in the structure of many animals and fungi?
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What is the most important feature used to classify animals?

The most important feature used to classify animals is Body structure!

What good are polysaccharide?

In animals, they are primarily energy storage molecules, although there are a lot of polysaccharide chains that do many extremely important jobs on the membranes of body cells. In plants, they are not only very important food storage molecules (starch), they also serve as structural materials (cellulose) and components in wood.

What are 2 polysaccharides found in animals?

the kind of polysaccharides that are found in animals are proteins and carbohydrates.

Polysaccharide in animals that stores energy?

my answer is always correct :) its glycogen and for Plato users the answer is A

Energy storing polysaccharide of animals?

A. Glycogen just answered it on plato lol.

What polysaccharide is the form of short term energy storage for animals?


Is chitin a substance used for energy storage?

No. While it is a polysaccharide, just like many of those used to store chemical energy within living organisms (such as the case with starch and glycogen), chitin is primarily used for structure and for strengthening structure within living organisms.

Is saccharide a monosaccharide?

yes ,Glycogen is a polysaccharide. It is a major storage form of carbohydrate in animal.found mainly in liver and muscle.It is a highly branched form of amylopectin .Alfa-1,6 branching point is occur every eight to ten D- glucose residues.

A type of polysaccharide that accounts for the strength of plants cells and is not digestible to most animals is?


Polymers of carbohydrates?

Carbohydrate polymers are polysaccharides. Plants store energy in the polysaccharide known as starch (amylose and amylopectin). Animals store energy in the polysaccharide glycogen. Plants form the polysaccharide cellulose for structural components (such as their cell walls). Insects and crustaceans form the polysaccharide chitin for structural components (such as their exoskeletons).

What do Animal store carbohydrates as?

Animals store carbohydrates as glycogen. Glycogen is a multibranched polysaccharide of glucose.

Does meat contain polysacchrides?

Yes the polysaccharides in animals is called glycogen. This polysaccharide is found in the liver and muscles.