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I'm assuming that you are asking why we entered World War 1. The overarching reason was because of the Germans' sinking a British Ocean Liner, the Lusitania. The Lusitania was a "neutral ship" that had American passengers on it. We were already tense with Germany after we found a note from the Germans to Mexico asking them to declare an alliance against the US. This was called the Zimmerman Telegram, which was intercepted and published by us.

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Germany sunk U.S ships in the Atlantic. Germany sunk U.S ships while in the Atlantic.

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The U.S. got involved in the war because of the british blockade and then what happened with the german U-boats. and the sinking of the Luitasnia.

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Q: What caused the US to fight in world war 1?
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What nation action caused the US to fight in world war 1?

Germany wasn't the most friendly to the US in war time. They sent a note to Mexico asking them to take back the Southern states(Zimmerman Telegram). The British intercepted this message and passed it on the the U.S. Germany and Britain caused the U.S. to fight in World War I

Did the US fight in world war 1?

yes the US did fight in ww1 it was closer to the end of the war though

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World War 1, World War 2 and I think the Korean War too.

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how the us provided the people and weapons to fight the war Uh! rubbish answer

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?? WW2 or World WAR 2 was a war.

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The US and the Allies won the war and the US gained control of the Philippines, causing it to become a world power.