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Many times, women don't "seek out" abusive men necessarily, but women are often attracted to "bad" boys, and that is just the way it is, no reason for it. And of course those bad boys could end of being highly abusive. Men are abusive when they control everything in a their parter's life. There is physical abuse, and emotional abuse, and many other types. If you ever feel threatened or unsafe, that could be a sign of abuse and you have to get out of that relationship immediately before it becomes something you'll regret. Your "man" WILL ask for you back, but you just have to stay strong and listen to your heart!

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Q: Why do women seek out abusive men and what makes a man abusive?
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Is an emotionally abusive man abusive to all women or just to his girlfriend or wife?

If a man is abusing his girlfriend and or wife, then he will more than likely be abusive to all women. It is a mind frame, women to him = abuse. This is not true in all cases but in most of them.

What type of woman does an emotionally abusive man seek?

An abusive man (emotional,physical, etc.) will seek insecure woman.Woman who are not independant. Someone to take care of their needs.And that is it, someone to satisfy their needs. An abusive man can not change, a woman can not change him. He has to change himself. He had to do it all alone, if he really wants to recover.I really wish all the ladies in abusive relationships strength. That is what they need to leave.

Who is more abusive women or Men?

Men, because they are stronger than a women when they are a adult. It would depend on what you mean by abusive, as women can be more abusive verbally, which could result in a man getting physical. Cases where women are physically abusive, don't tend to be reported, as it is embarrassing for a man, also many believe they wouldn't be taken seriously.

Would an ex abusive man seek revenge and be mad if you finally got the backbone and humiliated him in public and if you treated him in a patronizing manner?

Anyone abusive or not would get mad if you humilate them in public that only makes you abusive why would you want to be abusive or humilate some one when you know how that feels? GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE.The best way to make an abusive person wake up is when you completley dismiss them from your life and not let them have any effect on you what so ever and you are happy and doing well without them.

Why most men dont abuse the important women in their lives?

A man is either a verbal or physical abuser and there are no exceptions as to what woman he is with. An abusive man can be very charming and even popular, but sooner or later his true colors will show and he will go back to his abusive behavior. However, there is a small percentage of men who will treat their girlfriend or wife very well, but may seek out a prostitute and take his frustrations out on her.

Are there books and videos available for verbally abusive men who want to change?

* The best way for an abused man to move on from a verbally abusive relationship is to seek counseling. Just like women, men may have lost their self respect; feel demeaned and ashamed (they are suppose to be the stronger sex) and he needs to find out why he stayed so long in the abusive relationship. Without proper counseling just like women, men can choose another abusive partner in the future and don't have the tools to tell when rag flags go up that the person they are with is controlling at best and the worst .. verbally or even physically abusive. Men have been brought up to not hit women, so it is very often hard for the man to make sense as to why he put up with the abuse for so long. Men can be victims of abuse too and they should not blame themselves.

What is a man who beat his woman called?


Will a verbal abusive woman continue to abuse in each relationship?

Generally a verbally abusive woman has control issues and she will carry them into most relationships. However, there are a few women that are verbally abusive to one or more men, but may meet a man that she is not verbally abusive to as they are better suited for each other.

If a man is an abusive boyfriend or husband how likely is it that he'll also be an abusive parent?

It's extremely high. Abusive individuals are controllers and like "things their way" and we all know children are just learning and don't always do as we would like them to do, so no, absolutely not should an abuser raise children. Abusive individuals more than likely learn their behavior from their former environment and it's a chain reaction that could have gone on several generations before and it's about time to break the chain. If the abused feels unloved and feels having a baby will solve the problems, she is so, so wrong. It only makes matters worse! If abused the woman should run and never look back. There are all sorts of Abused Women's Centers to seek out and get help and there is no excuse in this modern society while women can't get away from their abusive mates.

Why men abuse women today?

I think a man putting there hands on a women is sickening. No man should touch a women in any harmful way. They are cowards if they do. Men today that abuse women are the ones that are dealing with issues with themselves. They hit a women to feel more powerful and incontol. They could have anger issues, jealousy issues or have past family abuse. A man that hits or even comes close to touching a women needs help. They need professional help. If you are a women with an abusive man, please get out as soon as possible. It will only get worse if you stay and allow it. Talk to someone about it. No-one deserves abuse in there life, its not and should not be allowed ever! Please seek help if your a victim of any domestic situation.

Why do gentle women choose abusive men?

I think it has something to do with the fact that some women want a "manly man". One that is rough and rugged and can do things that "men are supposed to do". More often than not these 'manly men' are abusive as well. Best Answer usually the abusive men are the ladies man at first and all they really want to get in your pants so if you reject him or her then they will probly hit u once at first and he/she will say i will never do it again... so they say Do you REALLY think that a Women chooses an "abusive man". I don't believe that when a Women starts dating or gets Married to a man that he is abusive. (Correct me if I'm wrong Ladies) The relation turns abusive after the fact, be it mental of physical. My Sister dated a physically abusive man and my Brother was married to a mentally abusive women. So as you see it can go both way's. What the person being abused needs to realize is that they are Stronger then they think, and that there is something MUCH better out there for them then what they have. Hope This Helps.Answer 3 In this situation, a particular woman doesn't chose an abusive man. She has this need to nurture a man to feel good about herself. She is attracted to an abusive man who exhibits a need to be nurtured. For example, the abuser could have a need to find a place to live due to financial problems etc, and is willing to speed the relationship up faster than a non abusive man. Or the man tells her he is trying to stop using alcohol or drugs and she feels the need to help him get better. The abuser will never appear to be weak because he is trying to cover-up his weaknesses. If a normal man doesn't give this woman a reason to nurture him, she will become bored with him and seek another man to fulfill the need to nurture. I'm an old man who has seen this behavior repeated over and over again by nurturing women and men. Truth is anyone who falls in love with someone because they are in need or mis-understood by society needs help them self.

How long will i be depressed until the Asian woman i admire gets my bus again it feels like depressions can be fatal?

Seven days. After that you will recover your senses and seek out some suitable friends of your own.A:This type of thinking has only a type of insane people. Actually for you Asian woman is a second class of human being. Asian women will never be respected. You have no compassion with Asian women. That is why man uses the word admire to get Asian woman and she have to do all ,what a man expecting. Women are very much frightened by men's authoritative culture.In civilized world , women have fully respected and the freedom of expression both men and women has. This makes them distress . A man is seek when he admire to get slave woman and misuse her ,makes them happy. Ridiculous. Foolish always be depressed.