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The only way to become the owner of real property is by deed or by inheritance. A person cannot make themselves the owner. They must acquire ownership via a deed from the legal owner.

If you co-signed a mortgage for land you do not own then you are simply a volunteer who agreed to pay the mortgage on land you do not own. That doesn't give you any ownership interest in the property.

If you are a co-owner of the property who also co-signed a mortgage, you cannot make yourself the "primary" owner of the property. You would need a deed from the other co-owner.

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Q: Can a cosigner of a mortgage who is not on the deed legally become the primary owner without notifying the primary owner?
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How can one remove a cosigner from an equity loan if the cosigner is not on the first mortgage title?

The title has nothing to do with the loan. The loan will need to be refinanced using a different cosigner or only the primary borrowers.

What are the disadvantages of cosigning on a mortgage?

If the primary borrower defaults the cosigner can get "stuck" with a huge debt and ruined credit. A cosigner has the same legal obligation to repay a loan as does the primary borrower. In addition, a cosigner does not have property owner rights, only the debt. The real question is why would anyone agree to pay a mortgage for land they do not own. A co-signer has an equal obligation to pay the mortgage.

What are the rights of borrowers when the cosigner is considering a lawsuit to force them to take a second mortgage so the cosigner can recover money paid because the mortgage was defaulted on?

The cosigner has the right to file a lawsuit against the primary borrower's to recover his or her financial losses due to the defaulted lending agreement. The procurement of a second mortgage does not seem viable if the primary borrower's credit was not originally sufficient for them to obtain the loan without the need of a cosigner. It is more likely the house will have to be forfeited by means of foreclosure and the cosigner will have to try to recover losses by other means. The primary borrower's best choice is to obtain legal advice as to what their options are before a lawsuit is filed against them.

What are the consequences of signing a car loan when the primary borrower defaults on the payments?

When the primary borrower defaults the cosigner becomes legally responsible for the loan. If the cosigner is not able to pay the loan he or she can also be subject to legal action by the lender and the cosigner's credit score will be seriously affected.

What is the insurance liability for the cosigner of an auto loan?

None. A cosigner is entering into a legally binding contract to repay the debt if the primary borrower defaults on the lending agreement. The cosigner does not have any other obligation nor ownership rights to the property.

Is the cosigner the only one responsible on the loan?

The primary borrower is responsible for making the payments and adhering to the terms of the lending contract. The cosigner is legally obligated only if the primary borrower defaults on the lending agreement or files bankruptcy (chapter 7).

Can you switch the cosigner to the primary?

Yes, you can switch the cosigner to the primary on a loan. The way to do this is to have the loan refinanced.

Would cosigning a car loan hurt you for a mortgage?

It may. When you cosign a loan it becomes your own debt. By cosigning you agree to be responsible for paying the loan balance if the primary borrower stops making payments. That's why the bank requires a cosigner. If you apply for a mortgage the lender will figure that debt into the calculations as to your ability to repay the mortgage you apply for.It may. When you cosign a loan it becomes your own debt. By cosigning you agree to be responsible for paying the loan balance if the primary borrower stops making payments. That's why the bank requires a cosigner. If you apply for a mortgage the lender will figure that debt into the calculations as to your ability to repay the mortgage you apply for.It may. When you cosign a loan it becomes your own debt. By cosigning you agree to be responsible for paying the loan balance if the primary borrower stops making payments. That's why the bank requires a cosigner. If you apply for a mortgage the lender will figure that debt into the calculations as to your ability to repay the mortgage you apply for.It may. When you cosign a loan it becomes your own debt. By cosigning you agree to be responsible for paying the loan balance if the primary borrower stops making payments. That's why the bank requires a cosigner. If you apply for a mortgage the lender will figure that debt into the calculations as to your ability to repay the mortgage you apply for.

Can a cosigner have a primary title holder taken off the title?

If you go to the registration office with the primary and have them give consent to the cosigner

Is a cosigner responsible for overage miles?

A cosigner is responsible for anything the primary party does not pay.

Is there a way for the cosigner to be removed as cosigner if primary owner defaults?

No. The purpose of requiring a co-signer is that in the case of a default by the primary borrower, the cosigner has agreed to be fully responsible for the loan. Therefore, if the borrower defaults, that's what you're there for if you're the cosigner.

Is the primary on a loan obligated to pay back a cosigner if the cosigner pays off the loan without the knowledge of the primary?

YES !!! He/she should certainly discuss it with the cosigner. It may be a gift or it may just be that the cosigner doesn't want to have that note appearing on his/her credit report. Whatever the reason, even if the cosigner did it as a gift, the primary should acknowledge and express appreciation. But be prepared if the cosigner expects the loan to be paid back.