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No. You can collect under both programs because they are independent of each other.

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Q: Are unemployment benefits affected by collecting Social Security at the same time in Texas?
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I currently collecting unemployment and will be eligible for SS in a month. May I apply for my Social Sucurity while I am collecting unemployment?

Will Social Security benefits be lowered if you draw unemployment in Colorado?

Social Security has no affect on Colorado's unemployment benefits. Only 4 other states have their unemployment offset by a portion of Social Security.

Will your social security benefits be affected if you draw unemployment in Ohio?

No. Your Social Security benefits and unemployment compensation will not affect one another.

Can you collect unemployment benefits while you are on Social Security for widows?

You can generally still collect unemployment while collecting social security, unless it is social security disability...even then you still might be able to. I worked for the Unemployment Office & just an FYI, they do not know if you are on social security and are unable to check, so if you do not say anything, they will never know.

Are unemployment benefits affected by Social Security Disability benefits?

Because the SSA is very stringent about allowing Social Security Disability benefits, you are most likely to not qualify for unemployment benefits because you have to be able to work, which the SSA had to admit you couldn't.

What are the stipulations on alimony in gautier mississippi?

Your social security will not be affected because of your unemployment benefits, but if you start receiving social security, you may no longer be eligible for unemployment.

How does collecting old age Social Security affect unemployment benefits in Pennsylvania?

It doesn't. They are separate programs and you have to qualify for them individually.

What are the laws for collecting Social Security and unemployment in North Carolina?

You can collect both Social Security and unemployment security benefits in all 50 states at the same time. Only 4 states (Illinois, Louisiana, Utah, and Virginia) offset unemployment by some part of the Social Security benefit.

Are unemployment benefits effected by Social Security benefits in Arkansas or Iowa?

No. Neither state offsets unemployment benefits by the Social Security benefits.

If you are receiving unemployment benefits in Texas and will be 66 this month and now qualify for Social Security benefits will receiving Social Security affect your unemployment benefits?

No. Receiving SS benefits will not affect your unemployment.

You are 63 on deceased widows benefits through ss-can you also collect unemployment?

I am 63 and collecting deceased widows benefits through Social Security. I have been recently been terminated from my employment. Can I collect both SS and unemployment?

How is your monetary compensation affected if you can retire at 60 but do not want your social security benefits until 66?

You can retire whenever you want to without collecting social security benefits. The longer you wait before signing up for social security, the higher your benefits will be. You can go to the social security site and calculate what your benefits will be. You can retire whenever you want to without collecting social security benefits. The longer you wait before signing up for social security, the higher your benefits will be. You can go to the social security site and calculate what your benefits will be.