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At the time there was no 'England', but the departure of the Romans led to incursions by Saxon raiders. These Saxons fought the Britons (some say the Britons were led by King Arthur in this era) and eventually set up their own kingdoms - like Wessex, which comes from 'West Saxon'. The English people are considered Anglo-Saxon today becuase of the turmoil, war, intermarriage and general genetic and cultural MASH-up which occured from the time the romans left up until the middle ages. England gained Saxon place names, some folklore, and a distinct character which owes little to the Roman occupation simply because without the protection of the Legions of Rome the whole political and social fabric of that part of Europe was plunged into raiding and warfare for years - arguably making the English tougher as a consequence!

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Q: What were the effects of the break with Rome in England?
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In England the break with Rome was led by whom?

King Henry VIII.

Who was the most important monarch to break with Catholicism?

King Henry VIII of England, who split with Rome to found the Church of England.

How did Henry eighth break with rome?

Henry 8th broke with Rome using Parliament. This gave him a divorce and he was the new head of England!

Why did Henry VIII do after his break with Rome?

He made is own church and his own rules and made his own church which is known as the church of England!

What is meant by Henry the eighths break from rome?

It was the time when he didn't agree with the churches views. He wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon but the church refused so he created the church of England where he could then get divorced. (It is said his break with Rome because the catholics' full name is the Roman Catholics)

What were the reasons for Herny VIIIths break with Rome?

Henry VIII broke with Rome and became the head of his own church, the Church of England. He decided to split with Rome because the Pope would not grant him a divorce so that he could marry Anne Boleyn.

What year did Henry v11 break with rome?

henry the vii didnt break with rome it was henry viii

Why did love make Henry iii break with rome?

Henry III did not break with Rome, but was a pious Catholic.

Who told Henry VIII's nation to break away form the Roman Catholic Church?

When the pope refused to grant Henry VIII a divorce, he decided to break with Rome and appointed himself as the head of the church in England.

What evidence is there to support the idea that Henry VIII remained a catholic at heart after the break up with the church?

Henry VIII wanted to break with Rome, but not the Catholic religion. The Church in England, at least during Henry's reign, remained Catholic in theology and liturgy. After the break and until Henry's death, the Protestant religion was still illegal in England.

Will Rome be 1 hour behind or in front of England in July?

rome will be 1 hour behind England is july

What happened in the break with rome Henry VIII?

Henry bullied an ecclesiastical council to make him the head of the Church in England which soon became the Church of England. Henry then granted himself an annulment to Katherine of Aragon and married Anne Boleyn.