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John Tyler for Willam Harrison, Millard Fillmore for Zachary Taylor, Andrew Johnson for Abraham Lincoln, Chester Aurthur for James Garfield, Theodore Roosevelt for Willam McKinley, Calvin Coolidge for Warren Harrding, Harry Truman for Franklin Roosivelt, and finnaly Lyndon Johnson for John Kennedy

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Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson, who had accompanied President John Fitzgerald Kennedy to Texas for his campaign and goodwill tour was sworn in as 36th President of the United States on Air Force One after Mrs. Kennedy returned to the president's jet with the casket containing President Kennedy's remains and their staffs by Federal Judge Sarah Hughes. President Kennedy's daily Roman Missal was used in lieu of a Bible because the missal had been mistaken for a Bible by one of Johnson's aides.

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Q: What vice president took over after president Kennedy was assassinated?
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Who was the first president to become assassinated while in office?

lincoln 16th president. his vice prsident andrew johnson took over, just as lyndon johnson took over from kennedy

Who was the winner of the 1960 Presidential election?

John F. Kennedy. He was assassinated in 1963 and Vice President LB Johnson took over.

What happened in November 22 1963?

An assassination took place in the Dallas President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

What happened on November 22nd of 1963?

President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas in November of 1963.

Who went into office after the assassination?

hmmm well you didn't finish your question so I will list all presidents that were assassinated and who took over their position. After President Lincoln was assassinated Vice President Andrew Johnson took over. After President Garfield was assassinated Vice President Chester A Arther took over. After President William McKinley was assassinated Vice President Theodore Roosevelt took over. And Finally, after President John F Kennedy was assassinated Vice President Lyndon B Johnson took over. These are presidents who just died during office, they weren't assassinated. President William Henry Harrison was replaced by Vice President John Tyler. (died of pneumonia) President Zachery Taylor was replaced by Vice President Millard Fillmore. (died of food poisoning at picnic.) President Harding was replaced by Vice President Calvin Coolidge. (heart attack) President Franklin D Roosevelt was replaced by Vice President Truman. (died of cerebral hemmorage)

What happened in November 22?

An assassination took place in the Dallas President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

Where was the President John F. Kennedy assassinated?

The assassination took place in Dallas, north Texas, USA.

What took place November 22nd 1963?

President John Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.

Was president after president Kennedy?

LBJ took over for Kennedy after his death.

Why was John F. Kennedy so famous?

John F. Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States of America. Over the course of his presidency, the "Space Race" took place; Kennedy wrote several speeches pertaining to this. Years ago, John F. Kennedy was assassinated in the great state of Texas.

What happened to the president of south Vietnam and who replaced hm as a leader?

Diem was assassinated in '63 (as was Kennedy). Generals took over, until Thieu became pres. in '64.

Who was the US president when Martin Luther King was assassinated?

Lyndon Johnson was President in 1968 when King was assassinated.