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Backwashing is done to clean the filter media in sand and DE systems. Cartridge filter systems don't have a "backwash" provision. You just remove the cartridges and wash off the dirt and debris with a hose.

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Q: How do you backwash a regular pool not a de or sand?
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Do you backwash your pool before you put chemicals in?

No you only backwash your pool when your filter pressure on your filter is high 30psi and above on most pools. If you backwash your pool be sure to add two scoops of de to your skimmer. If the presure is still high the u need to clean the filter

When do you add DE to a pool?

You add D.E. to a pool when you do a fresh filter clean. You also add D.E. if you have to backwash your pool more than normal. When you backwash the pool it is also dumping the D.E. out so it needs to be replaced to keep the grids covered so the pool can filter properly. Hope it helped

Why is the pool pressure gauge so high?

Depending on the type of filter it needs to be cleaned or backwashed. Cartridge filter: Hose off. If pressure does not go down buy new cartridges Sand filter: Backwash, if pressure does not go down replace sand DE filter: Backwash, if pressure does not go down remove element from tank and hose off and or acid wash. Also... always make sure you gauge is working

Do you have to add DE powder everytime you clean your DE filters?

Yes. It is important because grids inside will not get clogged by dirt, dust and other elements getting into pool and will not brake that easily. Also pool water will look better and you will have easier filter cleaning next time. Add some D.E. after backwash, too.

HOW much d.e should one add to a pool filter?

That would depend on the filter . the best thing to do would be to contact the manufacturer of the filter.

Why is dirty water coming out the return jets as you are sweeping the pool?

If after you have backwashed for an decent time and you turn your pump back on, and dirt comes out from the jets my guess would be its time to change your sand, if you have just changed your sand then I would look at the gasket that goes between the top of the filter and the base unit if that is torn you will have dirt and sand slipping by.

Why Backwash a pool?

All swimming pools with a pump and filter should have a back wash system. You must back wash your swimming pool filter when indicated by the pressure gauge on your filter. ANSWER 2:: Cartridge filters have no means to back wash. These filters must be broken down and cleaned manually. K

How did you get sand in the bottom of your pool?

If you do not see your water level going down on above ground pools they use sand for the bottom. My first guess would be that if you have a sand filter that the sand is coming from the filter just a bad or faulty gasket I do not know if you change the sand in your filter or you have someone do it, just have the person vacuum the sand up with the pool vacuum. have someone open the filter up and look at the gasket. A thin coat of sand? Well if is all over the bottom of the pool it is either a fine sediment that the filter cannot pick up or DE. If you have a DE filter and it is DE on the bottom of the pool you either have a problem with the internal components or, if you have a multiport valve, you may have a problem with that. What ever you have the best way to get rid of it is to vacuum it to waste. If you have a multiport valve you should have a setting marked waste and you would vacuum the pool while the valve was in this position. This bypasses the filer and run the water out the backwash line. Any other filter configuration I would have to know what type of configuration you have to advise you on how best to deal with this issue. If this "sand" is all in one spot by the return jet then you probably have a broke lateral at the bottom of the filer. You will need to replace the lateral and if the laterals are over 6 years old replace all of them.

Should you backwash a pool when the water gets too hot?

The best way to determine this is to backwash the filter and see what the pressure is at that time. Then go 7-10 PSI above that and this will be your pressure to watch to tell you when to clean your filter.

What is the regular pool supply needed for a household pool?

You need different filters for the pool, such as: sand filters, cartridge filters, and the diatomaceous earth or DE filter. Pool cleaning supplies are also good to have, such as: brushes, water level checkers, nets to get out debris, and cleaners like chlorine. Test strips will be needed for tracking the balance of your PH levels.

How do use a multi valve pool filter?

Need more specific info A multi valve pool filter is a common configuration of valve and filter for a swimming pool system. The piping into and out of the filter is attached to a multivale. A multivalve has has several positions. One type of multi valve has six positions: backwash, waste, filter, closed, rinse and recirculate. (These valve positions are used on a DE filter. A sand filter may be different.) Use the filter setting in the nromal operation of your pool. This setting receives water from the pump and directs it to the dirty side of the filter media and then receives weater from the clean side and directs it to the pool. Use the Backwash setting to flush the DE from the filter and to a drain. Use the waste setting to flush water directly from the pump to the drain. The closed position is, well, closed. Rinse? Recirculate?

Can you use diatomaceous earth in a sand filter?

This is a bad idea. Diatomaceous earth (de) will go right through a sand filter. It will end up back in the pool and then it is almost impossible to get out. Sand goes in sand filters, de goes in de filters.