

Who won the war at sea?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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12y ago

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It was indecisive.

Yes, but the British had 6000 casualties to the Germans 2000. The imprisoned got out of their cell, punched the jailer & then returned.

After the battle finished the German navy totally withdrew back to German waters and never came out again for the rest of the war, the Royal navy remained on the battle waters for a further 12 hours till they withdrew, but continued blockading Germany for the rest of the war, therefore remaining the dominent Navy of WW1.

Furthermore, the British battle fleets were the British centre of gravity, not only for the Battle of Jutland but also for WW1. If lost, Germany could have threatened the English channel thereby endangering Britain's efforts in central Europe and also threatened the US logistical routes. Admiral Sir John Jellicoe made a brilliant strategic decision to preserve the battle fleet at all costs. This was a battle he did not have to fight or win but could not afford to lose. Winston Churchill said of him 'he was the only man who could lose the war in an afternoon.' Excessive British deaths occured because of their indisciplined explosive handling in an attempt to fire as many shells as possible. Quantity meant hits. Also the British Dreadnoughts had less armour as a trade off against greater speed and bigger guns. British strategic victory. As Admiral Jellicoe managed to cross Admiral Scheer's 'T' twice in a single hour I judge this encounter to be a British tactical victory aswell. There can be only one test of victory...who held the battle space at the end of the fight.

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1. US victory, US aircraft verses IJN destroyers & troop transports.

2. USS Bismarck Sea, sunk during the Battle of Iwo Jima in 1945; the last US aircraft carrier lost in WWII.

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Im pretty sure the french did... :D

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