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Tha definition of racist is one who thinks his race is superior to all others. The word prejudiced is the correct word to use. Contrary to modern public opinion, slavery played a VERY MINOR part in starting the war. The Stars and Bars has as much to do with slavery as the American flag did just before the war started. Slavery was legal in the United States in 1860, so with the same exact argument,one would have to say that the American flag was "racist" (please use prejudiced instead).

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For most Americans, especially African-Americans, the Confederate Flag will always be a symbol of racism since the foundational principle of the Confederacy was the preservation of slavery.

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Q: Does the Confederate Flag still signify racism?
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Is the confederate flag a symbol of discrimination?

Yes, for many people the Confederate flag is seen as a symbol of racism, discrimination, and oppression due to its historical association with the Confederate States of America, which fought to preserve slavery. It is important to recognize the negative connotations attached to this flag and the pain it can cause to certain groups of people.

Why do southern states still have a confederate flag?

culture and heritage

Is the Confederate Flag is a symbol of racism?

No more than the stars and stripes in its Civil War version. Lincoln did not believe in black equality.

Why is the confederate flag so constroversial?

Much of the controversy comes from misunderstandings. First, what flag do they have issues with? Most people when asked what the "Confederate Flag" looks like would point to a red banner with a blue cross corner to corner with 13 stars in the cross. Some people even refer to this flag as the "stars and bars" because it has white stars on blue bars. Both of those beliefs are FALSE! The flag that most people think of as the "Confederate Flag" is the Confederate Navy Jack (rectangular flag) or the Confederate Cavalry or Artillery flag (square flag). There were three (3) official flags of the Confederate States of America and this flag was NOT one of them. The Confederate Stars and Bars (first flag of the Confederate States of America) looks nothing like the Confederate Navy Jack or Cavalry flags. Take a look at Georgia's state flag. Except for the state seal in the circle of 13 stars, that is the first flag of the Confederacy, the "Stars and Bars." The second point: Some will say that the "Confederate Flag" stands for slavery or racism. Others will say that the "Confederate Flag" stands for rebels and "red necks." The association of the "Confederate Flag" with controversy may have begun with "white supremacy" movements of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) founded in the Southern States in 1865 by Confederate veterans.

Why is the Confederate flag offensive to some?

Since the confederacy was cool with slavery, many people consider it a symbol of racism these days

Why does the Mississippi state flag still have a symbol of confederate flag on it?

That is an excellent question. As of yet, no truly satisfactory answer has been offered for it.

Is the rebel flag represent racism?

Many people believe that the rebel flag, also known as the Confederate flag, represents racism due to its historical association with the Confederacy and the Civil War fought to preserve slavery. The flag is often used as a symbol of white supremacy and segregation.

Why are blacks offended by the confederate flag?

The Confederate flag is still a symbol of southern pride. The south was for slavery so it is considered to be a racist flag. The KKK took the flag and made it there own and abused there power.

What does the confedrate flag mean?

It once stood for the CSA (Confederate States of America). Now, it's a symbol of southern heritage.

What is the confederate flag?

The rebel flag the flag of the south.

What is the flag of confederate?

The rebel flag the flag of the south.