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If our immune system were that weak as to be affected by a few hours in cold temperature we would really be in trouble. viruses cause colds, usually the rhinovirus. The only way that freezer would give you a cold is if you were working with someone who had a cold in the freezer either at the same time or a day or two before. Wash your hands frequently and don't touch your nose, mouth or eyes.

See the related questions about common colds not being caused by being cold.

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Working in a freezer does indeed have effects on a human. A human might for example freeze to death if they do not dress properly.

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Q: Can you catch a cold by working inside a freezer on a job?
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Can working in a freezer cause arthritus?

Working in a freezer does not cause arthritis. However, if someone is already suffering from arthritis, the cold will increase the intensity of it.

Will a freezer last longer in the garage than inside?

The life of the freezer depends on the conditions in which it is housed. If the garage is humid, hot or conversely very cold, then your freezer is better off inside.

What is inside A freezer that keeps things cold?

something that is cold and solid like ice but that stuff does not melt

How cold is the inside of a freezer?

The inside of a freezer is very hard to calculate! Although, I have calculated that it is about 15 to 31 degrees Celsius.

Why is Refrigerator nor and freezer not cold all fans are working it is side by side?

It might be out of freon.

How do you catch a snowflake?

You need something really cold. You or anything from inside your house will be too warm and the snowflake will melt as soon as it touches. If the weather outside is cold enough, you can leave something, like a spoon, outside until it cools off. Then you can use it to catch a snowflake. If the weather is too warm (the snow is not sticking to the ground, but melting), put the spoon in your freezer for a hour or so.

Why does a balon deflate when you put it in a freezer?

The air particles inside are less active, and tend to clump together because of the cold

Why is your refrigerator is not cold and the freezer is not cold?

My refrigerator is not running cold nor is the freezer. It is blowing warm air.

What temperature should a freezer be at?

cold, very cold.

Why is it not vital to keep the lid of a chest freezer closed?

Any freezer needs to be kept closed as much as possible if you wish for it to remain cold. However a chest freezer will not warm up as fast as an upright freezer. This is because the cold air in the freezer is heavier than the air outside of the freezer. When you open an upright freezer the cold air "falls" out, this can't happen with a chest freezer.

Will hot water get cold quicker in a freezer?

hot water in a freezer will get hotter depending if the freezer is turned on.

Why is your freezer cold but not your refrigerator?

Strangely enough fridges and feezers actually need to have stuff inside them to work properly. A fridge or a freezer will work best when they are about 60-75% full. If they are too empty or too full then they won't be as cold.