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anaerobic means without the presence of oxygen. the opposite is aerobic, which means with the presence of oxygen

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Q: What is the opposite of Anaerobic?
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What is the opposite of aerobic?

Anaerobic is the opposite of Aerobic. Aerobic means 'with oxygen' whilst Anaerobic means 'without oxygen'

Is oxygen anaerobic?

Anaerobic refers to the lack of oxygen. Therefore, oxygen is literally the opposite of this, or aerobic.

Are most bacteria beneficial pathogenic or anaerobic?

Firstly, pathogenic is not the opposite of anaerobic. The vast majority of bacteria are non-pathogenic, but this doesn't mean they are anaerobic.

Why is it Because fermentation takes place in the absence of oxygen it is said to be?

It is said to be anaerobic, which means "without oxygen". The opposite of "anaerobic" is "aerobic" which means requiring oxygen.

What does the word anaerobic mean?

anaerobic means no oxygen it is the opposite of aerobic.

What is fermentation the opposite of?

There is no opposite or reverse reaction, but fermentation is an anaerobic process, one not requiring oxygen. The aerobic equivalent would be respiration (oxidation).

What does aerobic respiration require when anaerobic does not?

Aerobic roughly means "requiring air," with "air" meaning oxygen. The suffix "ana-" means to take the opposite, much like "un-" or "dis-". Aerobic respiration requires oxygen and anaerobic respiration does not.

When an organism can survive without oxygen it is called this?

An organism is described as anaerobic [from the Greek word "an" (opposite) and "aerobio" (air-lived)] if it does not require oxygen in order to survive. Instead, anaerobic organisms use anaerobic respiration to obtain energy from food. Most anaerobic organisms are microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts, and internal parasites that live in places where there is never much oxygen, such as in the mud at the bottom of a lake or pond, or in the alimentary canal. Anaerobic organisms release much less of the available energy from their food than do aerobic organisms.

Which set of pairings correctly matches the process with its condition?

cellular respiration: anaerobic:: fermentation :anaerobic

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