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It is best for everyone to do weights and cardio work outs. Aerobics are cardio, that will help the heart and to burn fat. Weights will help with muscle grownth and strength.

you cant turn fat into muscle but you can loose fat and gain muscle. you will burn more callories outside of the gym with more muscle mass and you should use both weights and weight training together to get great bennifits.

weights are great for the bones, muscles and look of your body, Cardio is great for your heart, lung efficiency and metabolism.

you could end your weight workout with 30 minutes on some aerobic activity, or do weights one day and cardio the next.

YOU CAN NOT TURN BODY FAT INTO MUSCLE! THEY ARE TWO DIFFERENT TYPES OF TISSUE!!! the trick is... build muscle and do cardio.... when u build muscle, the muscle needs more calories, therefor, when your doing cardio, your burning more calories. so when ur building muscle, ur metabolism is much higher. but do not ONLY do muscle work, if u do, u will just have muscle under the fat.... combine it with cardio! and of course eat healthy...:)

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Q: If a girl works out with weights instead of aerobic exercise will she get faster results and turn body fat into muscle?
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What type of aerobic equipment do I need for pilates?

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Exercise equipment weights are weights that you use to exercise. You can you them in a numerous amount of ways. They help strengthen and tone your muscles.

What is the benefits of physical exercise?

Physical exercise is beneficial for your entire organism, mainly for your respiratory and circulatory systems, including the heart. (cardiovascular system). As you are exercising your body requires more oxygen, your brain is greatly benefited because all your brain cells get more oxygen, so improving your mental health. Depending on the type of exercise you are practicing, you can also increase the mass of your muscles by lifting weights. Note that you can alternate between aerobic and non aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise requires a ventilator in front of you, at its lower speed, so that more oxygen is inhaled.