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The key to losing weight is excerise and proper diet. Proper diet does not always have to mean tons of green. It can just be correct amounts of food and food cooked in specific ways. The easiest way to find out how to lose weight only by eating is consulting an actual specialist.

Excerise elevates your bodies need for energy so it will start using energy from "fat cells" which usually store energy for later use.

Also, eating activates your bodies metabolism which requires energy aswell. So the fact is quite clear.

Or you can lose weight by eating fruit instead of vegetables. ;)

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13y ago
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11y ago

There are many ways to eat healthy without fruits and vegetables (although they are key in providing nutrients, too!), such as choosing low-fat dairy, lean meats, avoiding excess sugars and salts, avoiding refined white flour and sugar in place of whole grains or natural grains. Exercise is also key for weight loss.

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9y ago

A person should consult their doctor when it comes to the issue of losing weight. Generally, weight loss is achieved by eating healthier, even without salads, and by adding in more exercise.

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14y ago

Diets or the company LR has really good my mum she can help - she works for them

LR's website-

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Q: How do you lose weight without eating salads?
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How long does it take to lose weight without eating?

a week

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Exercising is a good way to lose weight. This will help but eating healthy will also contribute to faster weight loss.

Can you lose 1 pound without eating for a whole day?

No by not eating ur body actually gains weight

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you can lose wait by eating a saled every morning and drink a lot of water

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Weight loss pills are unsafe and do not work. Exercising and eating less are the only good ways to lose weight.

Can you lose weight without eating during the day?

Yes, but you can get sick. Just exercise daily.

Need suggestions for healthy diet plans?

You don't have to do any drastic dieting to lose weight. Just eating healthy and trying to walk as much as possible will start you on the right track. Try salads and drinking lots of water. Also, eating lots of meat speeds up your metabolism and allows you to lose weight faster.

If you have an eating disorder can you lose weight?

That would depend on what your eating disorder is, if it is that you are prone to overeating, it is going to be difficult to lose weight, on the other hand, if you have a eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia, you will lose weight.

Im 15 and you weigh 133 pounds how can you lose weight without taking pills and not eating?

u wanna lose weight? I think you dont have to. for your age i think its average..

Without the speech of how dangerous it is can someone tell you how much weight could you lose by not eating?

You can lose as much as you weigh until you die. Why dont you try it out.?

When im trying to lose weight should you eat a pickle or some dark chocolate?

When trying to lose weight its probably advised to stay away from eating chocolate early in the day because then your body will crave it. I dieted and lost a stone in 3months, i stuck to eating salads and baked potatoes, salmon is a fat burner along with spinich. Hope this helps :)

How can you lose weight in a week without pills?

Yes... All you have to do is make sure you are eating healthy, and exercise daily.