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The chances are extremely high that a woman who has been abused will by-pass good men and end up with another abusive man. I work for an Abused Women's Center and I really could never understand this behavior in women until I talked with many abused women (of all ages.) Then I began to understand: For years these women were brain washed and constantly controlled into believing they were nothing .. lower than a snake's belly. They were repeatedly told they were stupid, ugly, useless, couldn't cook (even though the food was cooked just fine) and everyone thought they were stupid and ugly. Many women were mentally abused, but some were savagely beaten and that was certainly a terrible sight to see. Most of us have talked about it, heard about it, but until you visit some poor woman in a hospital with her jaw broken, both eyes blackened, teeth missing, and broken limbs the message doesn't seem clear until you have experienced this. The first feelings I had was a rage where I wanted to take the man that did this and beat him with a Baseball bat, but of course we have to let the legal system do something with these misfits (and not much is done I might add.) To my surprise over 89% of women go back to the abuser or find another abusive mate. Just like a sexually abused child they will always run to their abuser and not the person that is loving and good to them. These women also need to constantly please their abuser, but never succeed. I began to ask questions of these women and ask why. I wasn't condeming them, but trying to find the key to stopping them from making these same mistakes over and over again and fearful that one day it could all end with their own death. Several told me that they couldn't function out in the real world which they had been alienated from for so many years. They lived in fear, had few friends around (abusive men usually will keep his wife or girlfriend away from family or friends or threaten their mate with the beating of their lives if they say a word.) The constant mental abuse had taken their toll and they had a lack of confidence and truly believed all the things their abuser had said to them. Some go to court and some of these abusers do prison time, but it's not long enough and seldom does the abuser get psychological counseling to help straighten them out. Many of these women have children and it's difficult to start out with nothing, try to pick up on their education or get a job and then they have to worry about day care and on and on it goes. Many of these women were tired years ago from the constant abuse so have little energy to go forth in life. If a woman has the courage to go to a Women's Center there is all sorts of help. Their is Legal Counsel, care for their children, psychological help for both, a start to finding a job, and programs to boost these women's egos so they realize they are indeed very important in life and are survivors. We call it "Empowering!" We NEVER teach these women that all men are bad, but help them be more selective and not get into the same old patterns they have lived under for so many years. Some of these women make it and come back to volunteer because they are so grateful for having a good strong life and many have met good men and settled in to a peaceful and loving lifestyle with their new mate. It can be done! It takes courage. Any woman that takes this much abuse is a very strong woman and obviously a Survivor so all she has to do is direct that strength in a more positive fashion so she can have a good life for her and her children if she has any. Women aren't sitting back any longer taking this or watching other women take it, and many of us fight in different ways to protect these women. Women get right up the noses of government to make the laws stricter so these so-called abusive men (I used the term "men" lightly here) get good hard time in prison. Believe it or not child abusers and men who beat women have a very rough time in prison by other inmates. So, if you or any friend you know is going through this get them to a Women's Shelter and they will help out a great deal. There is always hope! Marcy

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Q: What are the chances of a woman being abused all of her life and then finally being in a relationship that doesn't involve abuse but leaving him for another man who is abusive?
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Probably. As long as being abusive "works" for him (lets him get on with his normal life) there's really no strong reason for him to stop.

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It does often happen that people will learn how to get their way through verbal aggression, from their own experiences of being verbally abused. Life is an endless learning experience, but sometimes people learn the wrong things. Answer I think it COULD happen but I think it would be the exception and not the rule. Victims in these kinds of situations are usually not abusive types of people - that's why they are victims. If it is an adult who grew up in a verbally abusive environment they may be the victim for a while and then finally snap and turn the tables and become the abuser but I think in most circumstances the victim would not become the abuser in the next relationship.

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She's confused. Move on, if she loved you then chances are there are plenty of beautiful women out their that could love you good luck and just have confidence in yourself!

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Either shes ready to be friends and has finally gotten over the relationship or it could be the exact opposite. she might want another 2nd chance OR she maybe just wants to clarify what happend in the relationship.

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In some cases when we are in a relationship with the former guy sometimes the feeling you were to hav did not develop at that time but when it is finally over that is when the feelings start to show. When you think you have moved on and is in a happy relationship with another person then maybe, just maybe, you see the qualities you liked in your ex and so the feelings start to return or you did not wait to get over your ex then jumped to another relationship too fast.

Would an ex abusive man seek revenge and be mad if you finally got the backbone and humiliated him in public and if you treated him in a patronizing manner?

Anyone abusive or not would get mad if you humilate them in public that only makes you abusive why would you want to be abusive or humilate some one when you know how that feels? GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE.The best way to make an abusive person wake up is when you completley dismiss them from your life and not let them have any effect on you what so ever and you are happy and doing well without them.

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It took me nearly six years to get out of my relationship with my ex-husband. He was incredibly abusive. The only way I've found that I've been able to successively keep myself away from my ex is to make sure I prosecuted him through the court system. I also got a full order of protection (aka restraining order) against him. I finally went through with my divorce. And, I called on all my friends and family for support. There are days I want to just walk right back into the entire situation, but I have to look at what it did to me. In the relationship, I lost myself. Once you rid yourself of an abusive husband, the most important thing is to find YOURSELF again. Once you find yourself, you will find the courage to stay out of his life.

How do you do deal with Obsession with Violence?

"Obsession" is iteslf a violent word. Dealing depends on type of violence. A female co-worker has problems dealing with her abusive husband, who throws things, is verbally abusive and is obssessed with another girl. The guy got this girl after running for foyur years, the she finally said yes. Now he should understand her importance after the chase. Now in this case they should consult a good counseller, before running after a thing, losing its importance after getting it and then finding another muse to chase is s phychological problem.

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finally in the end

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Alot of times, its just to see what happens. Will the female get a rise? Will she get mad? ect. Another reason is to test the limits of the relationship. Dumb yes i agree, but some do it. Finally, maybe he is honestly unhappy in the relationship. If it bothers you, tell him, and see what he says. You shouldn't have to put up with constant complaints.