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yes...but make it vegetable egg roll

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Q: Are egg rolls good for a diet?
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Are Chinese restaurant egg rolls good for a diet?

No. They are deep fried in oil. The outside skin is totally saturated with fats. The inside filling, the cabbage is soaked in sugar before put in the egg roll. hope this helps PS i make egg rolls in a restaurant.

Why are egg rolls called egg rolls if it don't have eggs in it?

This is because the egg rolls are dipped into egg so it is part egg. that`s why it is called Egg Rolls

Does Easter egg roll day have anything to do with egg rolls?

No, not at all. Easter egg rolls are rolls of Easter eggs, not egg rolls of Easter.

What is a good snack for a school party?

Chips, pop and egg rolls woot !

What restaurant what egg rolls be found in?

Egg rolls are usually served in Chinese restaurants.

Are egg rolls good cold?

Yeah, I just decided to give one a try straight out of the fridge and it was good. It still tasted exactly like an egg roll but since it was cold it had sort of a deli feel to it. I would definitely eat more egg rolls cold in the future. Definitely a tasty snack

When do you eat Chinese egg spring rolls?

You eat Chinese egg rolls during the Chinese New year.

Are egg rolls healthy?


Can you bake egg rolls?


Who and when egg roll is made first?

Egg rolls (and their lighter counterpart, spring rolls) date back to ancient China. Won tons (thin unleavened dough with fillings or as noodles) are a traditional part of the Chinese diet. It is quite likely that egg-roll type foods were made and consumed in the USA by the first Chinese settlers in the mid 1800's.

Is green beans a boiled egg and spinach good for a diet?

If you are on a diet to lose weight, green beans and spinach would be good choices. A large boiled egg has about 78 calories and would be provide protein.

What is the strangest thing in japan?

The strangest thing in Japan is probably the egg rolls. they taste weird. the American egg rolls taste better.