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The UK's Natonal Health Service states that the best method of losing weight is healthy diet combined with exercise.

It is worth mentioning that it is generally considered unhealthy to lose more than 1 kg (2.2 pounds) in weight per week.

1 gram of fat contains 9 Calories of energy. Therefore to lose 1 kg of fat mass you would need to create a deficit of approximately 9000 Calories.

On average an adult burns between 2000 to 2500 Calories a day due to their normal metabolism (depending on activity level this can be significantly lower if sedentary or higher if very active). If your Calorie intake exceeds your Calorie burn you will gain weight. If your Calorie burn exceeds your intake you will lose weight. As such to lose weight you must either reduce the number of Calories consumed (diet), increase the number of Calories burned (exercise) or ideally combine the two!

Therefore to lose 1 kg of fat mass, you would need to burn an extra 9000 Calories. To put that into context, a moderate running speed of 6MPH will depending on your weight burn between 600 and 1000 Calories per hour (assuming a mass within the range 60 - 100 kg).

Therefore to lose a kilogram of fat you would have to run for between 9 and 15 hour over the course of the week. Or you would have to reduce your Calorie intake by 1285 Calories per day. These are both fairly unfeasable.

A much better solution would be a reduction of Calorie intake by 500 Calories a day (which will add up to 3500 Calories over the week) when combined with the exercise (5 1/2 to 9 hours of running - 45 mins to 1 1/4 hours per day) would potentially achieve your target weight loss of 1 kg.

Please see the related links.

Another Contributor added the following:

Well I have lost 2 kg in one week and I'm 15 I do 20 minutes of intense boxing combinations and 160 left-right-uppercuts starting with my right arm and then another 160 for the left then I do about 15 minutes of walking then do kick boxing for about 13 minutes and I also ate less. I did this routine everyday and I lost 2 kg (I was so proud of myself) I hope this helped!

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13y ago

Two kilos is a lot to lose in one week, but it can be done. Firstly, try cutting down on salty food. Excess salt makes your body retain water, so you can drop some water weight if you cut down on salt. (Be warned, if you go back to eating salty food your body will start retaining water again) Don't cut salt out entirely; a little bit of salt is needed each day to remain healthy. Cut down on bread/pasta for the whole week, as carbs can make you bloated.

A healthy diet of leafy green vegetables and lean meat such as chicken with small servings of dairy/eggs is a great 'detox' style diet as there's not anything that bloats you in these foods.

Gentle exercise that involves getting your heart racing will also help shift a little weight. This sounds gross, but try doing exercises that stretch/bend your stomach a bit, such as crunches/touching your toes. This stimulates movement within your digestive tract and will help you 'eliminate' any buildup of waste (meaning it'll help you poop)

Good luck, and don't go overboard :)

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15y ago

Count all the calories you ingest. Try and eat 1000 calories less and exercise on a regular basis. Even a 30 minute brisk walk around the block will help. The best time to exercise is the morning, before breakfast. Your body metabolism will wake up and you will burn a lot more calories during the day. Do not overdo it. It is not the amount of weight loss that matters it is how you feel in your slimmer and fitter body. The hardest is to start, after that your will get used to eat less and exercise, and that has to become your new way of life. Your body weight is a picture of the way you live, you have to change the way you live to see it reflected.

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13y ago

Calories under 1600 per day. LOTS of water. And walk, exercise , just keep moving . Largest meal at breakfast . No food after 7 PM. If you feel yourself faltering, drink a glass of water , walk around for 10 min, and review your choices. If you goof and nibble, don't beat yourself up. Just go, Wow ! I shouldn't have done that. Then get back on track. Guilt doesn't burn many calories.

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11y ago

dont snack between meals

exercise more

eat healthy

lower your calorie intake ( woman is 2000 a day, men is 2500 a day)

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15y ago

Yes, quite easily.

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14y ago

Yes, that is very possible.

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Sobaan Umer

Lvl 1
1y ago
Yes u can u need to eat 1000 calories per day and train to lose more than 500to1000 calories more than u eat thx for ur time and for reading this have a good day take care

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