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Military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz wrote that wars are basically one of two types. One such type is the over throw of the enemy, making that enemy powerless and politically helpless. And or militarily impotent. This perfectly matched what the Union had to do to end the Southern rebellion. The other type of war described by Clausewitz was one to merely occupy some of the enemy's frontiers or territories. Annexation could then be used as bargaining chips at a peace negotiations.

This type of war fits a good portion of the Southern strategy. Yes, the South placed itself on the defense for practical purpose. Yet prior to and during the US Civil War, attempts were made to have the border slave states join the Confederacy.

Lee hoped he could do that in Maryland. At Gettysburg his plan was stay in Pennsylvania and force the Union to negotiate.

Attempts were also made in Missouri and Kentucky.

Had the South made inroads in any of these important states, it would be likely that President Lincoln would never be reelected. In fact, if Southern progress in the border states was successful from 1862 to 1863, the Union would either have to abandon the war, or come to terms with the South out of necessity.

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Q: How did the ideas on warfare established by Carl Von Clausewitz match the goals of the Union and Confederacy in the US Civil War?
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