

What is the enzyme reaction when you place in acid water?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is the enzyme reaction when you place in acid water?
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This is a neutralization reaction; the products are a salt and water.

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Nitric acid doesn't react with water; the acid is only dissociated.

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H2SO4 is used to denature the enzyme and stop the reaction instantly. by adding H2SO4,it will prevent further reaction of the enzyme onto the substrate and the rate of enzyme reaction can be measured in the specific time

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This reaction is called neutralization.

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Yes, a reaction will take place. Vinegar has water and the "active ingredient" acetic acid in it. Baking soda will react with the acid.

When neutralization takes place what plus water is formed?

When acid reacts with base, this reaction forms water and salt, this proccess is known as neutrilization. and the reverse reaction in which salt reacts with water to form an acid and a base is known as hydrolysis.

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The overall reaction for lactic acid fermentation is an anaerobic reaction. This means that oxygen is not required for the reaction to take place.

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If u add water to lime it will be lime water which is base thus when acid reacts with base then that will be "neutralization reaction". And formation of salt and water will take place. It will be exothermic in nature.

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Glucose oxidase that converts the carbonyl (aldehyde) carbon of glucose to a carboxylic acid.

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