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This answer will require research from future historians, because the duty of FORWARD OBSERVERS (FO's) "During the Vietnam War", applied to US Marines, soldiers, sailors, and airmen working ON the ground with army and marine units. The term also applied to US jet fighter bombers, such as the F-100 Supersabre's and other jet aircraft, as well as the KNOWN FAC's (Forward Air Controllers) flying the 0-1 Bird Dog, 0-2 Skymaster, and the 0V-10 Bronco. Simply knowing the following will introduce you to the enormous challenge (work) of research that this door will open! 1. Nearly 500 US 0-1 Bird Dog Observation airplanes were lost in the war. Each one flown by one or two crewmen. 2. Approximately 178 0-2 Skymasters were lost in the Vietnam War. 3. Approximately 81 0V-10 Bronco's were lost in the Vietnam War. For US aircraft only, jets, propeller driven, NOT HELICOPTERS, & NOT FO's ON THE GROUND, this book lists the KIA Airmen BY "NAME, DATE OF LOSS AND BY WHAT WEAPON, AND TYPE OF AIRCRAFT": "Vietnam Air Losses: US, AF, Navy and Marine Corps Fixed-Wing Aircraft Losses in South East Asia 1961-1973", By Chris Hobson. ISBN 1-85780-1156

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