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Q: Can you collect unemployment benefits and your civil service retirement at the same time in Utah?
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If you have been laid off by the US Postal Service can you collect New York State's unemployment benefits?

Yes you can collect unemployment if u get laid off the postal.

Can retired military collect Georgia unemployment insurance?

Only if you don't tell them about your retirement. I retired Jan 2010 and immediately went to work FT. After 7 months, I was laid off without notice. I applied for unemployment and stated honestly that I receive a military retirement. I am a man of integrity and had no desire to falsify information that could come back to haunt me or even be charged with a crime since it is illegal to falsify information when applying for unemployment. I was told that I did not qualify for unemployment benefits becaus I receive a military retirement. In short, in the state of Georgia, retired veterans will never be eligible for unemployment benefits because our retirement is more than the benefit. What is being lost in all this is that the state requires every employer to pay into the unemployment system for their workers. This means that the state of Georgia gets to keep the money paid by my employer because I can never qualify for unemployment benefits. This is outrageous! I guess my 24 years of service wasn't enough, they now want my unemployment benefits as well. Just their way of saying "Thanks for your service". Good Soldier

Can you collect unemployment in Arizona from Michigan?

Generally, to collect benefits it is allowed to file for those benefits in any state, but the funds for payment come from the person's last employer and that employer's state employment service (in this case, from Michigan).

Can you collect unemployment in California while collecting a city and county of San Francisco pension?

It is possible to receive unemployment and a pension in California under certain conditions specified in Section 1255.3 . You will receive full unemployment benefits if you contributed to the pension fund that is being distributed. (Examples for Federal Benefits include Social Security, Railroad Retirement and the Civil Service Retirement System CSRS, and FERS) Plans that did not require any employee contribution are not exempt and will have unemployment benefits reduced by the amount of the payment. For the complete California law go to the Related Link below. Yes, you can collect California unemployment benefits when you have a pension. However, according to the Pension or Retirement; A. Pension Law - Section 1255.3 (a), found in the Related Link below, the benefit shall be reduced, but not below 0, by an amount of the pension attributable to the benefits in that week. This is correct but I would follow up this answer with what if you started receiving pension from previous employers from 10 years back and is not the base employer. Will this too be deducted from your UI? Thanks

Can you collect unemployment insurance after you are released from jail?

In most cases you cannot collect unemployment after maternity leave. If your maternity leave is over, your doctor has determined that you can go back to work. Unemployment is intended for those who are laid off from work.

What are vested rights in relation to retirements?

You become "vested" in a retirement plan when, after working and contributing a specified number of years, you become eligible to collect retirement benefits at a given age, or after a given number of years at the employer. Certain prison guards can collect their retirement after 25 years service no matter their age. Some people cannot collect until age 62, no matter how long they've worked. It's all about which retirement plan you participate in.

Can temporary disability be taken away after service connected retirement?

Yes. It likely will be up to your retirement benefits to provide for you.

When do Tier 3 members reach full retirement benefits?

Tier 3 members of the retirement system typically reach full retirement benefits at age 63 with 10 years of credited service, or at age 65 with 5 years of credited service.

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What are the benefits of a 403b retirement plan?

There are not any special benefits of a 403B retirement plan when compared to the more familiar 401K retirement plan. The only difference is that if your work for the government or are in a civil service type job the retirement plan is called 403B.

What are the benefits of the Civil Service retirement system?

A benefit of the Civil Service retirement system is that employees contributing to the plan can have a guaranteed amount of money saved for their retirement. This program came into effect as of August 1, 1920.

A defined plan is part of which employee benefits?
