

Are cats allergic to vanilla

Updated: 10/8/2023
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12y ago

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I wouldn't say "allergic", but I cannot imagine vanilla would be any way beneficial for a cat.

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Q: Are cats allergic to vanilla
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Yes, I'm prety sure of that. Peolple who are alergic to cats are allergic to any cats!

Is vanilla bad for cats?

Vanilla is not toxic to cats and it will not harm them if they eat something with vanilla in it. They really do not need vanilla in their diet so there is no reason to feed it to them in their regular diet.

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Its really not reccommended to live with cats if you're allergic to them, and have asthma. Although, it just really depends how allergic you are to them.

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No. There are many causes for hives, so you can get them if you are not allergic to cats. However, you would not get them from a cat if you're not allergic.

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yes they are highly allergic to ladybugs =)

How did Ariana Grande found out she was allergic to cats?

Ariana said recently on her that she isn't allergic to cats but her mother is.

If you are allergic to one cat will you be allergic to all cats?

no, it depends on the length of the cats fur and stuff. you are not allergic to the cat itself, it is the dust mites that they carry on the fur.

If someones allergic to cats can they get a rodent?

depends what they are allergic to in cats. Some people are allergic to the antibodies, some are allergic to hair etc.. To know for sure, contact your doctor and ask what you are specifically allergic to and find out whether it is in the rodent that you want to get