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== == == == == == One answer One meal a day is not enough to keep a person going. After a while, the body resists, goes into starvation mode, and holds on to body fat. If you want to lose weight and avoid yo-yo dieting, you should eat small meals throughout the day. This will improve your metabolism. More input I am a Muslim. We fast in Ramadan. We wake up to have a meal before sunrise (which could be 3-4 o'clock in the morning), and don't eat all day, not even water until sunset (this can vary from 4 o'clock in winter to 9 o'clock in summer - like now). Last Ramadan started towards the end of September and lasted for one month. I lost one whole stone (14 pounds) that month from eating only one meal in the evening. Now its June, and have since put it back on because of eating burgers and crisps and chocolates and other junk. I will be started to eat one meal in the evening again tomorrow to lose the weight again. Healthy meals obviously. Exercise helps. If you burn off 800 calories during the day when you are not eating, (I do this by jumping rope for 1 hour) and have a 300-400 calories meal - which is enough to fill you up in the evening. You have burned 400 excess calories that day, which add up over a week and help the weight come off. Of course, you can burn more calories and lose more weight. More input Eating one meal per day will slow down your metabolism and eat away lean muscle mass. If you lose lean muscle instead of body fat, this will radically slow down your ability to lose weight in the future. Eating only one meal per day is also likely to encourage you eat junk food. By eating small frequent healthy meals and exercising, you will improve your metabolism and create lean muscle mass. Lean muscle in turn, further increases your metabolic rate. More input I've done both ways. I've lost weight the 'proper way' eating the 5-6 meals and working out like a fiend at the gym. As some have mentioned you will only have weight loss when you calories burned exceed calories consumed. However, recently, after five years on not exercising, I ballooned up to 225. I tried the unhealthy approach of one meal a day, using coffee as my boost during the morning and day, and eating a sensible lunch. Heck even some of the dinners were not sensible. Me being a steak fanatic, I've had some monster porterhouses. However, I did lose a lot of weight in a short time. In 30 days, I lost 35 pounds! For the most part my main exercise was brisk walking 3 miles. Some days twice. So, for someone to say one meal per day doesn't work is wrong. If you have the luxury of time and the money for a gym membership, you can do it the 'correct way' and lose the same weight over 6 months or longer. Admittedly, one day a meal is not for the weak willed. I think the big win for me was going back to the mind set I had when I worked out, that eating was a function and not to be savored and enjoyed every time. And my dinner meals are usually pretty moderate. Even try the subway thing on occasion. Also, one last note, there are some moments during the diet, when I would have a cocktail or two at night to knock out early to ease the stomach pangs. And some of the walking sessions were tough. But the body is amazing and it can adjust. Now I'm in the process of slowly upping the calories, to a maintenance phase. So far so good. No weight gain. More input Well, I was going to try only eating once a day, but thanks to the answers that said DO NOT DO IT grabbed my attention. I know when to listen, and I thank you for that. It just makes sense that the metabolism will slow down, and maybe I will get fatter. NO WAY! I only have 20 pounds to lose and I will try eating 5 to 6 meals a day, exercise, and green tea. Thanks again! More input In the long term, eating one meal per day will slow down your metabolism. This will make it much harder for you to lose weight in the future. To lose excess body fat and to increase your metabolism, eat a meal about every three waking hours (5 or 6 meals per day). You will not be eating more food; you will simply be spreading it throughout the day. Each of those five or six feedings should contain at least 15 grams of unprocessed protein (from natural sources) for a female or at least 20 grams per feeding for a male. This one change alone will speed up your metabolism and help to curb food cravings. You can do more to boost your metabolism besides eating well. For example, proper strength training will increase lean muscle. Lean muscle is your metabolic furnace that will burn extra energy (calories) 24 hours a day. Similarly, brisk walking for several miles daily will burn extra calories during and immediately after walks. ----

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Lvl 4
3y ago

Keto diet is a great diet to lose wieght in a shot amount of time I used it for six months and I lost more than 25 kg following this amazing program with keto. You must know your daily protein, fat, and carbohydrate plan to know that there is a very simple free custom diet plane from here:

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Lvl 2
1y ago

While it is possible to lose weight by only eating one meal per day, it is not recommended as a long-term weight loss strategy. Eating only one meal per day, also known as the OMAD (One Meal A Day) diet, can lead to several negative health consequences if not done correctly.

Eating only one meal per day can cause your body to go into starvation mode, which can slow down your metabolism and make it harder for you to lose weight. Additionally, skipping meals can cause you to feel tired, irritable, and lacking in energy, making it harder to stay motivated to stick to your diet.

Moreover, eating just one meal a day can lead to nutrient deficiencies and may not provide you with the essential nutrients that your body needs to function properly. It can also lead to overeating and binging, as you may feel overly hungry and deprived after long periods of not eating.

Therefore, it is recommended to adopt a balanced and sustainable diet that includes several small meals throughout the day. This approach can help you maintain a steady metabolism, control your hunger, and ensure that your body gets all the necessary nutrients it needs to stay healthy and strong. If you are looking to lose weight, it is always best to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or registered dietitian to determine the best diet plan for your specific needs and goals.

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18y ago

I have found that you can eat 3 meals a day and loose weight. Just eat smaller portions than what you usually would. Like instead of eating 2 tablespoons of patatos and 2 tablespoons of meat. Eat 1 tablespoon of each. That way you arent putting in more fat than you body can get rid of.

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12y ago

Yes, but you'll also trick you body into thinking it's starving, which will cause it to slow the metabolic rate and brun calories more slowly. In addition, once you stop eating once a day, the risk is extremely high that you'll gain back the weight you lost and extra.

Answeryes you can lose weight but it is very unheathly. what i think you should try is eat small healthy meals during the day and drink healthy(not to much sugar) drinks.(treat yourself once a week with a coke or a peice of sweet but make sure you don't eat to much of it cuz you will not see no improvement)Also don't eat enough to well you are so full you feel bloated eat only enough to where you are satisfied yes - but..Yes, unless the meal is the same as breakfast, lunch and dinner combined. However, you will be losing muscle mass, not fat. Your body burns fat last for energy, so when you starve it it stores fat for later consumption. Losing weight through not eating is a temporary solution, and will result in you gaining back all the weight you lost plus a few extra pounds. You will be physically heavier then you are now eventually, with a higher fat to muscle ratio then you have now.

Not eating to lose weight also comes with tremendous life long effects like organ failure. Do not not eat to lose weight. Exercise is the only safe and permanent way to lose weight - bar none.

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14y ago

you will actually gain weight, when eating once a day your body holds the calories longer because it learns that you will not get another chance to eat for awhile. If you would like to lose weight eat very small meals about 6 times a day. especially if they are healthy meals, like some celery or other veggies. also be sure to drink plenty of water to help digest the food faster.

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13y ago

First of all you should always have three meals a day. You should never eat just one. You will get a bigger stomach that way because you can get a very harmfull disease and might have to go to the hospital. Just eat every meal with each type of food group, and eat healthy snacks.

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12y ago

There are lots of other factors to consider.

  1. How large would the meal be?
  2. What would you eat?
  3. How much physical activity would you have?

If you burn more calories in exercise than you consume in food, you'll lose weight even if you eat 6 times a day. If you sit on the couch and have one meal of 4,000 calories per day, you'll GAIN weight.

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3y ago
  1. Obesity is now being called an epidemic in the health community. In fact, it will soon be

the leading cause of preventable death in the world, even ahead of cigarette smoking.

Obesity leads to type two Diabetes, high blood pressure, Heart disease or stroke and even

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Top secret morning routine for weight loss, click to watch the video

10 seconds bedtime ritual that trigger massive weight loss

Stubborn belly fat solution revealed!

Lose weight naturally as you gained !

Personalized diet plan for weight loss

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Q: Can you lose weight by only eating one meal per day?
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You must make sure to NOT eat only one meal a day. This will only slow your metabolism. Instead, try eating around five small meals a day. This will get your metabolism working and the pounds should come off.

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If your trying to LOSE WEIGHT you shouldn't sit after you are done eating, you should exercise after your done eating. If you sit after your done eating it is NOT good for your body! You can not lose weight by sitting after eating! Hope this helped<3

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To lose weight you not only need to go on a diet but you also need to exercise every once in a while. A healthy diet suggest eating foods such as salads and others.

Can you lose weight by eating one meal per day and drinking water?

This is one of the most common question asked by dieters but not having proper meals is a bad idea. It will only leads to sickness.

Can you lose weight by eating beans?

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If you drink a lot of water will you lose weight?

No, permanent weight loss can only be achieved by eating healthy and exercise.

If you eat healthy will you lose weight?

Not necessarily, as eating healthily can only counteract eating an appropriate portion, if you still eat 4,000 calories worth of salad, then you still won't lose any weight.

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Weight loss pills are unsafe and do not work. Exercising and eating less are the only good ways to lose weight.

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