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maybe, but most sociopaths live normal lives and sometimes emotions that they have makes them snap

(DF,09)In fact, the relative normality of the lives sociopaths live aren't necessary what define them as sociopaths, but their lack of conscience. It is quite likely that sociopaths sometimes marry sociopaths - look at some famous criminal couples for extreme examples. Less extreme examples are likely to be found, as this arrangement may be practical for both parties if a genuine partnership is desired.

On the other hand, many sociopaths may choose more vulnerable partners, if their relationship style is abusive, and many do not (or are unable to) seek out affinity of any sort.

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14y ago
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16y ago

Marriage gives a sociopath an easy (and usually dependent) victim in the privacy of the home. Sociopaths crave power, and they use it intensely sadistically.


What's it like from the perspective of the sociopath?

You seem to need something from other people, but you don't know why. They hug each other and smile, not a phony smile but a real one, and their eyes light up. They get close and they talk to each other without having to closely study the other's eyes to try to figure out what to do in response. This seems to be a delicious pleasure to them, much better than anything you've ever experienced.

But if you try it, and if you are actually lucky enough to persuade one of them to attempt such a relationship and interaction with you, it immediately starts to turn sour on you.

Their touch does not warm you; you feel colder and deader than ever. You don't know how to give back, so you end up grasping for words you've heard used by other people and trying to fake your way through it so they won't figure out how you are; you've experienced enough to know by this time that when others figure out your difference, they hate you for it; in fact, you've been told you're "not a real person" and that you "have no soul" (you're not too sure what a soul is, anyway) and that people like you "ought to be lined up and shot"!

After trying several times in this new relationship to get the pleasure other people are always basking in, and failing, you start to get angry at all of this -- and the anger builds into a terrible, towering rage that begins to make you feel like a human bomb. "I will actually, physically explode if I don't..." you're thinking, and yet under the rage there is a weird, disconsolate feeling that even your burgeoning hatred is as hollow and empty and starved as you are.

You consider taking your life, and certainly you think about taking lives of some of these lucky, smugly superior others. You settle for embezzling money, or something of the sort; you're clever and manipulative and you don't get caught. Triumph!

Or not. The things you buy please you for five minutes; a day, tops. Then...flat, meaningless, like everything else in your life.

Of course, you don't HAVE a life -- and you never will. That's starting to become increasingly clear.

But WHY???? You see "The Others," as you're starting to think of them, studying diligently to help and even to cure other kinds of weird things wrong with people's minds, most of which seem to have to do with the brain.

But no one there seems to know what's going on inside you, either. It occurs to you that to get some kind of attention from them, you might pretend you have one of those other problems they study, and then once they're paying attention to you, maybe somehow it'll lead somewhere. What have you got to lose?

You're about to find out you can still lose more.

You go into a clinical situation presenting with carefully-memorized symptoms of the mental illness you have decided would get you the attention you want.

But faking whatever it is turns out very quickly to be a lot more complex than you'd thought. In fact, it turns out to be impossible. And, branded a malingerer, you are rejected yet again, told that all that's really wrong with you is that you don't want to try to better yourself.

That, and you're "evil," and it's not paranoia on your part to realize that EVERYONE HATES YOU. Once they figure you out. Yes: to know you is to hate you.

And you will go to your grave (as gloats Martha Stout of "The Sociopath Next Door" book fame) never knowing the wonders of real human interaction, meaning, and warmth.

It might just make you decide to go off the rails and kill everyone you can before turning the weapon on yourself.

Except that the fields of neurochemistry and neurology, psychology and forensic psychiatry, are busily looking close-up at the human brain to find the way to set free the sociopath.

That holds out some hope...

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14y ago

Because love is a basic human need -- even for people who feel that they do not want or need it. At some point, they crack and get married, but then they go back to their old ways -- which sucks for the rest of us, but some of us are romantic enough to hope that, deep down, even these people who are so anti-social really do love one another. Perhaps they fulfill some deep-rooted need in each other. Or perhaps they just like to drive the rest of us insane?

Some sociopaths marry to fill their own needs , like love and approval , but more often it's with an eye to having someone to control , whether it's a partner or child. Some marry for " cover " , so they can pass in society as normal , and even act fairly nornal with their families , like the BTK killer or the Green River Killer .Both of these men had wives and children, and were perceived by others to be just "loners " or " a bit quirky '.

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14y ago

Sociopaths use people. It's hard to do it from outside. Much easier to develop a relationship and trap your victim, then let your true colors come through. Sociopaths are not good people, and they do not change. There is no effective treatment -- although some of the symptoms seem to moderate in middle age, if they live that long.

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11y ago

from what I have learned, sociopaths go from relationship to relationship because they are bloodsucking leeches who need to try and copy actions from others in order to seem normal although their relationships (if you can call it that) don't last long. And why is it that the sociopathic person always move into others dwellings and have a small amount of belongins I would say because they know they won't be around long, or am I off base in my answer?

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14y ago

They deserve to have happy lifes too with the ones they love.

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11y ago

they cheat

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How does one show love to a sociopath?

By all means be polite and civil to a sociopath, but avoid a close relationship. Sociopaths want victims and are incapable of love. They can be very destructive, and a close relationship with a sociopath is often a very damaging experience.

How does a sociopath end a relationship?

usually quite badly.

Can a sociopath an a bipolar be in a relationship?

No, but they can be in a mental institution. hope this answers your question goodluck!

What do you do when a child is involved and your in a relationship with a sociopath?

The short answer is get out, sociopathy cannot be cured. But see answer to the related question.

When a sociopath takes on another intimate relationship will he still go on lying?

Sociopathy is untreatable. They do not change.

What can make a sociopath feel guilty after you end your relationship with him?

Absolutely nothing. Their brains are not capable of guilt or remorse.

Can a sociopath and borderline relationship last?

NEVER, unless there is HEAVY DUTY Counseling going on at the same time.

What does enslavement mean in a relationship with a person you believe to be a sociopath?

It is the place that the sociopath wants you in, they want you to rely on them, to care so much that you will do anything. To cater to their every need. They enjoy the power of being one who can control others.

What relationship is all right with adult sociopath daughter?

My advice would be to see a therapist. Sounds messed up

What characteristics are necessary in a lover for a sociopath to leave his adulterous wife?

If the sociopath thinks he can bleed more out of you than his wife, that's all it will take. Sociopaths have no interest in what you want, only in what they can get. By definition they have no conscience or respect for other people's feelings, and the condition is untreatable. The important question is, what is wrong with YOU that you desire a relationship with a sociopath?

How do you get over a Sociopath?

Charming bastards, aren't they? And they take over your life so thoroughly they make you think it's your fault if you don't like it. Get some professional counseling, and cut the sociopath out of your life. No good can come from such a relationship.

Why do sociopaths want to remain in your life after a break up?

It is my opinion sociopaths want to remain in someone's life for one reason and one reason only.....The sociopath believes there is something left to gain for themselves.....If there were nothing more to gain the sociopath believed he could still benefit from the relationship; it would be over and the sociopath would move on to fresh game and more inviting conquests. For example, if a couple divorce, the sociopath would continue to fuel the first relationship to gain more money or material goods. It is interesting to note, in my opinion, the sociopath could already be involved in a new relationship or perhaps a third or fourth and still be actively devouring relationship number one.