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It won't hurt the engine, But it can cause it not to run are even start.

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Q: Can a faulty cam shaft synchronizer cause the engine to fail?
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Does a faulty crank shaft sensor cause a car to shut off?

Yes it can.

Where is the oil pump drive on a 1998 Ford Ranger with a 4.0 efi engine?

On a 4.0 liter EFI , V6 engine , in a 1998 Ford Ranger : The camshaft position synchronizer located on the top of the engine , near the centerline , at the rear of the engine near the firewall , has a shaft from the bottom that drives the oil pump * From what I understand you can't see the synchronizer with the upper intake manifold installed

Where is the cam shaft position sensor on a 1997 Ford Aerostar?

On a 1997 Ford Aerostar : From what I have read , the cam shaft position sensor ( which is on top of the cam shaft position synchronizer ) on the 4.0 liter EFI V6 engine is on the top of the engine , near the center line , at the rear of the engine near the firewall * apparently you can't see it without the upper intake manifold being removed

Does a faulty crank sensor or cam shaft sensor cause excessive oil use?

NO it will not. They have NOTHING to do with oil usage.

What drives oil pump 2003 ranger 3.0?

I'm not a mechanic / technician but I was looking at ford parts . com ( no spaces ) and it shows : A drive shaft from the bottom of the ( engine camshaft synchronizer ) to the ( oil pump )

Where is the cam shaft sensor in a 1998 Ford Ranger V6 4.0?

I'm not a mechanic / technician but from what I have read the Ford 4.0 liter EFI , V6 engine has the cam shaft position sensor ( on top of the synchronizer ) located on the top of the engine , near the centerline , at the rear of the engine near the firewall ( apparently you can't see it without the upper intake manifold removed )

Does the a faulty cam shaft sensor turn on service engine soon?

Yes it could you should have your a check up done for your car.

Need to find and replace the camshaft sensor on a 95 Ford Aerostar 3L?

IF it is the same as the 1997 3.0L, then remove the engine access cover inside the vehicle. It is atop a shaft called a synchronizer at the rear top of the engine. It is attached with two small bolts.

What cause the engine to have a knocking noise on 3.0 liter Toyota Avalon?

Crank Shaft.

How safe is it to drive a vehicle when the drive shaft is broken or faulty?

never drive any vehicle with a worn universal joint, you may cause serious injury to yourself or other drivers when the drive shaft lets loose on the road

Would a faulty ignition module cause the engine to try to run backwards on a 94 Corvette?

YES IT WILL not only on a 1994 but it happened to my 1988 corvette and the more that you try to start it the more damage you do to the gear on the distributor shaft which in my case runs the oil pump.gear was destroyed .you must then give many oil changes without running the engine to try to get the broken pieces out of the engine OR ELSE when you do get it running you will destroy the engine !!

Can a 5 speed from a v6 camaro be used on a v8?

DONT DO IT...THE INPUT SHAFT IS DIFFERENT! You will need to use a transmission input shaft for a v8. It will cause engine failure if you dont!