

What is an Austro-Hungarian?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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The Austro-Hungarian Empire, also known as Austria-Hungary, Dual Monarchy or k.u.k. Monarchy or Dual State, was a dual-monarchic union state in Central Europe from 1867 to 1918, dissolved at the end of World War I. The dual monarchy was the successor to the Austrian Empire (1804-1867) on the same territory, originating in the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 between the ruling Habsburg dynasty and the Hungarians.

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The austro-Hungarian empire with the support of the triple alliance including austros Germans and Italians this act of war was in retaliation to the assignation of archduke franz Ferdinand IMPROVEMENT. Italy did not attack Serbia. Although it was still a member of the Triple Alliance in 1914, Italy declared its neutrality in the conflict, because one of the main clauses of that Treaty committed the allies to intervene in a conflict only if one o more of them had been attacked.

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