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Her potential energy has been increased by 750 calories.

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Q: By skipping tennis Ann uses 150 fewer calories than usual that day By eating popcorn and a bag of chips she eats about 500 extra calories What has that done to her energy balance that day?
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Calories in movie theatre popcorn?

it depends on how the movie theater makes their popcorn and how much of it you eat but i can tell you that its A LOT of calories so if ur on a diet i dont think you should go eating it! hope this helped!

Can you gain belly fat by eating popcorn?

It depends! Are you including them in your calories, and not eating over your calories? If so, then it won't make you gain belly fat! Don't worry. It will cause bloat, though, if you eat a lot of it.

What is popcorn lung and is it actually cased by eating popcorn?

Yes, hi everyone

Can you die from eating rotten popcorn?


Am I eating enough I love popcorn so I try to make it healthy by eating airpoped But I don't really have a big appetite so I eat about 3 large bowls on some day and nothing else Is this enough cals?

before you worry about whether eating popcorn is enough calories you should be considering the amount of variety you need in order to have a healthy diet, popcorn will not be enough to satisfy you although three large bowls of popcorn would be more than enough, try cutting down the amount of popcorn and increasing the amount of other foods such as vegetables, fruits, protein and more!

Did people in colonial times eat popcorn?

Yes. The Native Americans were eating popcorn when the colonist arrived and there are accounts from French explorers who had popcorn given to them.The Spamish also found Native Americans using and eating popcorn.

Can you lose a pound in a day by having only popcorn and water?

By eating butter free popcorn.

Is popcorn fatening?

All food has calories. Popcorn is very low in calories, high in fiber. Few people have ever gotten fat on popcorn, unless they cook it in high oil and drown it in butter. The high levels of salt often found can also cause problems.

Does eating a baked potato and not the skin consume less or more calories?

Not eating the skin means that you are eating less calories.

Where can you get free moves in Build-a-Bearville?

if you go to the theater click on the popcorn machine to get the free popcorn eating move

What is the scientific reason you get thirsty after eating popcorn?

The salt in the popcorn causes your body to crave a liquid (water) after consuming it.

How many people die for eating microwave popcorn?
