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"Sherlock Holmes is an interesting literary character."

"The special character for 'cents' is not available on most computer keyboards."

"The character of a man can be judged from his actions."

"Theodore Roosevelt was considered a colorful character."

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12y ago
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12y ago

I've got a few sentences,

In the play, his character was a bully that steals lunch money

Sarah's personality or character was being fashionable and totally a drama queen

that's all i can think of hope this helps

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12y ago

Warm, pleasant and sometimes humid summers, and cold, snowy winters characterize the weather in the state of Michigan.

I do not know how to characterize his final message to me, but he seemed scared.

Those from the city often characterize rural life as bucolic and backward.

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14y ago

As an actor, it was clear that he had been asked to play a flat character, one without emotion, action or dialog.

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14y ago

Leaving something too close to a flame could char it.

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13y ago

I would describe his characteristics as tall, brown hair, eyes, and strong.

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13y ago

The hero in that story is a round character, not a flat character.

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Random sentence generator in c plus plus?

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> const char *noun[]={"boy", "girl", "dog", "town", "car"}; const char *verb[]={"drove", "jumped", "ran", "walked", "skipped"}; const char *preposition[]={"to", "from", "under", "over", "on"}; const char *article[]={"the", "a", "one", "some", "any"}; char sentence[50]; int main(void) { strcat(sentence, *(article+(rand() %5))); strcat(sentence, " "); strcat(sentence, *(noun+(rand() %5))); strcat(sentence, " "); strcat(sentence, *(verb+(rand() %5))); strcat(sentence, " "); strcat(sentence, *(preposition+(rand() %5))); strcat(sentence, " "); strcat(sentence, *(article+(rand() %5))); strcat(sentence, " "); strcat(sentence, *(noun+(rand() %5))); printf("%s",sentence); getch(); return 0; }

What would you do with your waste if you lived on mars?

i would dry it then use it as char-col or burn it put it in a fire (after drying it )

How would you use theory in a sentence?

I would use the word "theory" in a sentence like this: "The scientist presented a new theory to explain the findings of the experiment."

What data type would you use to store 100 M?

char x[]="100 M";

How do you pronounce charger?

You would have to say 'char-jer' with stress on the 'char' part

How do you convert decimal number to ASCII code?

That depends on what language you're using. In PHP for example, it would be like this: $c = chr($i); In C, it would be: char c = (char)i; in BASIC, you'd use: LET C$ = CHR$(I)

What is the different between char and string?

char is used in Java to enetr only one character but string is used to specify a whole sentence or a bunch of characters.

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I would use it correctly in a sentence, of course. Thank you for asking.

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Jarry use paroxysm in a sentence.\

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Would not that be "Would not that be?"?

How do you concatenate char with int column in sql?

In MS SQL, you can use the char() operator on the column. For example: select 'some string content ' + char(integer_field) from my_table

Would you use me or I in this sentence I was going to get a picture of Kaeleah and?

You would use 'me' in this case. You use 'I' when you are the subject of the sentence, and 'me' when you are the object of the sentence or the phrase, as in this case.Subject of sentence: I was going to get a picture.Object of phrase: I was going to get a picture of Kaeleah and me.Object of sentence: It was Kaeleah andme in the picture.