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Abuse cuts across cultures, societies, races, ethnicities, and social-economic Demographics.

But there is a profile of a "typical" abuse victim, based on worldwide statistics:

Most abuse victims are women, young, uneducated, poor, and non-white.

AnswerEvery type of women has been abused. It doesn't matter age color, etc. AnswerI disagree with the statistics. I am a white 38 yr old woman educated in historic restoration from a middle class family. I think any woman can be abused because nobody pinpoints what emotional and psychological abuse is and then educates their pre-teen girls about what to watch out for. One of the reasons people don't talk about it is because our media (especially morning talk radio) is saturated with abuse of everyone and it is accepted as 'humor'. AnswerI think the statistics demonstrate a general guideline. This said, abuse can happen anywhere....Abuse touches all kinds of people. I have many examples of well educated friends (lawyers, university teachers etc) that were completely under their aggressor's mercy.... The most important thing is to set up a support system and not be afraid to ask for help. Even just reading sites like these can help. It helped me.... AnswerI understand that the number of women who are abused by men is astronomical compared to the reverse situation, but why can't I find *something* about men so devoted to their wives/partners and so lost that they can't tell if they're being abused or what to do about it? AnswerLow self esteem, most of the time starting from a childhood experience of trust. Feeling like she may deserve her abuse from living it in the past or present. AnswerI work in a Women's Abuse Center and every type of women can meet her match if luck isn't running along side of her. Abusive men can be quite sneaky and at first he never shows his true colors until it's further into the relationship when there is a little more pressure and demands in the marriage or relationship. Abuse DOES hit every race, culture and ANY woman from doctors, lawyers, to the middle class and poor!

Working at the Abuse Center has taught me a great deal and anyone who is pious enough to believe it can never happen to them is a fool! Most of us are lucky enough to have good men and we don't have to deal with this, but believe me, when you have seen some of these abusive men in action (the law seldom protects women, and nurses and doctors are there to heal and not get too involved) and the woman is so frightened she often doesn't press charges.

People who aren't abused should think of these things:

There is little help out there legally for a woman that is being abused. The terror some of these women go through is something we couldn't even imagine. I've seen women in the hospital with their throats slit (superficial thank God), blackened eyes, broken noses, ribs, or any bone in the body you would like to choose is smashed! I've seen up to 12 stab wounds, and as many as 16 slashes to the face. I've seen a woman that had acid thrown in her face! Oh yes, she got away from her abuser, but because of our laws in Canada and the U.S., he threw acid in her face when she was walking to her car. The excuse by law enforcement for this .... "Until the abuser takes action there is nothing we can do." An abuser can phone, come to your home and threaten and even ruin your property. He can slash your tires, burn our car and more. As long as he doesn't touch a hair on your head, the laws are ... you simply can't do much ... wait until he nearly kills you! So, why shouldn't these women be terrified?

This is not a situation easily resolved by a few clipped words on a board and until a person who hasn't been abused walks a mile in the victim's shoes it just isn't all that cut and dried!


AnswerA victim of abuse can be the girl who didn't listen to the voice inside her gut. The woman who thought he was a nice guy. The little girl who didn't know better. A victim of abuse can be the little old lady who's husband died 2 years ago and she has just started dating. A victim of abuse can be the woman that had "his" sex changed 12 years ago. He's been living so proud as Sally ever since :) You NEVER know what types of women get abused, there is no type. Abuse doesn't discriminate! AnswerThere is no type. The question should be what types of men abuse. I cna answer that one for you. Men who are inscure, needy and fearfull of life and abandomoment. The only thing that matters to them is control. They don't care how you think or feel as long as they can control you. AnswerIt may seem like there is a particular type, but, in reality it can be anyone. And off course, emotional and pyshical abuse is hard to detect. I learned somewhere that these woman sometimes have a great sense of spirituality, love, and compassion, willing to stay till the end.
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<add> Yes they can be abused. Anyone can be abused, the key is to put a stop to it as soon as possible and report it.

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