

Python Programming

Python was first released in 1991, it is an high-level programming language. It was created by Python Software Foundation. The language is influenced by a number of programming language such as C, Lisp, Perl, Java and others.

367 Questions

What are some best books for learning python programming language?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some popular books for learning Python include "Python Crash Course" by Eric Matthes, "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" by Al Sweigart, and "Learning Python" by Mark Lutz. Each of these books offers a structured approach to learning Python for beginners and covers important concepts effectively.

Where can one learn about python threading?

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Asked by Wiki User

you can easily learn python by doing daily python exercises from book and from my YouTube channel , please visit and see my videos and subscribe them

search from youtube adnan majeed java

Where can you learn more about Python and how to use it?

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Asked by Skba

To learn more about Python and how to use it effectively, you can explore a variety of resources, including courses and materials from "AchieversIT." Here are some recommended ways to learn Python:

Python Courses at AchieversIT:

Start by enrolling in Python courses offered by AchieversIT. They likely offer beginner, intermediate, and advanced Python training programs that cover various aspects of the language.

Online Python Tutorials:

Utilize online Python tutorials available on websites like, W3Schools, and Python for Beginners. These tutorials cover Python basics and advanced topics.


Consider reading Python books, such as "Python Crash Course" by Eric Matthes, "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" by Al Sweigart, or "Learn Python the Hard Way" by Zed A. Shaw.

Interactive Coding Platforms:

Platforms like Codecademy, Coursera, and edX offer interactive Python courses that allow you to practice coding online.

YouTube and Video Courses:

Explore Python video tutorials on platforms like YouTube or enroll in video-based courses on websites like Udemy or Pluralsight.


Familiarize yourself with the official Python documentation available on It provides comprehensive information about Python's features and libraries.

Practice Coding:

The more you code, the better you become. Work on coding challenges on websites like LeetCode, HackerRank, or Project Euler to improve your problem-solving skills.

GitHub and Open Source Projects:

Explore Python projects on GitHub and consider contributing to open source projects. This hands-on experience can be valuable.

Online Forums and Communities:

Join online forums and communities like Stack Overflow, Reddit's r/learnpython, and the Python community on These platforms are great for asking questions and getting help.

Specialized Python Tracks:

Depending on your interests, you can delve into specialized tracks such as web development with Django or Flask, data science with Pandas and NumPy, or machine learning with libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch.

Coding Bootcamps:

If you're looking for an intensive learning experience, consider enrolling in a Python coding bootcamp, which may be offered by AchieversIT or other institutions.

Conferences and Meetups:

Attend Python conferences, workshops, and local meetups to network with professionals and stay updated with the latest developments in the Python community.

Online Courses and Certifications:

Explore online courses and certifications from reputable organizations and universities. Some platforms offer Python-specific certifications.

Blogs and Podcasts:

Follow Python-related blogs and podcasts to stay informed about industry trends and best practices.

Build Projects:

Apply your knowledge by building Python projects. Start with small projects and gradually tackle more complex ones as you gain confidence.

Remember that learning Python is an ongoing process, and continuous practice is key to mastering the language. Combine various resources and learning methods to tailor your Python education to your specific goals and preferences.

Different data types on python?

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Asked by Wiki User

There a couple data types.

String = Text | "hello"

Float = Decimal Value | 5.5

Integer = Whole number | 5

Boolean = True/False Statement | False

Why is database useful?

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Asked by Wiki User

A database is a program that stores information. Such info can be sorted and retrieved in whatever output the operator requires. A common use for a database is to store the names and addresses of members belonging to a club, etc. The club Secretary or Treasurer can sort the membership database to show those member who have not yet renewed their membership subscription.

A commercial company may have a database showing customers' names, addresses and other details, their past purchases, their credit state, and so on.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Visual Basic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Visual basic is a proprietary programming language written by Microsoft, so programs written in Visual basic cannot, easily, be transferred to other operating systems. There are versions of Basic that run on several operating systems, but they aren't direct clones of VB so some work would have to be done. Visual Basic is built around the .NET environment used by all Microsoft Visual languages, so there is very little that can't be done in Visual Basic that can be done in other languages (such as C#). Visual Basic only really exists as a high-level Windows programming language - for writing Windows applications. Whereas other languages (particularly the "C" family of C, C++ and C#) have a life outside of Windows and are used for everything from writing device drivers or "embedded" systems up to large applications. There are some, fairly minor disadvantages compared with C: C has better declaration of arrays - its possible to initialise an array of structures in C at declaration time; this is impossible in VB. in combination if tests: if A and B then endif In C, it is defined that A is evaluated first, then B. Visual Basic doesn't guarantee the order of evaluation; this makes some programming a bit more awkward; in C, the following is safe: if Inst>0 and Array(inst) =5 then


// do stuff

} as the Inst>0 test is always done first, in visual basic it becomes: if Inst > 0

if Array(inst) = 5 then

' do stuff


endif The advantages of VB are the ease of learning - the syntax is simpler than other languages (although it can be argued that C has more flexibility). The visual environment is excellent (although that's common to all the visual languages). It's widely used and, therefore, well understood.

How do you write the code by python?

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Asked by JingyaoZhanggp2659

it depends what type of program you wish to write. python is a very simple programing langauge therefore it doesnt have much room to play with. i mainly use it to work out simple math problems, or use it to calculate thing for games i play,

Ex.) This is a program i wrote to work out the Pythagorean therom to find side "C":

a = input("Enter Corner Side A\n ")

b = input("Enter Corner Side B\n ")

c = a*a+b*b

import math

print math.sqrt(c)

raw_input("Press <enter> To Leave Program")

input mean that's where you enter your variable, raw input is what you put at the end so it doesnt just run away (NOTE*** THIS IS A PYTHON 2.6.5 SCRIPT, IT WILL NOT WORK ON OTHER VERSIONS OF PYTHON"

notice i put ("Press <enter> To Leave Program") this is what it will say before it "runs away". i suggest watching some youtube videos on how to write programs for your version of python. also try using the manual that comes with your version of python. it helps greatly.

Why is pseudocode useful?

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Asked by Wiki User

Programmers use pseudo-code to debug programs. Pseudo-code lays out the basic coding for the program before putting it into any specific programming language. That way, a programmer can be sure that all the necessary components are included, and that the program will run as expected.

Why is python an object oriented programming language?

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Asked by Wiki User

I suspect you mean, "What makes Python an OO language?"

Well, first of all, you can define objects. But, way beyond that, all of the data types are objects, as well as methods and functions.

How do functions help you to reuse code in a program?

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Asked by Wiki User

Functions hold code, which means anything that happens within a function can be "called" later on. Allowing the programmer to save time, and ensuring he doesn't have to re-write code. Example:

Instead of writing "Hello" 10 times, I made a function that said print("hello") 5 times, then "Called" the function twice.

def helloFiveTimes():









What are the types of loops?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are three forms of loop commonly used in C/C++, the for loop, the while loop

and the do-while loop.

The for loop is most commonly used whenever an action is going to be performed a set amount of times. For example, to sum every element in an array:

for(i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)


sum = sum + array[i];


The while loop and do-while loop are commonly used to loop until a condition is met. The difference between the two is that the do-while loop goes through one iteration before checking its condition, while the while loop checks its condition before any execution of the loop.

Example do-while loop:



randomNumber = rand() % 10;

}while(randomNumber != 6);

Example while loop:

cout > number;

while(number < 0)


cout > number;


What is the purpose of print strings in python?

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Asked by Wiki User

It means that python will print(or write out) a value you input.

How do you make flowchart of ascending order using raptor?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hey sunil i have an idea about mode that is more repeated data is mode ok


Example in the series 2,4,5,2,4,5,2,4,24,22,2,2,7,8,9,2 Mode for this data is 2 i.e. Answer is 2

How do you write a program in Python to find the first n prime numbers?

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Asked by Wiki User

One way to do this is to write a function that checks if a number is prime:

def isPrime(number):

for i in range(2, number):

if number%i == 0:

return False

return True

Then create variables to track how many primes have been found and a variable to track which number is being tested for being prime. Increment that variable and test it, and if it is prime print it out (or save it somewhere) and increment the variable being used to track how many primes have been found:

targetPrimes = 10 #number of primes to find

primesFound = 0 #number of primes found

i = 1

while (primesFound < targetPrimes):

i += 1 #first number tested is 2

if isPrime(i):


primesFound += 1

Write a program in c language to draw a diamond shaped if you give the number?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hey, It is not the exact logic for a given program.

Here i m giving the code with minimum number of executing steps.

also i m sure that there doesn't exist any other way to print the same Diamond such that code executing steps will be less than mine.

It is not copied from any website, book etc.


void main()


int n,i,s,k,flagReverce=0;

printf("Enter the no. of rows\n");

scanf("%d", &n);

for (i=1; i>=1; i++)


for (s=n; s>i; s-)

printf(" ");

for(k=1; k<(i*2)-1; k++)



if (i == n)

flagReverce = 1

if (flagReverce = 1)




What can you use python for?

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Asked by Wiki User

Python is an interpreted, high-level and general-purpose programming language. Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant indentation. Its language constructs and object-oriented approach aim to help programmers write clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects.[29]

Python is dynamically-typed and garbage-collected. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including structured (particularly, procedural), object-oriented and functional programming. Python is often described as a "batteries included" language due to its comprehensive standard library.

What is the Python programming language?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the context of computer programming, Python is an open source programming language.

I put some links that I found helpful when learning Python on my webpage:

Can you delete code on python?

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Asked by Wiki User

you can uninstall it just like any other program.

What are some features of the python programming language?

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Asked by Wiki User

Here are some of the features I like:

  • Fairly simple, and easy to learn, compared with other languages.
  • Supported on many platforms.
  • The language in general requires less statements to achieve something than many other languages.
  • The scope of a for, while, if, etc. is defined by indentation. That is, no special symbols are used to indicate the end of such a block. This also means you must indent correctly.
  • A procedure can return more than one value, like this:
    • In the procedure: return a, b
    • Calling the procedure: x, y = myprocedure(...)
    • I guess that technically, the procedure returns a single item (a list), but the language syntax makes it easy to assign the parts of this list to more than one variable.
  • Built-in support for complex numbers.
  • Built-in support for numbers of an arbitrary size.

I want to add more info, like



Cross-platform and Open Source

Also as of March 2016, Python had the highest year-on-year job demand growth (at 19%) among all programming languages. On Angel List, Python stands as the 2nd most demanded skill and also the skill with the highest average pay offered.

How do you do a while loop in python?

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Asked by Wiki User


In this example, I have created an array of numbers called 'foobar', and while the variable 'sum' is less than 20, I will have the program continue to loop back and add the next number in the array sequence.


foobar = [1, 4, 7, 2, 9, 11, 0, 6, 5, 4, 16, 3]

sum = 0

iteration = 0

while(sum < 20):

sum += foobar[iteration]

iteration += 1


What does a Python Developer do?

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Asked by Wiki User

The main aim of software developers are to create a website as per the user requirements and need. They create unique database whether for small or large companies. And Coordinate with owner for the website interface. If you are looking for good software developer, Dmitry Khodarenok is serving custom android application development since 7 years.

Where can one download a free Python tutorial?

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Asked by Wiki User

The only place you can get a legitimate trial of the software Python is from Python's official site. Other downloads may contain virus or other malicious software.

How do you get input in python?

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Asked by ARMANS

I get in put with input() function like this:

x = input("what do you want to ask")