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John Calvin and Martin Luther a priest from Germany

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martin Luther and john Calvin

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Q: Who are the two men who broke with the Roman Catholic church?
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How do Roman Catholics differ from other Christians?

They have an official church structure that differs from other Christian religions. The Pope is the head, elected by a layer of Cardinals, who are elected by layers of Bishops and Archbishops, who are elected by priests, who are elected by parishes. Roman Catholic priests are allegedly celibate men. The Roman Catholic Church opposes most forms of birth control, and divorce. The Roman Catholic church also differs significantly in the importance they place in traditions of the church over against scripture. They give the former almost equal or in some cases greater importance, as they hold that they are the determiners of what is scripture and also its only rightful interpreters. Most other churches do not so elevate the traditions of men which they see as fallible over against the infallible word of God as the norm for all Christian life and teaching.

What were the religions in Jamestown?

The 106 men were English so they would have been Church of England.

The role of man in the church?

Men usually are the ones to serve as priests and other higher positions in the Catholic Church. If you mean Man in general, to serve as worshipers.

Do you think the protest of Martin Luther against the church is valid?

No..Martin luther, as well as other Protestant reformers, have deviated from the one church created by Jesus and the apostles.. the Catholic church and Orthodox. Catholic and Orthodox are both the early, original christain church created almost 2000 years ago with a chain running from then, protestantism was created only 500 years ago by men. Nobody should worship a church created by men.

Which of the three branches of Christianity broke away from the Catholic church in the 1500's?

Protestantism has its origins when Pope Leo X (1513-21) excommunicated a troublesome priest called Martin Luther. Luther's initial aim had been simply to reform the use of indulgences. There was to be no compromise and in 1521, in Wittenberg's St Mary's Church, the first Protestant communion was celebrated. There were other Protestants before Martin Luther, such as Peter Waldo, John Wycliffe, and John Huss, and the churches that grew from the teachings of these men. All three of these men lived before the time of Martin Luther.

Related questions

What was the Catholic Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Roman Catholic Church was and is the Mystical Body of Christ. It is the one visible means that Our Blessed Lord established to save men.

What religion was the Roman Catholic Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Roman Catholic Church was and is the Mystical Body of Christ. It is the one visible means that Our Blessed Lord established to save men.

Are women allowed to become Roman Catholic priests?

No. Only men are allowed to become Priests in the Catholic Church. Women however can become Nuns. It's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church.

Are there any female Roman Catholic preists?

No, the Roman Catholic priesthood is reserved for men. There are some formerly Catholic women who claim to have had themselves ordained in the Catholic church, but their "ordination" is not valid or licit.

What did the Catholic Church establish?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, as such, it established salvation for all men. It is guided by the Holy Spirit to preach the Good News, and to bring all men to God.

Were Martin Luther and Johannes Gutenberg two men who broke with Catholic Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerNo, Johann Gutenberg died a child of the Church and was buried from the Church. Martin Luther was excommunicated for his intransigent heresy and for breaking his solemn vows as a priest and religious; not to mention leading others away from the Church established by Our Blessed Lord for their salvation.

Martin Luther and Johann Gutenberg were two men who broke with the Catholic Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerNo, Johann Gutenberg died a child of the Church and was buried from the Church. Martin Luther was excommunicated for his intransigent heresy and for breaking his solemn vows as a priest and religious; not to mention leading others away from the Church established by Our Blessed Lord for their salvation.

What is the sign of the Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerI think you have this backwards, the Church, in Christ, is like a sacrament - The Church IS a sign and an instrument of communion with God and of unity among men - from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 775.

Why are only men allowed to be priests?

In the Roman Catholic Church, the male priest represents God.Female priests are permitted in the Episcopal Church.

What are Holy Orders in the 7 Sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church?

Holy Orders is the sacrament through which a man is ordained as a deacon, priest, or bishop by the laying on of hands and prayer. This sacrament conveys a special grace and power to serve the Church and administer the other sacraments. It is one of the seven sacraments recognized by the Roman Catholic Church.

Martin Luther and Martin Luther Johann Gutenberg were two men who broke with the catholic?

Roman Catholic AnswerNo, Johann Gutenberg died a child of the Church and was buried from the Church. Martin Luther was excommunicated for his intransigent heresy and for breaking his solemn vows as a priest and religious; not to mention leading others away from the Church established by Our Blessed Lord for their salvation.

Is there a Liberal Catholic Church denomination which limits its priests and deacons to heterosexual men?

No, there are several churches that tack on the title 'Catholic' to their names but who are not in union with Rome and not true Catholic Churches. Examples: The Old Catholic Church, the American Catholic Church, the American Charismatic Catholic Church, etc. Some allow married clergy and female priests. Your question is not very clear. The Roman Catholic Church limits its clergy to men only but could not be classified as 'liberal' in the way that some of the non-Catholic 'Catholic' denominations listed above cold be.